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# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" A group of action manager items. """

from functools import partial

from traits.api import Any, Bool, HasTraits, List, observe, Property, Str
from traits.trait_base import user_name_for

from pyface.action.action import Action

[docs]class Group(HasTraits): """ A group of action manager items. By default, a group declares itself as requiring a separator when it is visualized, but this can be changed by setting its 'separator' trait to False. """ # 'Group' interface ---- #: Is the group enabled? enabled = Bool(True) #: Is the group visible? visible = Bool(True) #: The group's unique identifier (only needs to be unique within the action #: manager that the group belongs to). id = Str() #: All of the items in the group. items = Property #: The action manager that the group belongs to. parent = Any # Instance('pyface.action.ActionManager') #: Does this group require a separator when it is visualized? separator = Bool(True) # Private interface ---- #: All of the items in the group. _items = List # (ActionManagerItem) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'object' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, *items, **traits): """ Creates a new menu manager. Parameters ---------- items : collection of ActionManagerItems Items to add to the group. """ # Base class constructor. super().__init__(**traits) # Add any specified items. for item in items: self.append(item) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'Group' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Trait Properties ----------------------------------------------------- def _get_items(self): return self._items[:] # Trait change handlers ------------------------------------------------ @observe("enabled") def _enabled_updated(self, event): for item in self.items: item.enabled = # Methods -------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def append(self, item): """ Appends an item to the group. Parameters ---------- item : ActionManagerItem, Action or callable The item to append. Returns ------- item : ActionManagerItem The actually inserted item. Notes ----- If the item is an ActionManagerItem instance it is simply appended. If the item is an Action instance, an ActionItem is created for the action, and that is appended. If the item is a callable, then an Action is created for the callable, and then that is handled as above. """ return self.insert(len(self._items), item)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all items from the group. """ self._items = []
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Called when the manager is no longer required. By default this method simply calls 'destroy' on all items in the group. """ for item in self.items: item.destroy()
[docs] def insert(self, index, item): """ Inserts an item into the group at the specified index. Parameters ---------- index : int The position to insert the item. item : ActionManagerItem, Action or callable The item to insert. Returns ------- item : ActionManagerItem The actually inserted item. Notes ----- If the item is an ActionManagerItem instance it is simply inserted. If the item is an Action instance, an ActionItem is created for the action, and that is inserted. If the item is a callable, then an Action is created for the callable, and then that is handled as above. """ from pyface.action.action_item import ActionItem if isinstance(item, Action): item = ActionItem(action=item) elif callable(item): name = user_name_for(item.__name__) item = ActionItem(action=Action(name=name, on_perform=item)) item.parent = self self._items.insert(index, item) return item
[docs] def remove(self, item): """ Removes an item from the group. Parameters ---------- item : ActionManagerItem The item to remove. """ self._items.remove(item) item.parent = None
[docs] def insert_before(self, before, item): """ Inserts an item into the group before the specified item. Parameters ---------- before : ActionManagerItem The item to insert before. item : ActionManagerItem, Action or callable The item to insert. Returns ------- index, item : int, ActionManagerItem The position inserted, and the item actually inserted. Notes ----- If the item is an ActionManagerItem instance it is simply inserted. If the item is an Action instance, an ActionItem is created for the action, and that is inserted. If the item is a callable, then an Action is created for the callable, and then that is handled as above. """ index = self._items.index(before) self.insert(index, item) return (index, item)
[docs] def insert_after(self, after, item): """ Inserts an item into the group after the specified item. Parameters ---------- before : ActionManagerItem The item to insert after. item : ActionManagerItem, Action or callable The item to insert. Returns ------- index, item : int, ActionManagerItem The position inserted, and the item actually inserted. Notes ----- If the item is an ActionManagerItem instance it is simply inserted. If the item is an Action instance, an ActionItem is created for the action, and that is inserted. If the item is a callable, then an Action is created for the callable, and then that is handled as above. """ index = self._items.index(after) self.insert(index + 1, item) return (index, item)
[docs] def find(self, id): """ Find the item with the specified id. Parameters ---------- id : str The id of the item Returns ------- item : ActionManagerItem The item with the specified Id, or None if no such item exists. """ for item in self._items: if == id: return item else: return None
[docs] @classmethod def factory(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a factory for a group with the given arguments. This is particularly useful for passing context to Tasks schema additions. """ return partial(cls, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Separator(Group): """ A convenience class. This is only used in 'cheap and cheerful' applications that create menus like:: file_menu = MenuManager( CopyAction(), Separator(), ExitAction() ) Hopefully, 'Separator' is more readable than 'Group'... """ pass