Source code for pyface.action.action_item

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" An action manager item that represents an actual action. """

from traits.api import Any, Instance, List, Property, Str, observe

from pyface.action.action import Action
from pyface.action.action_manager_item import ActionManagerItem

# Import the toolkit specific versions of the internal classes.
from pyface.toolkit import toolkit_object

_MenuItem = toolkit_object("action.action_item:_MenuItem")
_Tool = toolkit_object("action.action_item:_Tool")
_PaletteTool = toolkit_object("action.action_item:_PaletteTool")

[docs]class ActionItem(ActionManagerItem): """ An action manager item that represents an actual action. """ # 'ActionManagerItem' interface ---------------------------------------- #: The item's unique identifier ('unique' in this case means unique within #: its group). id = Property(Str) # 'ActionItem' interface ----------------------------------------------- #: The action! action = Instance(Action) #: The toolkit specific control created for this item. control = Any() #: The toolkit specific Id of the control created for this item. # #: We have to keep the Id as well as the control because wx tool bar tools #: are created as 'wxObjectPtr's which do not have Ids, and the Id is #: required to manipulate the state of a tool via the tool bar 8^( # FIXME v3: Why is this part of the public interface? control_id = Any() # Private interface ---------------------------------------------------- #: All of the internal instances that wrap this item. _wrappers = List(Any) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'ActionManagerItem' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Trait properties ----------------------------------------------------- def _get_id(self): return # Trait change handlers ------------------------------------------------ @observe('enabled') def _enabled_updated(self, event): self.action.enabled = @observe('visible') def _visible_updated(self, event): self.action.visible = @observe("_wrappers:items:control") def _on_destroy(self, event): """ Handle the destruction of the wrapper. """ if is None: self._wrappers.remove(event.object) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'ActionItem' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_to_menu(self, parent, menu, controller): """ Add the item to a menu. Parameters ---------- parent : toolkit control The parent of the new menu item control. menu : toolkit menu The menu to add the action item to. controller : pyface.action.action_controller.ActionController or None The controller to use. """ if (controller is None) or controller.can_add_to_menu(self.action): wrapper = _MenuItem(parent, menu, self, controller) # fixme: Martin, who uses this information? if controller is None: self.control = wrapper.control self.control_id = wrapper.control_id self._wrappers.append(wrapper)
[docs] def add_to_toolbar( self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, controller, show_labels=True ): """ Adds the item to a tool bar. Parameters ---------- parent : toolkit control The parent of the new menu item control. tool_bar : toolkit toolbar The toolbar to add the action item to. image_cache : ImageCache The image cache for resized images. controller : pyface.action.action_controller.ActionController or None The controller to use. show_labels : bool Should the toolbar item show a label. """ if (controller is None) or controller.can_add_to_toolbar(self.action): wrapper = _Tool( parent, tool_bar, image_cache, self, controller, show_labels ) # fixme: Martin, who uses this information? if controller is None: self.control = wrapper.control self.control_id = wrapper.control_id self._wrappers.append(wrapper)
[docs] def add_to_palette(self, tool_palette, image_cache, show_labels=True): """ Adds the item to a tool palette. Parameters ---------- parent : toolkit control The parent of the new menu item control. tool_palette : toolkit tool palette The tool palette to add the action item to. image_cache : ImageCache The image cache for resized images. show_labels : bool Should the toolbar item show a label. """ wrapper = _PaletteTool(tool_palette, image_cache, self, show_labels) self._wrappers.append(wrapper)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Called when the action is no longer required. By default this method calls 'destroy' on the action itself. """ self.action.destroy()