.. _advanced-scripting-with-mayavi: Advanced Scripting with Mayavi =============================== As elaborated in the :ref:`an-overview-of-mayavi` section, Mayavi can be scripted from Python in order to visualize data. Mayavi was designed from the ground up to be highly scriptable. Everything that can be done from the user interface can be achieved using Python scripts. Scripting the Mayavi2 application is a great way to add domain-specific functionality to the existing framework. In addition, understanding this application can help you design your own applications using Mayavi as powerful visualization library. If you are not looking to script the Mayavi2 application itself or to build an application, but looking for quick ways to get your visualization done with simple code you may want to check out Mayavi's `mlab` module. This is described in more detail in the :ref:`simple-scripting-with-mlab` section. In addition to this Mayavi features an automatic script recording feature that automatically writes Python scripts for you as you use the GUI. This is described in more detail in the :ref:`automatic-script-generation` chapter. This is probably the easiest and most powerful way to script Mayavi. However, to best understand how to script Mayavi, a reasonable understanding of the Mayavi internals is necessary. The following sections provide an overview of the basic design and objects in the Mayavi pipeline. Subsequent sections consider specific example scripts that are included with the Mayavi sources that illustrate the ideas. Mayavi uses Traits_ and TVTK_ internally. Traits_ in many ways changes the way we program. So it is important to have a good idea of Traits in order to understand Mayavi's internals. If you are unsure of Traits it is a good idea to get a general idea about Traits now. Trust me, your efforts learning Traits will not be wasted! .. _Traits: http://docs.enthought.com/traits .. _TVTK: http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/tvtk Design Overview: Mayavi as a visualization framework ----------------------------------------------------- This section provides a brief introduction to Mayavi's internal architecture. The "big picture" of a visualization in Mayavi is that an ``Engine`` (``mayavi.engine.Engine``) object manages the entire visualization. The ``Engine`` manages a collection of ``Scene`` (``mayavi.core.scene.Scene``) objects. In each ``Scene``, a user may have created any number of ``Source`` (``mayavi.core.source.Source``) objects. A ``Source`` object can further contain any number of ``Filter`` (``mayavi.core.filter.Filter``) or ``ModuleManager`` (``mayavi.core.module_manager.ModuleManager``) objects. A ``Filter`` may contain either other ``filters`` or ``ModuleManagers``. A ``ModuleManager`` manages any number of ``Modules``. The figure below shows this hierarchy in a graphical form. .. image:: images/m2_big_picture.png :alt: Illustration of the various objects in the Mayavi pipeline. *Illustration of the various objects in the Mayavi pipeline.* This hierarchy is precisely what is seen in the Mayavi tree view on the UI. The UI is therefore merely a graphical representation of this internal world-view. A little more detail on these objects is given below. For even more details please refer to the source code (hint: the source code of a class can be view in IPython by entering `Class??`). .. _oo_construction_visualization: Object-oriented construction of a visualization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When scripting Mayavi to create or modify a visualization, one mainly deals with adding or removing objects to the engine, or modifying their properties. We can thus rewrite the example of building a pipeline with mlab visited in :ref:`controlling-the-pipeline-with-mlab-scripts` by explicit calls to the engine:: import numpy as np a = np.random.random((4, 4)) from mayavi.api import Engine e = Engine() e.start() s = e.new_scene() from mayavi.sources.api import ArraySource src = ArraySource(scalar_data=a) e.add_source(src) from mayavi.filters.api import WarpScalar, PolyDataNormals warp = WarpScalar() e.add_filter(warp, obj=src) normals = PolyDataNormals() e.add_filter(normals, obj=warp) from mayavi.modules.api import Surface surf = Surface() e.add_module(surf, obj=normals) As with all Mayavi code, you need to have the GUI mainloop running to have the visualization go live. To do this, type ``ipython --gui=qt`` in a Terminal or Command Prompt. This explicit, object-oriented, code thus mirrors the `mlab.pipeline` code. It is more fine-grained, and gives you more control. For instance it separates initialization of the objects, and their addition or removal to an engine. In general, it is more suited to developing an application, as opposed to a script. Life-cycle of the different objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All objects in the Mayavi pipeline feature ``start`` and ``stop`` methods. The reasoning for this is that any object in Mayavi is not usable (i.e. it may not provide any outputs) unless it has been started. Similarly the ``stop`` method "deactivates" the object. This is done because Mayavi is essentially driving VTK objects underneath. These objects require inputs in order to do anything useful. Thus, an object that is not connected to the pipeline cannot be used. For example, consider an ``IsoSurface`` module. It requires some data in order to contour anything. Thus, the module in isolation is completely useless. It is usable only when it is added to the Mayavi pipeline. When an object is added to the pipeline, its inputs are setup and its ``start`` method is called automatically. When the object is removed from the pipeline its ``stop`` method is called automatically. Note that if you are looking to remove an object from the mayavi pipeline, you can use the ``remove`` method to do so. For example (the following will require that you use `ipython --gui=qt`):: >>> from mayavi.api import Engine >>> e = Engine() >>> e.start() >>> s = e.new_scene() >>> from mayavi.sources.api import ParametricSurface >>> p = ParametricSurface() >>> e.add_source(p) # calls p.start internally. >>> p.remove() # Removes p from the engine. Apart from the ``Engine`` object, all other objects in the Mayavi pipeline feature a ``scene`` trait which refers to the current ``tvtk.pyface.tvtk_scene.TVTKScene`` instance that the object is associated with. The objects also feature an ``add_child`` method that lets one build up the pipeline by adding "children" objects. The ``add_child`` method is "intelligent" and will try to appropriately add the child in the right place based on the context. Scripting the ``mayavi2`` application ------------------------------------- The ``mayavi2`` application is implemented in the ``mayavi.scripts.mayavi2`` module (look at the ``mayavi2.py`` file and not the ``mayavi2`` script). This code handles the command line argument parsing and runs the application. ``mayavi2`` is an Envisage_ application. It starts the Envisage application in its ``main`` method. The code for this is in the ``mayavi.plugins.app`` module. Mayavi uses several envisage plugins to build up its functionality. These plugins are defined in the ``mayavi.plugins.app`` module. In this module there are two functions that return a list of default plugins, ``get_plugins`` and the ``get_non_gui_plugins``. The default application uses the former which produces a GUI that the user can use. If one uses the latter (``get_non_gui_plugins``) then the mayavi tree view, object editor and menu items will not be available when the application is run. This allows a developer to create an application that uses mayavi but does not show its user interface. An example of how this may be done is provided in ``examples/mayavi/nongui.py``. .. _Envisage: http://docs.enthought.com/envisage Scripting from the UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the ``mayavi2`` application, it is possible to script from the embedded Python interpreter on the UI. On the interpreter the name ``mayavi`` is automatically bound to an ``mayavi.plugins.script.Script`` instance that may be used to easily script mayavi. This instance is a simple wrapper object that merely provides some nice conveniences while scripting from the UI. It has an ``engine`` trait that is a reference to the running mayavi engine. Note that it is just as convenient to use an ``Engine`` instance itself to script mayavi. As described in :ref:`the-embedded-python-interpreter` section, one can always drag a mayavi pipeline object from the tree and drop it on the interpreter to script it directly. One may select the `File->Open Text File...` menu to open an existing Python file in the text editor, or choose the `File->New Text File` menu to create a new file. The text editor is Python-aware and one may write a script assuming that the ``mayavi`` name is bound to the ``Script`` instance as it is on the shell. To execute this script one can press ``Control-r`` as described earlier. ``Control-s`` will save the script. ``Control-b`` increases the font size and ``Control-n`` reduces it. The nice thing about this kind of scripting is that if one scripts something on the interpreter or on the editor, one may save the contents to a file, say ``script.py`` and then the next time this script can be run like so:: $ mayavi2 -x script.py This will execute the script for automatically. The name ``mayavi`` is available to the script and is bound to the ``Script`` instance. This is very convenient. It is possible to have mayavi execute multiple scripts. For example:: $ mayavi2 -d foo.vtk -m IsoSurface -x setup_iso.py -x script2.py will load the ``foo.vtk`` file, create an ``IsoSurface`` module, then run ``setup_iso.py`` and then run ``script2.py``. There are several scripts in the mayavi ``examples`` directory that should show how this can be done. The ``examples/README.txt`` contains some information on the recommended ways to script. Scripting from IPython ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to script Mayavi using IPython_. IPython will have to be invoked with the ``--gui=qt`` command line option in order to allow one to interactively script the mayavi application:: $ ipython --gui=qt To start a visualization do the following:: from mayavi.plugins.app import main # Note, this does not process any command line arguments. mayavi = main() # 'mayavi' is the mayavi Script instance. It is also possible to use `mlab` (see :ref:`simple-scripting-with-mlab`) for this purpose:: from mayavi import mlab f = mlab.figure() # Returns the current scene. engine = mlab.get_engine() # Returns the running mayavi engine. With this it should be possible to script Mayavi just the way it is done on the embedded interpreter or on the text editor. .. _IPython: http://ipython.scipy.org An example ~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an example script that illustrates various features of scripting Mayavi (note that this will work if you execute the following from the embedded Python shell inside Mayavi or if you run it as ``mayavi2 -x script.py``):: # Create a new mayavi scene. mayavi.new_scene() # Get the current active scene. s = mayavi.engine.current_scene # Read a data file. d = mayavi.open('fire_ug.vtu') # Import a few modules. from mayavi.modules.api import Outline, IsoSurface, Streamline # Show an outline. o = Outline() mayavi.add_module(o) o.actor.property.color = 1, 0, 0 # red color. # Make a few contours. iso = IsoSurface() mayavi.add_module(iso) iso.contour.contours = [450, 570] # Make them translucent. iso.actor.property.opacity = 0.4 # Show the scalar bar (legend). iso.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.show_scalar_bar = True # A streamline. st = Streamline() mayavi.add_module(st) # Position the seed center. st.seed.widget.center = 3.5, 0.625, 1.25 st.streamline_type = 'tube' # Save the resulting image to a PNG file. s.scene.save('test.png') # Make an animation: for i in range(36): # Rotate the camera by 10 degrees. s.scene.camera.azimuth(10) # Resets the camera clipping plane so everything fits and then # renders. s.scene.reset_zoom() # Save the scene. s.scene.save_png('anim%d.png'%i) Sometimes, given a Mayavi ``Script`` instance or ``Engine``, it is handy to be able to navigate to a particular module/object. In the above this could be achieved as follows:: x = mayavi.engine.scenes[0].children[0].children[0].children[-1] print(x) In this case ``x`` will be set to the ``Streamline`` instance that we just created. There are plenty of examples illustrating various things in the ``examples/mayavi`` directory. These are all fairly well documented. In particular, the ``standalone.py`` example illustrates how one can script mayavi without using the envisage application at all. The ``offscreen.py`` example illustrates how this may be done using off screen rendering (if supported by your particular build of VTK). ``examples/README.txt`` contains some information on the recommended ways to script and some additional information. Using the Mayavi envisage plugins --------------------------------- The Mayavi-related plugin definitions to use are: * ``mayavi_plugin.py`` * ``mayavi_ui_plugin.py`` These are in the ``mayavi.plugins`` package. To see an example of how to use this see the ``mayavi.plugins.app`` module. The explorer3D example in ``examples/mayavi/explorer`` also demonstrates how to use Mayavi as an envisage plugin. If you are writing Envisage plugins for an application and desire to use the Mayavi plugins from your plugins/applications then it is important to note that Mayavi creates three workbench service offers for your convenience. These are: * ``mayavi.plugins.script.Script``: This is an ``mayavi.plugins.script.Script`` instance that may be used to easily script mayavi. It is a simple wrapper object that merely provides some nice conveniences while scripting from the UI. It has an ``engine`` trait that is a reference to the running Mayavi engine. * ``mayavi.core.engine.Engine``: This is the running Mayavi engine instance. A simple example that demonstrates the use of the Mayavi plugin in an envisage application is included in the ``examples/mayavi/explorer`` directory. This may be studied to understand how you may do the same in your envisage applications. .. Local Variables: mode: rst indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 End: