Source code for envisage.ui.workbench.workbench_window
# (C) Copyright 2007-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" An extensible workbench window. """
# Standard library imports.
import logging
# Enthought library imports.
import pyface.workbench.api as pyface
from pyface.action.api import StatusBarManager
from traits.api import Delegate, Instance, List, Property, provides
from envisage.api import (
from envisage.ui.action.api import ActionSet
# Local imports.
from .workbench_action_manager_builder import WorkbenchActionManagerBuilder
from .workbench_editor_manager import WorkbenchEditorManager
# Logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]@provides(IServiceRegistry, IExtensionPointUser)
class WorkbenchWindow(pyface.WorkbenchWindow):
"""An extensible workbench window."""
# Extension point Ids.
ACTION_SETS = "envisage.ui.workbench.action_sets"
VIEWS = "envisage.ui.workbench.views"
PERSPECTIVES = "envisage.ui.workbench.perspectives"
SERVICE_OFFERS = "envisage.ui.workbench.service_offers"
#### 'WorkbenchWindow' interface ##########################################
# The application that the window is part of.
# This is equivalent to 'self.workbench.application', and is provided just
# as a convenience since windows often want access to the application.
application = Delegate("workbench", modify=True)
# The action sets that provide the toolbars, menus groups and actions
# used in the window.
action_sets = List(Instance(ActionSet))
# The service registry for 'per window' services.
service_registry = Instance(IServiceRegistry, factory=ServiceRegistry)
#### 'IExtensionPointUser' interface ######################################
# The extension registry that the object's extension points are stored in.
extension_registry = Property(Instance(IExtensionRegistry))
#### Private interface ####################################################
# The workbench menu and tool bar builder.
# The builder is used to create the window's tool bar and menu bar by
# combining all of the contributed action sets.
_action_manager_builder = Instance(WorkbenchActionManagerBuilder)
# Contributed action sets (each contribution is actually a factory).
_action_sets = ExtensionPoint(id=ACTION_SETS)
# Contributed views (each contribution is actually a factory).
_views = ExtensionPoint(id=VIEWS)
# Contributed perspectives (each contribution is actually a factory).
_perspectives = ExtensionPoint(id=PERSPECTIVES)
# Contributed service offers.
_service_offers = ExtensionPoint(id=SERVICE_OFFERS)
# The Ids of the services that were automatically registered.
_service_ids = List
# 'IExtensionPointUser' interface.
def _get_extension_registry(self):
"""Trait property getter."""
return self.application
# 'pyface.Window' interface.
#### Trait initializers ###################################################
def _menu_bar_manager_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return self._action_manager_builder.create_menu_bar_manager("MenuBar")
def _status_bar_manager_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return StatusBarManager()
def _tool_bar_managers_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return self._action_manager_builder.create_tool_bar_managers("ToolBar")
#### Trait change handlers ################################################
def _opening_changed(self):
"""Static trait change handler."""
self._service_ids = self._register_service_offers(self._service_offers)
def _closed_changed(self):
"""Static trait change handler."""
# 'pyface.WorkbenchWindow' interface.
#### Trait initializers ###################################################
def _editor_manager_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return WorkbenchEditorManager(window=self)
def _icon_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return self.workbench.application.icon
def _perspectives_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return [factory() for factory in self._perspectives]
def _title_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
def _views_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return [factory(window=self) for factory in self._views]
# 'WorkbenchWindow' interface.
def _action_sets_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
return [factory(window=self) for factory in self._action_sets]
# 'IServiceRegistry' interface.
[docs] def get_service(self, protocol, query="", minimize="", maximize=""):
"""Return at most one service that matches the specified query."""
service = self.service_registry.get_service(
protocol, query, minimize, maximize
return service
[docs] def get_service_properties(self, service_id):
"""Return the dictionary of properties associated with a service."""
return self.service_registry.get_service_properties(service_id)
[docs] def get_services(self, protocol, query="", minimize="", maximize=""):
"""Return all services that match the specified query."""
services = self.service_registry.get_services(
protocol, query, minimize, maximize
return services
[docs] def register_service(self, protocol, obj, properties=None):
"""Register a service."""
service_id = self.service_registry.register_service(
protocol, obj, properties
return service_id
[docs] def set_service_properties(self, service_id, properties):
"""Set the dictionary of properties associated with a service."""
self.service_registry.set_service_properties(service_id, properties)
[docs] def unregister_service(self, service_id):
"""Unregister a service."""
# Private interface.
def __action_manager_builder_default(self):
"""Trait initializer."""
action_manager_builder = WorkbenchActionManagerBuilder(
window=self, action_sets=self.action_sets
return action_manager_builder
def _register_service_offers(self, service_offers):
"""Register all service offers."""
return list(map(self._register_service_offer, service_offers))
def _register_service_offer(self, service_offer):
"""Register a service offer."""
# Add the window to the service offer properties (this is so that it
# is available to the factory when it is called to create the actual
# service).["window"] = self
service_id = self.register_service(
return service_id
def _unregister_service_offers(self, service_ids):
"""Unregister all service offers."""
# Unregister the services in the reverse order that we registered
# them.
service_ids_copy = service_ids[:]
for service_id in service_ids_copy: