Source code for envisage.ui.tasks.tasks_plugin
# (C) Copyright 2007-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
# Enthought library imports.
from traits.api import Callable, Instance, List
from envisage.api import ExtensionPoint, Plugin, ServiceOffer
# Local imports.
from .preferences_category import PreferencesCategory
# Constants.
PKG = ".".join(__name__.split(".")[:-1])
[docs]class TasksPlugin(Plugin):
"""The Envisage Tasks plugin.
The Tasks plugin uses Pyface Tasks to provide an extensible framework for
building user interfaces. For more information, see the Tasks User Manual.
# The IDs of the extension point that this plugin offers.
PREFERENCES_CATEGORIES = PKG + ".preferences_categories"
PREFERENCES_PANES = PKG + ".preferences_panes"
TASKS = PKG + ".tasks"
TASK_EXTENSIONS = PKG + ".task_extensions"
# The IDs of the extension points that this plugin contributes to.
SERVICE_OFFERS = "envisage.service_offers"
#### 'IPlugin' interface ##################################################
#: The plugin's unique identifier.
id = "envisage.ui.tasks"
#: The plugin's name (suitable for displaying to the user).
name = "Tasks"
#### Extension points offered by this plugin ##############################
#: Contributed preference categories. Contributions to this extension
#: point must have type ``PreferencesCategory``. Preference categories
#: will be created automatically if necessary; this extension point is
#: useful when ensuring that a category is inserted at a specific location.
preferences_categories = ExtensionPoint(
This extension point makes preference categories available to the
application. Note that preference categories will be created
automatically if necessary; this extension point is useful when one
wants to ensure that a category is inserted at a specific location.
#: Contributed preference pane factories. Each contribution to this
#: extension point must be a callable with the signature
#: ``callable(**traits) -> PreferencePane``.
preferences_panes = ExtensionPoint(
A preferences pane appears in the preferences dialog to allow the user
manipulate certain preference values.
Each contribution to this extension point must be a factory that
creates a preferences pane, where 'factory' means any callable with the
following signature::
callable(**traits) -> PreferencesPane
The easiest way to contribute such a factory is to create a class
that derives from 'envisage.ui.tasks.api.PreferencesPane'.
#: Contributed task factories. Contributions to this extension point
#: must have type ``TaskFactory``.
tasks = ExtensionPoint(
This extension point makes tasks avaiable to the application.
Each contribution to the extension point must be an instance of
#: Contributed task extensions. Contributions to this extension point
#: must have type ``TaskExtension``.
task_extensions = ExtensionPoint(
This extension point permits the contribution of new actions and panes
to existing tasks (without creating a new task).
Each contribution to the extension point must be an instance of
#### Contributions to extension points made by this plugin ################
my_service_offers = List(contributes_to=SERVICE_OFFERS)
def _my_service_offers_default(self):
preferences_dialog_service_offer = ServiceOffer(
return [preferences_dialog_service_offer]
my_task_extensions = List(contributes_to=TASK_EXTENSIONS)
def _my_task_extensions_default(self):
from pyface.tasks.action.api import DockPaneToggleGroup, SchemaAddition
from .action.exit_action import ExitAction
from .action.preferences_action import PreferencesGroup
from .task_extension import TaskExtension
actions = [
SchemaAddition(id="Exit", factory=ExitAction, path="MenuBar/File"),
id="Preferences", factory=PreferencesGroup, path="MenuBar/Edit"
return [TaskExtension(actions=actions)]
# Private interface.
def _create_preferences_dialog_service(self):
"""Factory method for preferences dialog service."""
from .preferences_dialog import PreferencesDialog
dialog = PreferencesDialog(application=self.application)
factory(dialog=dialog) for factory in self.preferences_panes
return dialog