Source code for envisage.ui.tasks.preferences_dialog

# (C) Copyright 2007-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
# Enthought library imports.
from pyface.tasks.topological_sort import before_after_sort
from traits.api import Bool, HasTraits, Instance, List, on_trait_change, Str
from traitsui.api import Handler, Item, ListEditor, View

# Local imports.
from .preferences_category import PreferencesCategory
from .preferences_pane import PreferencesPane

[docs]class PreferencesTab(HasTraits): """An object used internally by PreferencesDialog.""" name = Str panes = List(PreferencesPane) view = View( Item( "panes", editor=ListEditor(style="custom"), show_label=False, style="readonly", ), resizable=True, )
[docs]class PreferencesDialog(Handler): """A dialog for editing preferences.""" #### 'PreferencesDialog' interface ######################################## # The application that created and is managing this dialog. application = Instance("envisage.ui.tasks.api.TasksApplication") # The list of categories to use when building the dialog. categories = List(PreferencesCategory) # The list of panes to use when building the dialog. panes = List(PreferencesPane) # Should the Apply button be shown? show_apply = Bool(False) #### Private interface #################################################### _tabs = List(PreferencesTab) _selected = Instance(PreferencesTab) ########################################################################### # Public interface ###########################################################################
[docs] def select_pane(self, pane_id): """ Find and activate the notebook tab that contains the given pane id. """ for tab in self._tabs: for pane in tab.panes: if == pane_id: self._selected = tab return
########################################################################### # 'HasTraits' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def trait_context(self): """Returns the default context to use for editing or configuring traits. """ return {"object": self, "handler": self}
[docs] def traits_view(self): """Build the dynamic dialog view.""" buttons = ["OK", "Cancel"] if self.show_apply: buttons = ["Apply"] + buttons # Only show the tab bar if there is more than one category. tabs_style = "custom" if len(self._tabs) > 1 else "readonly" return View( Item( "_tabs", editor=ListEditor( page_name=".name", style="custom", use_notebook=True, selected="_selected", ), show_label=False, style=tabs_style, ), buttons=buttons, kind="livemodal", resizable=True, title="Preferences", )
########################################################################### # 'Handler' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def apply(self, info=None): """Handles the Apply button being clicked.""" for tab in self._tabs: for pane in tab.panes: pane.apply()
[docs] def close(self, info, is_ok): """ Handles the user attempting to close a dialog-based user interface. """ if is_ok: self.apply() return super().close(info, is_ok)
########################################################################### # Protected interface. ########################################################################### @on_trait_change("categories, panes") def _update_tabs(self): # Build a { category id -> [ PreferencePane ] } map. categories = self.categories[:] category_map = dict((, []) for category in categories) for pane in self.panes: if pane.category in category_map: category_map[pane.category].append(pane) else: categories.append(PreferencesCategory(id=pane.category)) category_map[pane.category] = [pane] # Construct the appropriately sorted list of preference tabs. tabs = [] for category in before_after_sort(categories): panes = before_after_sort(category_map[]) tabs.append(PreferencesTab(, panes=panes)) self._tabs = tabs