Source code for envisage.i_application

# (C) Copyright 2007-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" The application interface. """

# Enthought library imports.
from apptools.preferences.api import IPreferences
from traits.api import Event, Instance, Str, VetoableEvent

from .application_event import ApplicationEvent

# Local imports.
from .i_extension_registry import IExtensionRegistry
from .i_import_manager import IImportManager
from .i_plugin_manager import IPluginManager
from .i_service_registry import IServiceRegistry

[docs]class IApplication( IExtensionRegistry, IImportManager, IPluginManager, IServiceRegistry ): """The application interface.""" #: The application's globally unique identifier. id = Str #: The name of a directory (created for you) to which the application can #: read and write non-user accessible data, i.e. configuration information, #: preferences, etc. home = Str #: The name of a directory (created for you upon access) to which the #: application can read and write user-accessible data, e.g. projects #: created by the user. user_data = Str #: The root preferences node. preferences = Instance(IPreferences) #### Events #### #: Fired when the application is starting. This is the first thing that #: happens when the 'start' method is called. starting = VetoableEvent(ApplicationEvent) #: Fired when all plugins have been started. started = Event(ApplicationEvent) #: Fired when the plugin manager is stopping. This is the first thing that #: happens when the 'stop' method is called. stopping = VetoableEvent(ApplicationEvent) #: Fired when all plugins have been stopped. stopped = Event(ApplicationEvent)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the application. The same as:: if application.start(): application.stop() """