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Enaml Grammar Reference

Five operators have special meaning in Enaml syntax: assignment, delegation, subscription, update and notification

“=” Default Assignment Operator

Use when you want to initialize the left hand side only once. Supports full Python expression syntax on the right hand side.


enamldef MyView(Container):
        text = "My Label's Text"

”:=” Delegation Operator

Use when you want a bidirectional syncronization between a variable/ui-element on the left hand side and an assignable expression on the right hand side. Supports ‘assignable’ expressions on the right hand side. Assignable expressions are expressions that can be used on the left hand side of the Python “=” operator. getattr is also supported as a special case and is equivalent to an attribute access expression.


enamldef MyView(Container):
    attr model

        text = "Enabled"
        checked := model.enabled

“<<” Subscription Operator

Use when you want a variable/ui-element on the left hand side to subscribe to the external world. Supports full Python expression syntax on right hand side.


enamldef MyView(Container):
    attr model

        value << int(model.progress_percentage) + 1

“>>” Update Operator

Use when you want to notify the external world about any changes in a variable/ui-element. Supports ‘assignable’ expressions on the right hand side. Assignable expressions are expressions that can be used on left hand side of Python “=” operator. getattr is also supported as a special case and is set to be equivalent to an attribute assignment expression.


enamldef MyView(Container):
    attr model

        value >> model.value

”::” Notification Operator

Use when you just want to execute multiple statements whenever a variable/ui-element changes. ‘::’ supports full Python grammar except: ‘def’, ‘class’, ‘lambda’, ‘return’, and ‘yield’ on the right hand side.


enamldef MyView(Container):
        text = "Click Me!"
        clicked ::
            print "Somebody clicked me!"
        text = "Click Me Too!"
        clicked :: print "Single line statement!"