Source code for enaml.signaling

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from types import MethodType
from weakref import ref

from .callableref import CallableRef
from .weakmethod import WeakMethod

#: The key used to store the signals in an object's __dict__
_SIGNALS_KEY = '_[signals]'

[docs]class Signal(object): """ A descriptor which provides notification functionality similar to Qt signals and slots. A Signal is used by creating an instance in the body of a class definition. Slots (callables) are connected to the signal through the `connect` and `disconnect` methods. A signal can be emitted by calling the `emit` method passing arbitrary positional and keyword arguments. If a bound method is connected to a signal, then that slot will be automatically disconnected when the underlying object instance is garbage collected. """ __slots__ = () @staticmethod def disconnect_all(obj): """ Disconnect all slots connected to all signals on an object. Parameters ---------- obj : object An object which has signals. Any slots connected to signals on this object will be disconnected. """ dct = obj.__dict__ key = _SIGNALS_KEY if key in dct: del dct[key] def __get__(self, obj, cls): """ The data descriptor getter. Returns ------- result : Signal or BoundSignal If the descriptor is accessed through the class, then this Signal will be returned. Otherwise, a BoundSignal for the object will be returned. """ if obj is None: return self return BoundSignal(self, ref(obj)) def __set__(self, obj, val): """ The data descriptor setter. Attempting to assign to a Signal will raise an AttributeError. """ raise AttributeError("can't set read only Signal") def __delete__(self, obj): """ The data descriptor deleter. This will disconnect all slots connected to this signal owned by the given object. """ dct = obj.__dict__ key = _SIGNALS_KEY if key not in dct: return signals = dct[key] if self not in signals: return del signals[self] if len(signals) == 0: del dct[key]
class _Disconnector(object): """ An object which disconnects a slot from a signal when the slot is garbage collected. This class is a private implementation detail of signaling and is not meant for public consumption. """ __slots__ = ('_signal', '_objref') def __init__(self, signal, objref): """ Initialize a _Disconnector. Parameters ---------- signal : Signal The Signal instance associated with this disconnector. objref : weakref A weak reference to the object which owns the signal. """ self._signal = signal self._objref = objref def __call__(self, slot): """ Disconnect the slot from the signal. Parameters ---------- slot : callable The slot to be disconnected from the signal. """ obj = self._objref() if obj is None: return key = _SIGNALS_KEY dct = obj.__dict__ if key not in dct: return signals = dct[key] signal = self._signal if signal not in signals: return slots = signals[signal] try: slots.remove(slot) except ValueError: pass else: # A _Disconnector is the first item in the list and is # created on demand. The list is deleted when that is the # only item remaining. if len(slots) == 1: del signals[signal] if len(signals) == 0: del dct[key]
[docs]class BoundSignal(object): """ A bound Signal object. Instances of this class are created on the fly by a Signal. This class performs the actual work for connecting, disconnecting, and emitting signals. """ __slots__ = ('_signal', '_objref')
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, objref): """ Initialize a BoundSignal. Parameters ---------- signal : Signal The Signal instance which created this BoundSignal. objref : weakref A weak reference to the object which owns the signal. The weakref should not have been created with a callback, as the internal implementation depends on the semantics of weakrefs created without callbacks. """ self._signal = signal self._objref = objref
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Custom equality checking for a BoundSignal. A BoundSignal will compare equal to another BoundSignal if the unerlying Signal and object reference are equal. This equality is part of the mechanism which allows a signal to be connected to another signal. """ if isinstance(other, BoundSignal): signal = self._signal objref = self._objref return signal is other._signal and objref is other._objref return False
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Custom call support for a BoundSignal. Calling a signal is indentical invoking the `emit` method. By making a signal callable, it is possible to directly connect a signal to another signal. Parameters ---------- *args, **kwargs The positional and keyword arguments to pass to the slots connected to the signal. """ self.emit(*args, **kwargs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public API #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def emit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Emit the signal with the given arguments and keywords. If a connected slot raises an exceptions, no further slots will be invoked and the exception will be bubbled up. Parameters ---------- *args, **kwargs The positional and keyword arguments to pass to the slots connected to the signal. """ obj = self._objref() if obj is None: return dct = obj.__dict__ key = _SIGNALS_KEY if key not in dct: return signals = dct[key] signal = self._signal if signal not in signals: return # Make a copy of the list of slots since calling a slot has the # potential to modify the slots list. The first item in the list # is skipped since it is the disconnector for the signal. Putting # the disconnector in the list saves time and space. slots = signals[signal][1:] for slot in slots: slot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def connect(self, slot): """ Connect the given slot to the signal. The slot will be called when the signal is emitted. It will be passed any positional and keyword arguments that were emitted with the signal. Multiple slots connected to a signal will be invoked in the order in which they were connected. Slots which are instance methods will be automatically disconnected when their underlying instance is garbage collected. Parameters ---------- slot : callable The callable slot to invoke when the signal is emitted. """ obj = self._objref() if obj is None: return dct = obj.__dict__ key = _SIGNALS_KEY if key in dct: signals = dct[key] else: signals = dct[key] = {} signal = self._signal if signal in signals: slots = signals[signal] d = slots[0] else: d = _Disconnector(signal, self._objref) slots = signals[signal] = [d] if isinstance(slot, MethodType) and slot.im_self is not None: slot = CallableRef(WeakMethod(slot), d) slots.append(slot)
[docs] def disconnect(self, slot): """ Disconnect the slot from the signal. If the slot was not previously connected, this is a no-op. Parameters ---------- slot : callable The callable slot to disconnect from the signal. """ if isinstance(slot, MethodType) and slot.im_self is not None: slot = CallableRef(WeakMethod(slot)) _Disconnector(self._signal, self._objref)(slot) # Use the faster version of signaling if it's available.
try: from enaml.extensions.signaling import Signal, BoundSignal, _Disconnector except ImportError: pass