Source code for enaml.resource_manager

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import logging
from urlparse import urlparse

from traits.api import HasTraits, Dict, Str

from .icon_provider import IconProvider
from .image_provider import ImageProvider

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ResourceManager(HasTraits): """ A class which manages resource loading for a `Session`. A `ResourceManager` is used by a `Session` object to load resources when a url resource request is made by a client session. Users work with the manager by assigning provider objects associated with a host name. For example, a user can provide an image for the url `image://filesystem/c:/foo/bar.png` by assigning an `ImageProvider` instace to the `image_providers` dict with the key `filesystem`. """ #: A dict mapping provider location to image provider object. When #: a resource `image://foo/bar/baz` is requested, the image provider #: provider `foo` is use to request path `/bar/baz`. image_providers = Dict(Str, ImageProvider) #: A dict of icon providers for the `icon://...` scheme. icon_providers = Dict(Str, IconProvider)
[docs] def load(self, url, metadata, reply): """ Load a resource from the manager. Parameters ---------- url : str The url pointing to the resource to load. metadata : dict Additional metadata required to load the resource of the given type. See the individual loading handlers for the supported metadata. reply : URLReply A url reply which will be invoked with the loaded resource object, or None if the loading fails. It must be safe to invoke this reply from a thread. """ scheme = urlparse(url).scheme handler = getattr(self, '_load_' + scheme, None) if handler is None: msg = 'unhandled url resource scheme: `%s`' logger.error(msg % url) reply(None) return handler(url, metadata, reply) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _load_image(self, url, metadata, reply): """ Load an image resource. This is a private handler method called by the `load` method. It should not be called directly by user code. Parameters ---------- url : str The url pointing to the image to load. metadata : dict The image loader accepts optional 'size' metadata which is the desired size with which to load the image. The default is (-1, -1) which indicates the images natural size should be used. reply : URLReply A url reply which will be invoked with the loaded image object, or None if the loading fails. It must be safe to invoke this reply from a thread. """ spec = urlparse(url) provider = self.image_providers.get(spec.netloc) if provider is None: msg = 'no image provider registered for url: `%s`' logger.error(msg % url) reply(None) return size = metadata.get('size', (-1, -1)) provider.request_image(spec.path, size, reply) def _load_icon(self, url, metadata, reply): """ Load an icon resource. This is a private handler method called by the `load` method. It should not be called directly by user code. Parameters ---------- url : str The url pointing to the icon to load. metadata : dict The icon loader does not accept any metadata. Any data in this dict will be ignored. reply : URLReply A url reply which will be invoked with the loaded icon object, or None if the loading fails. It must be safe to invoke this reply from a thread. """ spec = urlparse(url) provider = self.icon_providers.get(spec.netloc) if provider is None: msg = 'no icon provider registered for url: `%s`' logger.error(msg % url) reply(None) return provider.request_icon(spec.path, reply)