Source code for enaml.core.trait_types

#  Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from traits.api import TraitType, TraitError, BaseInstance
from traits.traits import CTrait

# Enaml Instance
[docs]class EnamlInstance(TraitType): """ A custom TraitType which serves as a simple isinstance(...) validator. This class serves as the base class for other custom trait types such as EnamlEvent. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def is_valid_type(obj): """ A static method which returns whether or not the given object can be used as the type in an isinstance(..., type) expression. Paramters --------- obj : object The object which should behave like a type for the purpose of an isinstance check. This means the object is type or defines an '__instancecheck__' method. Returns ------- result : bool True if the object is a type or defines a method named '__instancecheck__', False otherwise. """ return isinstance(obj, type) or hasattr(obj, '__instancecheck__')
[docs] def __init__(self, base_type=object): """ Initialize an EnamlInstance. Parameters ---------- base_type : type-like object, optional An object that behaves like a type for the purposes of a call to isinstance. The staticmethod 'is_valid_attr_type' defined on this class can be used to test a type before creating an instance of this class. It is assumed that the given type passes that test. The default is object. """ if not EnamlInstance.is_valid_type(base_type): msg = '%s is not a valid type object' raise TypeError(msg % base_type) super(EnamlInstance, self).__init__() self.base_type = base_type
[docs] def validate(self, obj, name, value): """ The validation handler for an EnamlInstace. It performs a simple isinstance(...) check using the attribute type provided to the constructor. """ if not isinstance(value, self.base_type): self.error(obj, name, value) return value
[docs] def full_info(self, obj, name, value): """ Overridden parent class method to compute an appropriate info string for use in error messages. """ return 'an instance of %s' % self.base_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Enaml Event #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EnamlEventDispatcher(object): """ A thin object which is used to dispatch a notification for an EnamlEvent. Instances of this class are callable with at most one argument, which will be the payload of the event. Instances of this dispatcher should not be held onto, since they maintain a strong reference to the underlying object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, trait, obj, name): """ Initialize an event dispatcher. Parameters ---------- trait : Instance(TraitType) The trait type instance on which validate will be called with the event payload. obj : Instance(HasTraits) The HasTraits object on which the event is being emitted. name : string The name of the event being emitted. """ self._trait = trait self._obj = obj self._name = name
[docs] def __call__(self, payload=None): """ Dispatches the event with the given payload. Paramters --------- payload : object, optional The payload argument of the event. This object will be validated against the type declared for the event. The default payload is None. """ obj = self._obj name = self._name self._trait.validate(obj, name, payload) obj.trait_property_changed(name, None, payload)
[docs]class EnamlEvent(EnamlInstance): """ A custom EnamlInstance that is used to implement the event type in Enaml. An EnamlEvent is read-only, and returns a dispatcher which can be called to emit the event. """
[docs] def get(self, obj, name): """ The trait getter method. Returns an EnamlEventDispatcher instance which can be called to emit the event. """ return EnamlEventDispatcher(self, obj, name)
[docs] def set(self, obj, name, value): """ The trait setter method. Fires off a EnamlEventDispatcher as if the event were called with the payload. """ EnamlEventDispatcher(self, obj, name)(value)
[docs] def full_info(self, obj, name, value): """ Overridden parent class method to compute an appropriate info string for use in error messages. """ return 'emitted with an object of %s' % self.base_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bounded #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Bounded(TraitType): """ Generic Bounded Trait class. The class defines a generic Trait where the value is validated on assigment to fall between low and high (static or dynamic) bounds. """ info_text = "Bounded value"
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, low=None, high=None, **metadata): """ Arguments --------- value : The default value. It can be a python object or a Trait. low : The lower bound of the Trait. high : The upper bound of the Trait. """ if isinstance(value, CTrait): self.validate = self.validate_with_trait default_value = value.default else: self.validate = self.validate_bounds if value is None: if low is not None: value = default_value = low else: value = default_value = high else: default_value = value super(Bounded, self).__init__(default_value, **metadata) self._high = high self._low = low self._value = value if isinstance(value, basestring): self.default_value_type = 8 self.default_value = self._get_default_value
def _get_default_value(self, obj): """ Handles computing the default value for the Bounded trait. """ return reduce(getattr, self._value.split('.'), obj)
[docs] def validate_with_trait(self, obj, name, value): """ Validate the trait value. Validation takes place in two steps: #. The input value is validated based on the expected Trait type. #. The value it is between the static (or dynamic) bounds. """ value_trait = self._value value = value_trait.validate(obj, name, value) return self.validate_bounds(obj, name, value)
[docs] def validate_bounds(self, obj, name, value): """ Validate that the value is in range. .. note:: Any exceptions that may take place are converted to TraitErrors. """ low, high = self.get_bounds(obj) if low is None: low = value if high is None: high = value is_inside_bounds = False try: is_inside_bounds = (low <= value <= high) except Exception as raised_exception: if isinstance(raised_exception, TraitError): raise raised_exception else: msg = ('Bound checking of {0} caused a the following Python ' 'Exception: {1}'.format(value, raised_exception)) raise TraitError(msg) if not is_inside_bounds: msg = ('The assigned value must be bounded between {0} ' ' and {1}. Got {2} instead.'.format(low, high, value)) raise TraitError(msg) return value
[docs] def get_bounds(self, obj): """ Get the lower and upper bounds of the Trait. """ low = self._low if isinstance(low, basestring): low = reduce(getattr, low.split('.'), obj) high = self._high if isinstance(high, basestring): high = reduce(getattr, high.split('.'), obj) return (low, high) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Coercing Instance #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class CoercingInstance(BaseInstance): """ A BaseInstance subclass which attempts to coerce a value by calling the class constructor and passing the new value into the original validate method. """
[docs] def validate(self, obj, name, value): """ Attempts to coerce the given value to an appropriate type by calling the underlying class constructor. The coerced value is then sent to the superclass' validate method. """ if isinstance(self.klass, basestring): self.resolve_klass(obj, name, value) try: value = self.klass(value) except: pass return super(CoercingInstance, self).validate(obj, name, value)