Source code for enaml.core.messenger

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from traits.api import Instance, Uninitialized

from enaml.utils import LoopbackGuard

from .declarative import Declarative
from .include import Include
from .object import Object

class PublishAttributeNotifier(object):
    """ A lightweight trait change notifier used by Messenger.

    def __call__(self, obj, name, old, new):
        """ Called by traits to dispatch the notifier.

        if old is not Uninitialized and name not in obj.loopback_guard:
            obj.send_action('set_' + name, {name: new})

    def equals(self, other):
        """ Compares this notifier against another for equality.

        return False

# Only a single instance of PublishAttributeNotifier is needed.
PublishAttributeNotifier = PublishAttributeNotifier()

[docs]class Messenger(Declarative): """ A base class for creating messaging-enabled Enaml objects. This is a Declarative subclass which provides convenient APIs for sharing state between a server-side Enaml object and a client-side implementation of that object. It also enables support for the `Include` object type. """ #: A loopback guard which can be used to prevent a notification #: cycle when setting attributes from within an action handler. loopback_guard = Instance(LoopbackGuard, ()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lifetime API #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pre_initialize(self): """ A reimplemented initialization method. This method will setup any `Include` children so that they may prepare their objects before the proper initialization pass. """ super(Messenger, self).pre_initialize() for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, Include): child.init_objects()
[docs] def post_initialize(self): """ A reimplemented post initialization method. This method calls the `bind` method after calling the superclass class version. """ super(Messenger, self).post_initialize() self.bind()
[docs] def bind(self): """ Called during initialization pass to bind change handlers. This method is called at the end of widget initialization to provide a subclass the opportunity to setup any required change notification handlers for publishing their state to the client. """ pass #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snapshot API #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Get a dictionary representation of the widget tree. This method can be called to get a dictionary representation of the current state of the widget tree which can be used by client side implementation to construct their own implementation tree. Returns ------- result : dict A serializable dictionary representation of the widget tree from this widget down. """ snap = {} snap['object_id'] = self.object_id snap['name'] = snap['class'] = self.class_name() snap['bases'] = self.base_names() snap['children'] = [c.snapshot() for c in self.snap_children()] return snap
[docs] def snap_children(self): """ Get an iterable of children to include in the snapshot. The default implementation returns the list of children which are instances of Messenger. Subclasses may reimplement this method if more control is needed. Returns ------- result : list The list of children which are instances of Messenger. """ return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, Messenger)]
[docs] def class_name(self): """ Get the name of the class for this instance. Returns ------- result : str The name of the class of this instance. """ return type(self).__name__
[docs] def base_names(self): """ Get the list of base class names for this instance. Returns ------- result : list The list of string names for the base classes of this instance. The list starts with the parent class of this instance and terminates with Object. """ names = [] for base in type(self).mro()[1:]: names.append(base.__name__) if base is Object: break return names #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messaging Support #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_guarded(self, **attrs): """ Set attribute values from within a loopback guard. This is a convenience method provided for subclasses to set the values of attributes from within a loopback guard. This prevents the change from being published back to client and reduces the chances of getting hung in a feedback loop. Parameters ---------- **attrs The attributes to set on the object from within a loopback guard context. """ with self.loopback_guard(*attrs): for name, value in attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def publish_attributes(self, *attrs): """ A convenience method provided for subclasses to publish attribute changes as actions to the client. The action name is created by prefixing 'set_' to the name of the changed attribute. This method is suitable for most cases of simple attribute publishing. More complex cases will need to implement their own dispatching handlers. The handler for the changes will only send the action message if the attribute name is not held by the loopback guard. Parameters ---------- *attrs The string names of the attributes to publish to the client. The values of these attributes should be JSON serializable. More complex values should use their own dispatch handlers. """ for attr in attrs: self.add_notifier(attr, PublishAttributeNotifier)
[docs] def children_event(self, event): """ Handle a `ChildrenEvent` for the widget. If the widget state is 'active', a `children_changed` action will be sent to the client widget. The action is sent before the superclass' handler is called, and will therefore precede the trait change notification. """ # Children events are fired all the time. Only pull for a new # snapshot if the widget has been fully activated. if self.is_active: content = {} new_set = set( old_set = set(event.old) added = new_set - old_set removed = old_set - new_set content['order'] = [ c.object_id for c in if isinstance(c, Messenger) ] content['removed'] = [ c.object_id for c in removed if isinstance(c, Messenger) ] content['added'] = [ c.snapshot() for c in added if isinstance(c, Messenger) ] self.send_action('children_changed', content) super(Messenger, self).children_event(event)