.. _kiva_overview: ==== Kiva ==== Kiva is a 2D vector drawing interface providing functionality similar to `Quartz `_, `Cairo `_, the `Qt QPainter interface `_, the 2D drawing routines of `OpenGL `_ , the HTML5 Canvas element and many other similar 2D vector drawing APIs. Rather than re-implementing everything, Kiva is a Python interface layer that sits on top of many different back-ends, some of which are in fact provided by some of these libraries. Which back-ends are available depends on the platform, GUI toolkit, and capabilities of the system. For example the Quartz backend is only available on Mac OS systems, while the QPainter backend is available if PyQt or PySide are installed in the current Python environment. This approach permits code to be written to the Kiva API, but produce output that could be rendered to a GUI window, an image file, a PDF file, or a number of other possible output formats without any (or at least minimal) changes to the image generation code. Kiva is the base drawing layer of the `Chaco `_ plotting library, and is what is responsible for actually drawing pixels on the screen. Developers interested in writing code that renders new plots or other graphical features for Chaco will need to be at least passingly familiar with the Kiva drawing API. The most important Kiva backend is the Agg or "Image" backend, which is a Python extension module which wraps the C++ `Anti-grain geometry `_ drawing library into a Python extension and exposes the Kiva API. Agg renders the vector drawing commands into a raster image which can then be saved as a standard image format (such as PNG or JPEG) or copied into a GUI window. The Agg backend should be available on any platform, and should work even if there is no GUI or windowing system available. Kiva Concepts ============= This section gives a whirlwind tour of the concepts involved with drawing with Kiva. The Graphics Context -------------------- The heart of the Kiva drawing API is the "graphics context", frequently abbreviated as ``gc`` in code. The graphics context holds the current drawing state (such as pen and fill colors, font state, and affine transformations to be applied to points) and provides methods for changing the state and performing drawing actions. In many common use-cases (such as writing renderers for Chaco), you will be provided a graphics context by other code, but it is straight-forward to create your own graphics context:: from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((400, 400)) This is an graphics context for the Agg or "image" backend which has a size of 400x400 pixels. If instead we wanted to draw into a Qt ``QPainter`` drawing context in a `QWidget` called `my_qwidget` we would use:: from kiva.qpainter import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((400, 400), parent=my_qwidget) Other Kiva backends have similar methods of creating a graphics context, and each may take somewhat different arguments to the constructor, depending on the requirements of the backend. Once you have a graphics context, you can use it to draw vector graphics. For example, the following code will draw a translucent gray line from (100, 100) to (100, 200):: gc.move_to(100, 100) gc.line_to(100, 200) gc.set_stroke_color((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) gc.stroke_path() For many of the backends, you can save the rendered image out as an image file using the ``save()`` method:: gc.save("my_line.png") Kiva is numpy-aware, and has a number of methods that allow you to pass numpy arrays of points to draw many things in one operation, with loops being performed in C where possible:: from numpy import empty, linspace, random # Nx2 array of points pts = empty(shape=(20, 2), dtype=float) pts[:, 0] = linspace(100, 200, 20) pts[:, 1] = random.uniform(size=20)*100 + 100 gc.lines(pts) gc.stroke_path() Coordinate Model ---------------- Kiva uses mathematical axes direction conventions as opposed to framebuffer axes conventions. In other words, the origin is always at the *bottom* left of the screen, and the positive y axis goes *up* from bottom to top; as opposed to screen coordinates which typically have the origin at the *top* left and the positive y axis goes *down* from top to bottom. Additionally, for backends that produce raster images, the coordinates represent the *corner* of pixels, rather than the center of pixels. This has consequences when rendering thin lines. Compare the two lines in this example, for instance:: from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) gc.move_to(40, 35) gc.line_to(160, 35) gc.move_to(40, 65.5) gc.line_to(160, 65.5) gc.set_stroke_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) gc.stroke_path() gc.save("pixel_coordinates.png") Notice that the line on the bottom (the first of the two lines) is fuzzier because it is drawn along the boundary of the pixels, while the other line is drawn through the center of the pixels: .. image:: images/pixel_coordinates.png The Coordinate Transform Matrix ------------------------------- The Kiva API allows arbitrary affine transforms to be applied to the graphics context during drawing. The API provides convenience methods for common transformations, such as rotation and scaling:: from numpy import empty, linspace, random, pi from kiva.image import GraphicsContext # Nx2 array of points pts = empty(shape=(20, 2), dtype=float) pts[:, 0] = linspace(100, 200, 20) pts[:, 1] = random.uniform(size=20)*100 + 100 gc = GraphicsContext((400, 400)) # draw a simple graph gc.move_to(100, 200) gc.line_to(100, 100) gc.line_to(200, 100) gc.set_stroke_color((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) gc.stroke_path() gc.lines(pts) gc.set_stroke_color((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) gc.stroke_path() # translate by 100 pixels in the x direction gc.translate_ctm(100, 0) # rotate by 45 degrees gc.rotate_ctm(pi/4.0) # scale by 1.5 in the x direction gc.scale_ctm(1.5, 1.0) # now draw in the transformed coordinates gc.move_to(100, 200) gc.line_to(100, 100) gc.line_to(200, 100) gc.set_stroke_color((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) gc.stroke_path() gc.lines(pts) gc.set_stroke_color((0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5)) gc.stroke_path() gc.save('transformed_lines.png') .. image:: images/transformed_lines.png If desired, the user can also supply their own transformations directly. Paths ===== The basic drawing operations are performed by building a path out of primitive operations, and then performing stroking and/or filling operations with it. The simplest path operations are :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.move_to` and :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.line_to` which respectively move the current point in the path to the specified point, and add a line to the path from the current point to the specified point. In addition to the straight line commands, there are 4 arc commands for adding curves to a path: :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.curve_to` which draws a cubic bezier curve, :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.quad_curve_to` which draws a quadratic bezier curve, :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.arc` which draws a circular arc based on a center and radius, and :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.arc_to` which draws a circular arc from one point to another. Finally, the :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.rect` method adds a rectangle to the path. In addition there are convenience methods :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.lines`, :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.rects` and :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.line_set` which add multiple lines or rectangles to a path, reading from appropriately shaped NumPy arrays. None of these methods make any change to the visible image until the path is drawn with :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.draw_path` or the convenience methods :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.stroke_path`, :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.fill_path`, or :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.eof_fill_path`. The way these actions are performed depends upon the state of the graphics context. For stroking, the graphics context keeps track of the color to use with :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_stroke_color`, the thickness of the line with :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_line_width`, the way that lines are joined with :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_line_join` and :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_miter_limit`, and the way that they are ended with :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_line_cap`. Lines can also be dashed using the :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_line_dash` method which takes a pattern of numbers to use for lengths of on and off, and an optional ``phase`` for where to start in the pattern. Thicknesses:: from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) for i in range(5): y = 30.5 + i*10 thickness = 2.0**(i-1) gc.move_to(40, y) gc.line_to(160, y) gc.set_line_width(thickness) gc.stroke_path() gc.save('thicknesses.png') .. image:: images/thicknesses.png Joins:: from kiva.api import JOIN_ROUND, JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) gc.set_line_width(8) for i, join in enumerate([JOIN_ROUND, JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER]): y = 20 + i*20 gc.move_to(y, 80) gc.line_to(y, y) gc.line_to(160, y) gc.set_line_join(join) gc.stroke_path() gc.save('joins.png') .. image:: images/joins.png Caps:: from kiva.api import CAP_ROUND, CAP_BUTT, CAP_SQUARE from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) gc.set_line_width(8) for i, cap in enumerate([CAP_ROUND, CAP_BUTT, CAP_SQUARE]): y = 30 + i*20 gc.move_to(40, y) gc.line_to(160, y) gc.set_line_cap(cap) gc.stroke_path() gc.save('caps.png') .. image:: images/caps.png Dashes:: from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) dashes = ([6.0, 6.0], [9.0, 3.0], [3.0, 5.0, 9.0, 5.0]) gc.set_line_width(2) for i, dash in enumerate(dashes): y = 30.5 + i*20 gc.move_to(40, y) gc.line_to(160, y) gc.set_line_dash(dash) gc.stroke_path() gc.save('dashes.png') .. image:: images/dashes.png Before filling a path, the color of the fill is via the :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_fill_color` method, and gradient fills can be done via the :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_linear_gradient` and :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.set_radial_gradient` methods. Finally, there are two different fill modes available: `even-odd fill `_ and `non-zero winding fill `_ Winding vs. Even-Odd Fill:: from numpy import pi from kiva.api import FILL, EOF_FILL from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) gc.set_fill_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) gc.move_to(50, 90) for i in range(1, 6): theta = 4*pi/5*i x = 50+40*sin(theta) y = 50+40*cos(theta) gc.line_to(x, y) gc.fill_path() gc.move_to(150, 90) for i in range(1, 6): theta = 4*pi/5*i x = 150+40*sin(theta) y = 50+40*cos(theta) gc.line_to(x, y) gc.eof_fill_path() gc.save('fill.png') .. image:: images/fill.png Text ---- Text can be rendered at a point by first setting the font to use, then setting the text location using :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContextset_text_position` and then :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.show_text` to render the text:: from kiva.api import Font from kiva.image import GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsContext((200, 100)) gc.set_font(Font(size=24)) gc.set_text_position(30, 40) gc.show_text("Hello World") gc.save('text.png') .. image:: images/text.png Text defaults to being rendered filled, but can be rendered with an outline. Images ------ Raster images from NumPy arrays, Pillow ``Image`` objects, or some Kiva graphics contexts can be rendered into a graphics context using the :py:meth:`~.AbstractGraphicsContext.draw_image` method. Kiva Backends ============= The Kiva package comes with a number of backends included. GUI-capable ----------- Each of these backends can be used to draw the contents of windows in a graphical user interface. kiva.agg/image/oldagg This is a wrapper of the popular Anti-Grain Geometry C++ library. It is the current default backend. This backend will be replaced by the celiagg backend in a future release. cairo A backend based on the `Cairo graphics library `_. celiagg A newer wrapper of Anti-Grain Geometry which is maintained outside of kiva/enable. It is planned that this will become the default image backend in a future release. gl OpenGL drawing. This backend is quite limited compared to others. qpainter Qt ``QPainter`` drawing. This is only availble with the Qt toolkit. quartz MacOS Quartz graphics (ie `CGContext `_). This is only available on macOS. blend2d An experimental backend using the `Blend2D `_ `Python wrapper `_. File-only --------- Each of these backends can be used to create an output file. pdf A backend which writes PDF files. ps A backend which writes PostScript files. svg A backend which writes SVG files.