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# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" Defines the SimpleZoom class.
from numpy import inf

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import Bool, Enum, Float, Instance, Int, List, Tuple, Union

# Enable imports
from enable.base_tool import KeySpec
from enable.colors import ColorTrait
from enable.abstract_overlay import AbstractOverlay

from .base_zoom_tool import BaseZoomTool
from .tool_history_mixin import ToolHistoryMixin

[docs]class ViewportZoomTool(AbstractOverlay, ToolHistoryMixin, BaseZoomTool): """ Selects a range along the index or value axis. The user left-click-drags to select a region to zoom in. Certain keyboard keys are mapped to performing zoom actions as well. Implements a basic "zoom stack" so the user move go backwards and forwards through previous zoom regions. """ # The selection mode: # # range: # Select a range across a single index or value axis. # box: # Perform a "box" selection on two axes. tool_mode = Enum("range", "box") # Enum("box", "range") # Is the tool always "on"? If True, left-clicking always initiates # a zoom operation; if False, the user must press a key to enter zoom mode. always_on = Bool(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Zoom control # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The axis to which the selection made by this tool is perpendicular. This # only applies in 'range' mode. axis = Enum("x", "y") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Interaction control # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable the mousewheel for zooming? enable_wheel = Bool(True) # The mouse button that initiates the drag. drag_button = Enum("left", "right") # Conversion ratio from wheel steps to zoom factors. wheel_zoom_step = Float(0.25) # The key press to enter zoom mode, if **always_on** is False. # Has no effect if **always_on** is True. enter_zoom_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("z",)) # The key press to leave zoom mode, if **always_on** is False. # Has no effect if **always_on** is True. exit_zoom_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("z",)) # Disable the tool after the zoom is completed? disable_on_complete = Bool(True) # The minimum amount of screen space the user must select in order for # the tool to actually take effect. minimum_screen_delta = Int(10) # The most that this tool will zoom in on the target. Since zoom is the # ratio of the original bounds to the new bounds, a max_zoom value of 2.0 # would make the tool stop once it had zoomed into a region half the size # of the original bounds. max_zoom = Float(inf) # The most that this tool will zoom out from the target. For example, # a min_zoom of 0.2 would prevent the tool from showing a view zoomed # out more than 5 times from the original bounds. min_zoom = Float(-inf) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Appearance properties (for Box mode) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The pointer to use when drawing a zoom box. pointer = "magnifier" # The color of the selection box. color = ColorTrait("lightskyblue") # The alpha value to apply to **color** when filling in the selection # region. Because it is almost certainly useless to have an opaque zoom # rectangle, but it's also extremely useful to be able to use the normal # named colors from Enable, this attribute allows the specification of a # separate alpha value that replaces the alpha value of **color** at draw # time. alpha = Union(None, Float, default_value=0.4) # The color of the outside selection rectangle. border_color = ColorTrait("dodgerblue") # The thickness of selection rectangle border. border_size = Int(1) # The possible event states of this zoom tool. event_state = Enum("normal", "selecting") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Key mappings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The key that cancels the zoom and resets the view to the original # defaults. cancel_zoom_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("Esc",)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private traits # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If **always_on** is False, this attribute indicates whether the tool # is currently enabled. _enabled = Bool(False) # the original numerical screen ranges _orig_position = Union(None, List, Float) _orig_bounds = Union(None, List, Float) # The (x,y) screen point where the mouse went down. _screen_start = Union(None, Tuple) # The (x,,y) screen point of the last seen mouse move event. _screen_end = Union(None, Tuple) def __init__(self, component=None, *args, **kw): # Support [Chaco's] AbstractController-style constructors which allow # the component as the first positional argument. if component is not None: kw["component"] = component super().__init__(**kw) self._reset_state_to_current() if self.tool_mode == "range": i = self._get_range_index() self._orig_position = self.component.view_position[i] self._orig_bounds = self.component.view_bounds[i] else: self._orig_position = self.component.view_position self._orig_bounds = self.component.view_bounds
[docs] def enable(self, event=None): """ Provides a programmatic way to enable this tool, if **always_on** is False. Calling this method has the same effect as if the user pressed the **enter_zoom_key**. """ if self.component.active_tool != self: self.component.active_tool = self self._enabled = True if event and event.window: event.window.set_pointer(self.pointer)
[docs] def disable(self, event=None): """ Provides a programmatic way to enable this tool, if **always_on** is False. Calling this method has the same effect as if the user pressed the **exit_zoom_key**. """ self.reset() self._enabled = False if self.component.active_tool == self: self.component.active_tool = None if event and event.window: event.window.set_pointer("arrow")
[docs] def reset(self, event=None): """ Resets the tool to normal state, with no start or end position. """ self.event_state = "normal" self._screen_start = None self._screen_end = None
[docs] def deactivate(self, component): """ Called when this is no longer the active tool. """ # Required as part of the AbstractController interface. return self.disable()
[docs] def normal_left_down(self, event): """ Handles the left mouse button being pressed while the tool is in the 'normal' state. If the tool is enabled or always on, it starts selecting. """ if self.always_on or self._enabled: # we need to make sure that there isn't another active tool that # we will interfere with. if self.drag_button == "left": self._start_select(event)
[docs] def normal_right_down(self, event): """ Handles the right mouse button being pressed while the tool is in the 'normal' state. If the tool is enabled or always on, it starts selecting. """ if self.always_on or self._enabled: if self.drag_button == "right": self._start_select(event)
[docs] def normal_mouse_wheel(self, event): """ Handles the mouse wheel being used when the tool is in the 'normal' state. Scrolling the wheel "up" zooms in; scrolling it "down" zooms out. self.component is the viewport self.component.component is the canvas """ if self.enable_wheel and event.mouse_wheel != 0: position = self.component.view_position scale = self.component.zoom transformed_x = event.x / scale + position[0] transformed_y = event.y / scale + position[1] # Calculate zoom if event.mouse_wheel < 0: zoom = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * self.wheel_zoom_step) new_zoom = self.component.zoom * zoom elif event.mouse_wheel > 0: zoom = 1.0 + 0.5 * self.wheel_zoom_step new_zoom = self.component.zoom * zoom if new_zoom < self.min_zoom: new_zoom = self.min_zoom zoom = new_zoom / self.component.zoom elif new_zoom > self.max_zoom: new_zoom = self.max_zoom zoom = new_zoom / self.component.zoom self.component.zoom = new_zoom x_pos = transformed_x - (transformed_x - position[0]) / zoom y_pos = transformed_y - (transformed_y - position[1]) / zoom self.component.trait_setq(view_position=[x_pos, y_pos]) bounds = self.component.view_bounds self.component.view_bounds = [bounds[0] / zoom, bounds[1] / zoom] event.handled = True self.component.request_redraw()
def _component_changed(self): self._reset_state_to_current() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Implementation of PlotComponent interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _activate(self): """ Called by PlotComponent to set this as the active tool. """ self.enable() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # implementations of abstract methods on ToolHistoryMixin # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _reset_state_to_current(self): """ Clears the tool history, and sets the current state to be the first state in the history. """ if self.tool_mode == "range": i = self._get_range_index() self._reset_state( ( self.component.view_position[i], self.component.view_bounds[i], ) ) else: self._reset_state( (self.component.view_position, self.component.view_bounds) )