Metadata schema

The application metadata schema is a dictionary that contains all the necessary information so that EAM can setup/remove the configure and start the application.


  • All strings in the descriptions below are expected to be unicode strings.
  • All filepaths need to be absolute file paths.


Version 2

The application dictionary schema defines the following keys:

schema_version:(int) The version of the application metadata schema (i.e. 2).
name:(string) The name of the application.
description:(string, optional) A short summary.
license:(string) The license type (e.g. GPL).
copyright:(string) The copyright holder (e.g. (c) 2018, Enthought Inc).
version:(string) The full version of the application. The string should be possible to parse with okonomiyaki.versions.EnpkgVersion.
default:(boolean) Default EAM application status. - If there are more than one application registered as default then EAM will raise an error. - If there is only one application in the environment then it will always be the default. - If there are more than one applications registered but none has the default attribute set EAM will raise an error.
commands:(list) A list of command metadata. The first command in the list is the default command that will be executed on EAM operations (e.g. ``start``).

Version 1

The application dictionary schema defines the following keys:

schema_version:(int) The version of the application metadata schema (i.e. 1).
name:(string) The name of the application.
description:(string, optional) A short summary.
license:(string) The license type (e.g. GPL).
copyright:(string) The copyright holder (e.g. (c) 2018, Enthought Inc).
version:(string) The full version of the application. The string should be possible to parse with okonomiyaki.versions.EnpkgVersion.
commands:(list) A list of command metadata. The first command in the list is the default command that will be executed on EAM operations (e.g. ``start``).


Version 2

The command dictionary schema defines the following keys:

schema_version:(int) The version of the command metadata schema (i.e. 2).
name:(string) The name of the command.
description:(string, optional) The command description.
command:(string) The command executable. The executable is assumed that exists in <prefix>/bin or <prefix>/Scripts
arguments:(list, optional) The command arguments as a list of strings.
shortcut:(string, optional) The type of shortcut to create. Note that the full range of available shortcut type depends on the EAM version. Please see eam.metadata.ShortcutType for acceptable values. If the provided value is not available then it is ignored and not shortcut is created.
icon:(filepath, optional) The path to the icon file to use for the shortcut. Default is to use the python executable icon.
gui:(bool, optional) Flag whether this entry point describes a GUI. For example, entry points created using the setuptools gui_scripts machinary.

Version 1

The command dictionary schema defines the following keys:

schema_version:(int) The version of the command metadata schema (i.e. 1).
name:(string) The name of the command.
description:(string, optional) The command description.
command:(string) The command executable. The executable is assumed that exists in <prefix>/bin or <prefix>/Scripts
arguments:(list, optional) The command arguments as a list of strings.
shortcut:(string, optional) The type of shortcut to create. Note that the full range of available shortcut type depends on the EAM version. Please see eam.metadata.ShortcutType for acceptable values. If the provided value is not available then it is ignored and not shortcut is created.
icon:(filepath, optional) The path to the icon file to use for the shortcut. Default is to use the python executable icon.