chaco.plots.line_scatterplot_1d module

A 1D scatterplot that draws lines across the renderer at the index values

class chaco.plots.line_scatterplot_1d.LineScatterPlot1D(**traits)

Bases: chaco.base_1d_plot.Base1DPlot

A 1D scatterplot that draws lines across the renderer

color = black_color_trait

The fill color of the lines.

line_style = LineStyle

The line dash style.

line_width = Float(1.0)

The thickness, in pixels, of the lines

selected_color = ColorTrait("yellow")

the color of the selected lines

selected_line_style = LineStyle("solid")

The line dash style of the selected line.

selected_line_width = Float(1.0)

the thickness, in pixels, of the selected lines

selection_metadata_name = Str("selections")

the plot data metadata name to watch for selection information

show_selection = Bool(True)

whether or not to display a selection

unselected_alpha = Float(0.3)

The fade amount for unselected regions