Source code for apptools.scripting.recorder_with_ui

# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
A Recorder subclass that presents a simple user interface.

from traits.api import Code, Button, Int, observe, Any
from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, HGroup, CodeEditor, spring, Handler

from .recorder import Recorder

# `CloseHandler` class.
[docs]class CloseHandler(Handler): """This class cleans up after the UI for the recorder is closed."""
[docs] def close(self, info, is_ok): """This method is invoked when the user closes the UI.""" recorder = info.object recorder.on_ui_close() return True
############################################################################### # `RecorderWithUI` class. ###############################################################################
[docs]class RecorderWithUI(Recorder): """ This class represents a Recorder but with a simple user interface. """ # The code to display code = Code(editor=CodeEditor(line="current_line")) # Button to save script to file. save_script = Button("Save Script") # The current line to show, used by the editor. current_line = Int # The root object which is being recorded. root = Any ######################################## # Traits View. view = View( Group( HGroup( Item("recording", show_label=True), spring, Item("save_script", show_label=False), ), Group(Item("code", show_label=False)), ), width=600, height=360, id="apptools.scripting.recorder_with_ui", buttons=["Cancel"], resizable=True, handler=CloseHandler(), ) ###################################################################### # RecorderWithUI interface. ######################################################################
[docs] def on_ui_close(self): """Called from the CloseHandler when the UI is closed. This method basically stops the recording. """ from .util import stop_recording from .package_globals import get_recorder if get_recorder() is self: stop_recording(self.root, save=False) else: self.recording = False self.unregister(self.root)
###################################################################### # Non-public interface. ###################################################################### @observe("lines.items") def _update_code(self, event): self.code = self.get_code() self.current_line = len(self.lines) + 1 def _save_script_fired(self): self.ui_save()