Source code for apptools.preferences.preferences

# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" The default implementation of a node in a preferences hierarchy. """

# Standard library imports.
import logging
import threading

# Enthought library imports.
from traits.api import Any, Callable, Dict, HasTraits, Instance, List
from traits.api import Property, Str, Undefined, provides

# Local imports.
from .i_preferences import IPreferences

# Logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@provides(IPreferences) class Preferences(HasTraits): """ The default implementation of a node in a preferences hierarchy. """ #### 'IPreferences' interface ############################################# # The absolute path to this node from the root node (the empty string if # this node *is* the root node). path = Property(Str) # The parent node (None if this node *is* the root node). parent = Instance(IPreferences) # The name of the node relative to its parent (the empty string if this # node *is* the root node). name = Str #### 'Preferences' interface ############################################## # The default name of the file used to persist the preferences (if no # filename is passed in to the 'load' and 'save' methods, then this is # used instead). filename = Str #### Protected 'Preferences' interface #################################### # A lock to make access to the node thread-safe. # # fixme: There *should* be no need to declare this as a trait, but if we # don't then we have problems using nodes in the preferences manager UI. # It is something to do with 'cloning' the node for use in a 'modal' traits # UI... Hmmm... _lk = Any # The node's children. _children = Dict(Str, IPreferences) # The node's preferences. _preferences = Dict(Str, Any) # Listeners for changes to the node's preferences. # # The callable must take 4 arguments, e.g:: # # listener(node, key, old, new) _preferences_listeners = List(Callable) ########################################################################### # 'object' interface. ########################################################################### def __init__(self, **traits): """ Constructor. """ # A lock to make access to the '_children', '_preferences' and # '_preferences_listeners' traits thread-safe. self._lk = threading.Lock() # Base class constructor. super().__init__(**traits) # If a filename has been specified then load the preferences from it. if len(self.filename) > 0: self.load() ########################################################################### # 'IPreferences' interface. ########################################################################### #### Trait properties ##################################################### def _get_path(self): """ Property getter. """ names = [] node = self while node.parent is not None: names.append( node = node.parent names.reverse() return ".".join(names) #### Methods ############################################################## #### Methods where 'path' refers to a preference ####
[docs] def get(self, path, default=None, inherit=False): """ Get the value of the preference at the specified path. """ if len(path) == 0: raise ValueError("empty path") components = path.split(".") # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes # place in this node. if len(components) == 1: value = self._get(path, Undefined) # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: value = node.get(".".join(components[1:]), Undefined) else: value = Undefined # If inherited values are allowed then try those as well. # # e.g. 'acme.ui.widget.bgcolor' # 'acme.ui.bgcolor' # 'acme.bgcolor' # 'bgcolor' while inherit and value is Undefined and len(components) > 1: # Remove the penultimate component... # # e.g. 'acme.ui.widget.bgcolor' -> 'acme.ui.bgcolor' del components[-2] # ... and try that. value = self.get(".".join(components), default=Undefined) if value is Undefined: value = default return value
[docs] def remove(self, path): """ Remove the preference at the specified path. """ if len(path) == 0: raise ValueError("empty path") components = path.split(".") # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes # place in this node. if len(components) == 1: self._remove(path) # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: node.remove(".".join(components[1:]))
[docs] def set(self, path, value): """ Set the value of the preference at the specified path. """ if len(path) == 0: raise ValueError("empty path") components = path.split(".") # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes # place in this node. if len(components) == 1: self._set(path, value) # Otherwise, find the next node (creating it if it doesn't exist) # and pass the rest of the path to that. else: node = self._node(components[0]) node.set(".".join(components[1:]), value)
#### Methods where 'path' refers to a node ####
[docs] def clear(self, path=""): """ Remove all preferences from the node at the specified path. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: self._clear() # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: node.clear(".".join(components[1:]))
[docs] def keys(self, path=""): """ Return the preference keys of the node at the specified path. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: keys = self._keys() # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: keys = node.keys(".".join(components[1:])) else: keys = [] return keys
[docs] def node(self, path=""): """ Return the node at the specified path. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: node = self # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._node(components[0]) node = node.node(".".join(components[1:])) return node
[docs] def node_exists(self, path=""): """ Return True if the node at the specified path exists. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: exists = True # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: exists = node.node_exists(".".join(components[1:])) else: exists = False return exists
[docs] def node_names(self, path=""): """Return the names of the children of the node at the specified path. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: names = self._node_names() # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._get_child(components[0]) if node is not None: names = node.node_names(".".join(components[1:])) else: names = [] return names
#### Persistence methods ####
[docs] def flush(self): """Force any changes in the node to the backing store. This includes any changes to the node's descendants. """
########################################################################### # 'Preferences' interface. ########################################################################### #### Listener methods ####
[docs] def add_preferences_listener(self, listener, path=""): """ Add a listener for changes to a node's preferences. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: self._add_preferences_listener(listener) # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._node(components[0]) node.add_preferences_listener(listener, ".".join(components[1:]))
[docs] def remove_preferences_listener(self, listener, path=""): """ Remove a listener for changes to a node's preferences. """ # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node. if len(path) == 0: self._remove_preferences_listener(listener) # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that. else: components = path.split(".") node = self._node(components[0]) node.remove_preferences_listener( listener, ".".join(components[1:]) )
#### Persistence methods ####
[docs] def load(self, file_or_filename=None): """Load preferences from a file. This is a *merge* operation i.e. the contents of the file are added to the node. This implementation uses 'ConfigObj' files. """ if file_or_filename is None: file_or_filename = self.filename logger.debug("loading preferences from <%s>", file_or_filename) # Do the import here so that we don't make 'ConfigObj' a requirement # if preferences aren't ever persisted (or a derived class chooses to # use a different persistence mechanism). from configobj import ConfigObj config_obj = ConfigObj(file_or_filename, encoding="utf-8") # 'name' is the section name, 'value' is a dictionary containing the # name/value pairs in the section (the actual preferences ;^). for name, value in config_obj.items(): # Create/get the node from the section name. components = name.split(".") node = self for component in components: node = node._node(component) # Add the contents of the section to the node. self._add_dictionary_to_node(node, value)
[docs] def save(self, file_or_filename=None): """Save the node's preferences to a file. This implementation uses 'ConfigObj' files. """ if file_or_filename is None: file_or_filename = self.filename # If no file or filename is specified then don't save the preferences! if len(file_or_filename) > 0: # Do the import here so that we don't make 'ConfigObj' a # requirement if preferences aren't ever persisted (or a derived # class chooses to use a different persistence mechanism). from configobj import ConfigObj logger.debug("saving preferences to <%s>", file_or_filename) config_obj = ConfigObj(file_or_filename, encoding="utf-8") self._add_node_to_dictionary(self, config_obj) config_obj.write()
########################################################################### # Protected 'Preferences' interface. # # These are the only methods that should access the protected '_children' # and '_preferences' traits. This helps make it easy to subclass this class # to create other implementations (all the subclass has to do is to # implement these protected methods). # ########################################################################### def _add_dictionary_to_node(self, node, dictionary): """ Add the contents of a dictionary to a node's preferences. """ with self._lk: node._preferences.update(dictionary) def _add_node_to_dictionary(self, node, dictionary): """ Add a node's preferences to a dictionary. """ # This method never manipulates the '_preferences' trait directly. # Instead it does eveything via the other protected methods and hence # doesn't need to grab the lock. if len(node._keys()) > 0: dictionary[node.path] = {} for key in node._keys(): dictionary[node.path][key] = node._get(key) for name in node._node_names(): self._add_node_to_dictionary(node._get_child(name), dictionary) def _add_preferences_listener(self, listener): """ Add a listener for changes to thisnode's preferences. """ with self._lk: self._preferences_listeners.append(listener) def _clear(self): """ Remove all preferences from this node. """ with self._lk: self._preferences.clear() def _create_child(self, name): """ Create a child of this node with the specified name. """ with self._lk: child = self._children[name] = Preferences(name=name, parent=self) return child def _get(self, key, default=None): """ Get the value of a preference in this node. """ with self._lk: value = self._preferences.get(key, default) return value def _get_child(self, name): """Return the child of this node with the specified name. Return None if no such child exists. """ with self._lk: child = self._children.get(name) return child def _keys(self): """ Return the preference keys of this node. """ with self._lk: keys = list(self._preferences.keys()) return keys def _node(self, name): """Return the child of this node with the specified name. Create the child node if it does not exist. """ node = self._get_child(name) if node is None: node = self._create_child(name) return node def _node_names(self): """ Return the names of the children of this node. """ with self._lk: node_names = list(self._children.keys()) return node_names def _remove(self, name): """ Remove a preference value from this node. """ with self._lk: if name in self._preferences: del self._preferences[name] def _remove_preferences_listener(self, listener): """ Remove a listener for changes to the node's preferences. """ with self._lk: if listener in self._preferences_listeners: self._preferences_listeners.remove(listener) def _set(self, key, value): """ Set the value of a preference in this node. """ # everything must be unicode encoded so that ConfigObj configuration # can properly serialize the data. Python str are supposed to be ASCII # encoded. value = str(value) with self._lk: old = self._preferences.get(key) self._preferences[key] = value # If the value is unchanged then don't call the listeners! if old == value: listeners = [] else: listeners = self._preferences_listeners[:] for listener in listeners: listener(self, key, old, value) ########################################################################### # Debugging interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def dump(self, indent=""): """ Dump the preferences hierarchy to stdout. """ if indent == "": print() print(indent, "Node(%s)" %, self._preferences) indent += " " for child in self._children.values(): child.dump(indent)