Source code for apptools.persistence.versioned_unpickler

# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Standard library imports
from pickle import _Unpickler as Unpickler
from pickle import UnpicklingError, BUILD
import logging
from types import GeneratorType

# Enthought library imports
from apptools.persistence.updater import __replacement_setstate__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# class 'NewUnpickler'
[docs]class NewUnpickler(Unpickler): """An unpickler that implements a two-stage pickling process to make it possible to unpickle complicated Python object hierarchies where the unserialized state of an object depends on the state of other objects in the same pickle. """
[docs] def load(self, max_pass=-1): """Read a pickled object representation from the open file. Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file. """ # List of objects to be unpickled. self.objects = [] # We overload the load_build method. dispatch = self.dispatch dispatch[BUILD[0]] = NewUnpickler.load_build # call the super class' method. ret = Unpickler.load(self) self.initialize(max_pass) self.objects = [] # Reset the Unpickler's dispatch table. dispatch[BUILD[0]] = Unpickler.load_build return ret
[docs] def initialize(self, max_pass): # List of (object, generator) tuples that initialize objects. generators = [] # Execute object's initialize to setup the generators. for obj in self.objects: if hasattr(obj, "__initialize__") and callable(obj.__initialize__): ret = obj.__initialize__() if isinstance(ret, GeneratorType): generators.append((obj, ret)) elif ret is not None: raise UnpicklingError( "Unexpected return value from " "__initialize__. %s returned %s" % (obj, ret) ) # Ensure a maximum number of passes if max_pass < 0: max_pass = len(generators) # Now run the generators. count = 0 while len(generators) > 0: count += 1 if count > max_pass: not_done = [x[0] for x in generators] msg = """Reached maximum pass count %s. You may have a deadlock! The following objects are uninitialized: %s""" % ( max_pass, not_done, ) raise UnpicklingError(msg) for o, g in generators[:]: try: next(g) except StopIteration: generators.remove((o, g))
# Make this a class method since dispatch is a class variable. # Otherwise, supposing the initial VersionedUnpickler.load call (which # would have overloaded the load_build method) makes a pickle.load call at # some point, we would have the dispatch still pointing to # NewPickler.load_build whereas the object being passed in will be an # Unpickler instance, causing a TypeError.
[docs] def load_build(cls, obj): # Just save the instance in the list of objects. if isinstance(obj, NewUnpickler): obj.objects.append(obj.stack[-2]) Unpickler.load_build(obj)
load_build = classmethod(load_build)
[docs]class VersionedUnpickler(NewUnpickler): """This class reads in a pickled file created at revision version 'n' and then applies the transforms specified in the updater class to generate a new set of objects which are at revision version 'n+1'. I decided to keep the loading of the updater out of this generic class because we will want updaters to be generated for each plugin's type of project. This ensures that the VersionedUnpickler can remain ignorant about the actual version numbers - all it needs to do is upgrade one release. """ def __init__(self, file, updater=None): Unpickler.__init__(self, file) self.updater = updater
[docs] def find_class(self, module, name): """Overridden method from Unpickler. NB __setstate__ is not called until later. """ if self.updater: # check to see if this class needs to be mapped to a new class # or module name original_module, original_name = module, name module, name = self.updater.get_latest(module, name) # load the class... klass = self.import_name(module, name) # add the updater.... TODO - why the old name? self.add_updater(original_module, original_name, klass) else: # there is no updater so we will be reading in an up to date # version of the file... try: klass = Unpickler.find_class(self, module, name) except Exception: logger.error("Looking for [%s] [%s]" % (module, name)) logger.exception( "Problem using default unpickle functionality" ) # restore the original __setstate__ if necessary fn = getattr(klass, "__setstate_original__", False) if fn: setattr(klass, "__setstate__", fn) return klass
[docs] def add_updater(self, module, name, klass): """If there is an updater defined for this class we will add it to the class as the __setstate__ method. """ fn = self.updater.setstates.get((module, name), False) if fn: # move the existing __setstate__ out of the way self.backup_setstate(module, klass) # add the updater into the class setattr(klass, "__updater__", fn) # hook up our __setstate__ which updates self.__dict__ setattr(klass, "__setstate__", __replacement_setstate__) else: pass
[docs] def backup_setstate(self, module, klass): """If the class has a user defined __setstate__ we back it up.""" if getattr(klass, "__setstate__", False): if getattr(klass, "__setstate_original__", False): # don't overwrite the original __setstate__ name = "__setstate__%s" % self.updater.__class__ else: # backup the original __setstate__ which we will restore # and run later when we have finished updating the class name = "__setstate_original__" method = getattr(klass, "__setstate__") setattr(klass, name, method) else: # the class has no __setstate__ method so do nothing pass
[docs] def import_name(self, module, name): """ If the class is needed for the latest version of the application then it should presumably exist. If the class no longer exists then we should perhaps return a proxy of the class. If the persisted file is at v1 say and the application is at v3 then objects that are required for v1 and v2 do not have to exist they only need to be placeholders for the state during an upgrade. """ module = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [name]) return vars(module)[name]