Source code for apptools.naming.pyfs_context
# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" A Python File System context. """
# Standard library imports.
import glob
import logging
import os
from os.path import join, splitext
import pickle
# Enthought library imports.
from import File
from traits.api import Any, Dict, Instance, Property, Str
# Local imports.
from .address import Address
from .binding import Binding
from .context import Context
from .dir_context import DirContext
from .naming_event import NamingEvent
from .naming_manager import naming_manager
from .object_serializer import ObjectSerializer
from .pyfs_context_factory import PyFSContextFactory
from .pyfs_object_factory import PyFSObjectFactory
from .pyfs_state_factory import PyFSStateFactory
from .reference import Reference
from .referenceable import Referenceable
# Setup a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# The name of the 'special' file in which we store object attributes.
ATTRIBUTES_FILE = "__attributes__"
# Constants for environment property keys.
FILTERS = "apptools.naming.pyfs.filters"
OBJECT_SERIALIZERS = "apptools.naming.pyfs.object.serializers"
# The default environment.
#### 'Context' properties #################################################
# Object factories.
Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES: [PyFSObjectFactory(), PyFSContextFactory()],
# State factories.
Context.STATE_FACTORIES: [PyFSStateFactory()],
#### 'PyFSContext' properties #############################################
# Object serializers.
OBJECT_SERIALIZERS: [ObjectSerializer()],
# List of filename patterns to ignore. These patterns are passed to
# 'glob.glob', so things like '*.pyc' will do what you expect.
# fixme: We should have a generalized filter mechanism here, and '.svn'
# should be moved elsewhere!
[docs]class PyFSContext(DirContext, Referenceable):
"""A Python File System context.
This context represents a directory on a local file system.
# The name of the 'special' file in which we store object attributes.
# Environment property keys.
#### 'Context' interface ##################################################
# The naming environment in effect for this context.
environment = Dict(ENVIRONMENT)
# The name of the context within its own namespace.
namespace_name = Property(Str)
#### 'PyFSContext' interface ##############################################
# The name of the context (the last component of the path).
name = Str
# The path name of the directory on the local file system.
path = Str
#### 'Referenceable' interface ############################################
# The object's reference suitable for binding in a naming context.
reference = Property(Instance(Reference))
#### Private interface ####################################################
# A mapping from bound name to the name of the corresponding file or
# directory on the file system.
_name_to_filename_map = Dict # (Str, Str)
# The attributes of every object in the context. The attributes for the
# context itself have the empty string as the key.
# {str name : dict attributes}
# fixme: Don't use 'Dict' here as it causes problems when pickling because
# trait dicts have a reference back to the parent object (hence we end up
# pickling all kinds of things that we don't need or want to!).
_attributes = Any
# 'object' interface.
def __init__(self, **traits):
""" Creates a new context. """
# Base class constructor.
super(PyFSContext, self).__init__(**traits)
# We cache each object as it is looked up so that all accesses to a
# serialized Python object return a reference to exactly the same one.
self._cache = {}
# 'PyFSContext' interface.
#### Properties ###########################################################
def _get_namespace_name(self):
""" Returns the name of the context within its own namespace. """
# fixme: clean this up with an initial context API!
if "root" in self.environment:
root = self.environment["root"]
namespace_name = self.path[len(root) + 1:]
namespace_name = self.path
# fixme: This is a bit dodgy 'cos we actually return a name that can
# be looked up, and not the file system name...
namespace_name = "/".join(namespace_name.split(os.path.sep))
return namespace_name
#### methods ##############################################################
[docs] def refresh(self):
""" Refresh the context to reflect changes in the file system. """
# fixme: This needs more work 'cos if we refresh a context then we
# will load new copies of serialized Python objects!
# This causes the initializer to run again the next time the trait is
# accessed.
# Clear out the cache.
self._cache = {}
# fixme: This is a bit hacky since the context in the binding may
# not be None!
self.context_changed = NamingEvent(
new_binding=Binding(, obj=self, context=None)
# 'Referenceable' interface.
#### Properties ###########################################################
def _get_reference(self):
""" Returns a reference to this object suitable for binding. """
abspath = os.path.abspath(self.path)
reference = Reference(
addresses=[Address(type="pyfs_context", content=abspath)],
return reference
# Protected 'Context' interface.
def _is_bound(self, name):
""" Is a name bound in this context? """
return name in self._name_to_filename_map
def _lookup(self, name):
""" Looks up a name in this context. """
if name in self._cache:
obj = self._cache[name]
# Get the full path to the file.
path = join(self.path, self._name_to_filename_map[name])
# If the file contains a serialized Python object then load it.
for serializer in self._get_object_serializers():
if serializer.can_load(path):
state = serializer.load(path)
# If the load fails then we create a generic file resource
# (the idea being that it might be useful to have access to
# the file to see what went wrong).
except: # noqa: E722
state = File(path)
logger.exception("Error loading resource at %s" % path)
# Otherwise, it must just be a file or folder.
# Directories are contexts.
if os.path.isdir(path):
state = self._context_factory(name, path)
# Files are just files!
elif os.path.isfile(path):
state = File(path)
raise ValueError("unrecognized file for %s" % name)
# Get the actual object from the naming manager.
obj = naming_manager.get_object_instance(state, name, self)
# Update the cache.
self._cache[name] = obj
return obj
def _bind(self, name, obj):
""" Binds a name to an object in this context. """
# Get the actual state to bind from the naming manager.
state = naming_manager.get_state_to_bind(obj, name, self)
# If the object is actually an abstract file then we don't have to
# do anything.
if isinstance(state, File):
if not state.exists:
filename = name
# Otherwise we are binding an arbitrary Python object, so find a
# serializer for it.
for serializer in self._get_object_serializers():
if serializer.can_save(obj):
path =, name), obj)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
raise ValueError("cannot serialize object %s" % name)
# Update the name to filename map.
self._name_to_filename_map[name] = filename
# Update the cache.
self._cache[name] = obj
return state
def _rebind(self, name, obj):
""" Rebinds a name to an object in this context. """
self._bind(name, obj)
def _unbind(self, name):
""" Unbinds a name from this context. """
# Get the full path to the file.
path = join(self.path, self._name_to_filename_map[name])
# Remove it!
f = File(path)
# Update the name to filename map.
del self._name_to_filename_map[name]
# Update the cache.
if name in self._cache:
del self._cache[name]
# Remove any attributes.
if name in self._attributes:
del self._attributes[name]
def _rename(self, old_name, new_name):
""" Renames an object in this context. """
# Get the old filename.
old_filename = self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
old_file = File(join(self.path, old_filename))
# Lookup the object bound to the old name. This has the side effect
# of adding the object to the cache under the name 'old_name'.
obj = self._lookup(old_name)
# We are renaming a LOCAL context (ie. a folder)...
if old_file.is_folder:
# Create the new filename.
new_filename = new_name
new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))
# Move the folder.
# Update the 'Context' object.
obj.path = new_file.path
# Update the cache.
self._cache[new_name] = obj
del self._cache[old_name]
# Refreshing the context makes sure that all of its contents
# reflect the new name (i.e., sub-folders and files have the
# correct path).
# fixme: This currently results in new copies of serialized
# Python objects! We need to be a bit more judicious in the
# refresh.
# We are renaming a file...
elif isinstance(obj, File):
# Create the new filename.
new_filename = new_name
new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))
# Move the file.
# Update the 'File' object.
obj.path = new_file.path
# Update the cache.
self._cache[new_name] = obj
del self._cache[old_name]
# We are renaming a serialized Python object...
# Create the new filename.
new_filename = new_name + old_file.ext
new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))
# Update the cache.
if old_name in self._cache:
self._cache[new_name] = self._cache[old_name]
del self._cache[old_name]
# Force the creation of the new file.
# fixme: I'm not sure that this is really the place for this. We
# do it because often the 'name' of the object is actually an
# attribute of the object itself, and hence we want the serialized
# state to reflect the new name... Hmmm...
self._rebind(new_name, obj)
# Update the name to filename map.
del self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
self._name_to_filename_map[new_name] = new_filename
# Move any attributes over to the new name.
if old_name in self._attributes:
self._attributes[new_name] = self._attributes[old_name]
del self._attributes[old_name]
def _create_subcontext(self, name):
""" Creates a sub-context of this context. """
path = join(self.path, name)
# Create a directory.
# Create a sub-context that represents the directory.
sub = self._context_factory(name, path)
# Update the name to filename map.
self._name_to_filename_map[name] = name
# Update the cache.
self._cache[name] = sub
return sub
def _destroy_subcontext(self, name):
""" Destroys a sub-context of this context. """
return self._unbind(name)
def _list_names(self):
""" Lists the names bound in this context. """
return list(self._name_to_filename_map.keys())
# fixme: YFI this is not part of the protected 'Context' interface so
# what is it doing here?
[docs] def get_unique_name(self, name):
ext = splitext(name)[1]
# specially handle '.py' files
if ext != ".py":
return super(PyFSContext, self).get_unique_name(name)
body = splitext(name)[0]
names = self.list_names()
i = 2
unique = name
while unique in names:
unique = body + "_" + str(i) + ".py"
i += 1
return unique
# Protected 'DirContext' interface.
def _get_attributes(self, name):
""" Returns the attributes of an object in this context. """
attributes = self._attributes.setdefault(name, {})
return attributes.copy()
def _set_attributes(self, name, attributes):
""" Sets the attributes of an object in this context. """
self._attributes[name] = attributes
# Private interface.
def _get_filters(self):
""" Returns the filters for this context. """
return self.environment.get(self.FILTERS, [])
def _get_object_serializers(self):
""" Returns the object serializers for this context. """
return self.environment.get(self.OBJECT_SERIALIZERS, [])
def _context_factory(self, name, path):
""" Create a sub-context. """
return self.__class__(path=path, environment=self.environment)
def _save_attributes(self):
""" Saves all attributes to the attributes file. """
path = join(self.path, self.ATTRIBUTES_FILE)
f = open(path, "wb")
pickle.dump(self._attributes, f, 1)
#### Trait initializers ###################################################
def __name_to_filename_map_default(self):
""" Initializes the '_name_to_filename' trait. """
# fixme: We should have a generalized filter mechanism (instead of
# just 'glob' patterns we should have filter objects that can be a bit
# more flexible in how they do the filtering).
patterns = [join(self.path, filter) for filter in self._get_filters()]
name_to_filename_map = {}
for filename in os.listdir(self.path):
path = join(self.path, filename)
for pattern in patterns:
if path in glob.glob(pattern):
for serializer in self._get_object_serializers():
if serializer.can_load(filename):
# fixme: We should probably get the name from the
# serializer instead of assuming that we can just
# drop the file exension.
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
name = filename
name_to_filename_map[name] = filename
return name_to_filename_map
def __attributes_default(self):
""" Initializes the '_attributes' trait. """
attributes_file = File(join(self.path, self.ATTRIBUTES_FILE))
if attributes_file.is_file:
f = open(attributes_file.path, "rb")
attributes = pickle.load(f)
attributes = {}
return attributes
#### Trait event handlers #################################################
def _path_changed(self):
""" Called when the context's path has changed. """
basename = os.path.basename(self.path), ext = os.path.splitext(basename)