Source code for apptools.logger.log_point

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""" Prints a stack trace every time it is called but does not halt execution
    of the application.

    Copied from Uche Ogbuji's blog

# Standard library imports.
import inspect
from io import StringIO

[docs]def log_point(msg="\n"): stack = inspect.stack() # get rid of logPoint's part of the stack: stack = stack[1:] stack.reverse() output = StringIO() if msg: output.write(str(msg) + "\n") for stackLine in stack: frame, filename, line, funcname, lines, unknown = stackLine if filename.endswith("/"): # code is a boring part of the traceback continue if filename.startswith("./"): filename = filename[2:] output.write("%s:%s in %s:\n" % (filename, line, funcname)) if lines: output.write(" %s\n" % "".join(lines)[:-1]) s = output.getvalue() return s