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# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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import numpy as np

from tables.table import Table as PyTablesTable

class _TableRowAccessor(object):
    """A simple object which provides read access to the rows in a Table."""

    def __init__(self, h5_table):
        self._h5_table = h5_table

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._h5_table[key]

[docs]class H5TableNode(object): """A wrapper for PyTables Table nodes. Parameters ---------- node : tables.Table instance An H5 node which is a pytables.Table or H5TableNode instance """ def __init__(self, node): # Avoid a circular import from .file import H5Attrs assert self.is_table_node(node) self._h5_table = node._h5_table if hasattr(node, "_h5_table") else node self.attrs = H5Attrs(self._h5_table._v_attrs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creation methods # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def add_to_h5file(cls, h5, node_path, description, **kwargs): """Add table node to an H5 file at the specified path. Parameters ---------- h5 : H5File The H5 file where the table node will be stored. node_path : str Path to node where data is stored (e.g. '/path/to/my_table') description : list of tuples or numpy dtype object The description of the columns in the table. This is either a list of (column name, dtype, [, shape or itemsize]) tuples or a numpy record array dtype. For more information, see the documentation for `Table` in PyTables. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to pytables.File.create_table """ if isinstance(description, (tuple, list)): description = np.dtype(description) cls._create_pytables_node(h5, node_path, description, **kwargs) node = h5[node_path] return cls(node)
[docs] @classmethod def is_table_node(cls, pytables_node): """Return True if pytables_node is a pytables.Table or a H5TableNode. """ return isinstance(pytables_node, (PyTablesTable, H5TableNode))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public interface # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def append(self, data): """Add some data to the table. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dictionary of column name -> values items """ rows = list(zip(*[data[name] for name in self.keys()])) self._h5_table.append(rows)
def __getitem__(self, col_or_cols): """Return one or more columns of data from the table. Parameters ---------- col_or_cols : str or list of str A single column name or a list of column names Return ------ data : ndarray An array of column data with the column order matching that of `col_or_cols`. """ if isinstance(col_or_cols, str): return self._h5_table.col(col_or_cols) column_data = [self._h5_table.col(name) for name in col_or_cols] return np.column_stack(column_data) @property def ix(self): """Return an object which provides access to row data.""" return _TableRowAccessor(self._h5_table)
[docs] def keys(self): return self._h5_table.colnames
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Return table data as a pandas `DataFrame`. XXX: This does not work if the table contains a multidimensional column This method requires pandas to have been installed in the environment. """ from pandas import DataFrame # Slicing rows gives a numpy struct array, which DataFrame understands. return DataFrame(self.ix[:])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Object interface # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return repr(self._h5_table) def __len__(self): return self._h5_table.nrows # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private interface # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _f_remove(self): """Implement the PyTables `Node._f_remove` method so that H5File doesn't choke when trying to remove our node. """ self._h5_table._f_remove() self._h5_table = None @classmethod def _create_pytables_node(cls, h5, node_path, description, **kwargs): path, name = h5.split_path(node_path) pyt_file = h5._h5 pyt_file.create_table(path, name, description, **kwargs)