Source code for pyanno.ui.model_data_view

# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Author: Pietro Berkes <>
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)

"""View for model and data pair."""
from traits.has_traits import HasTraits, on_trait_change
from traits.trait_types import (Any, File, Instance, Button, Enum, Str, Bool,
                                Float, Event, Int)
from traits.traits import Property
from traitsui.editors.range_editor import RangeEditor
from import HGroup, VGroup, Tabbed
from traitsui.handler import ModelView
from traitsui.item import Item, Label, Spring, UItem
from import OKCancelButtons
from traitsui.view import View
from traitsui.message import error

from pyanno.modelA import ModelA
from pyanno.modelB import ModelB
from pyanno.modelBt import ModelBt
from pyanno.modelBt_loopdesign import ModelBtLoopDesign

from pyanno.annotations import AnnotationsContainer
from pyanno.plots.annotations_plot import PosteriorPlot
from pyanno.ui.annotation_stat_view import AnnotationsStatisticsView
from pyanno.ui.annotations_view import AnnotationsView, CreateNewAnnotationsDialog
from pyanno.ui.appbase.long_running_call import LongRunningCall
from pyanno.ui.appbase.wx_utils import is_display_small
from pyanno.ui.model_a_view import ModelAView
from pyanno.ui.model_bt_view import ModelBtView
from pyanno.ui.model_btloop_view import ModelBtLoopDesignView
from pyanno.ui.model_b_view import ModelBView

import numpy as np

# TODO remember last setting of parameters
from pyanno.ui.posterior_view import PosteriorView
from pyanno.util import PyannoValueError
from traitsui.message import message

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelDataView(ModelView): #### Information about available models model_name = Enum( 'Model B-with-theta', 'Model B-with-theta (loop design)', 'Model B', 'Model A (loop design)', ) _model_name_to_class = { 'Model B-with-theta': ModelBt, 'Model B-with-theta (loop design)': ModelBtLoopDesign, 'Model B': ModelB, 'Model A (loop design)': ModelA } _model_class_to_view = { ModelBt: ModelBtView, ModelBtLoopDesign: ModelBtLoopDesignView, ModelB: ModelBView, ModelA: ModelAView } #### Application-related traits # reference to pyanno application application = Any #### Model-related traits # the annotations model model = Any # Traits UI view of the model model_view = Instance(ModelView) # fired when the model is updates model_updated = Event # parameters view should not update when this trait is False model_update_suspended = Bool(False) #### Annotation-related traits # File trait to load a new annotations file annotations_file = File # True then annotations are loaded correctly annotations_are_defined = Bool(False) # fired when annotations are updated annotations_updated = Event # Traits UI view of the annotations annotations_view = Instance(AnnotationsView) # Traits UI view of the annotations' statistics annotations_stats_view = Instance(AnnotationsStatisticsView) # shortcut to the annotations annotations = Property def _get_annotations(self): return self.annotations_view.annotations_container.annotations # property that combines information from the model and the annotations # to give a consistent number of classes nclasses = Property def _get_nclasses(self): return max(self.model.nclasses, self.annotations.max() + 1) # info string -- currently not used info_string = Str # used to display the current log likelihood log_likelihood = Float def _annotations_view_default(self): anno = AnnotationsContainer.from_array([[0]], name='<undefined>') return AnnotationsView(annotations_container = anno, nclasses = self.model.nclasses, application = self.application, model=HasTraits()) @on_trait_change('annotations_file') def _update_annotations_file(self):'Load file {}'.format(self.annotations_file)) anno = AnnotationsContainer.from_file(self.annotations_file) self.set_annotations(anno) @on_trait_change('annotations_updated,model_updated') def _update_log_likelihood(self): if self.annotations_are_defined: if not self.model.are_annotations_compatible(self.annotations): self.log_likelihood = np.nan else: self.log_likelihood = self.model.log_likelihood( self.annotations) @on_trait_change('model.nclasses') def _update_nclasses(self): self.annotations_view.nclasses = self.model.nclasses self.annotations_view.annotations_updated = True @on_trait_change('model,model:theta,model:gamma') def _fire_model_updated(self): if not self.model_update_suspended: self.model_updated = True if self.model_view is not None: self.model_view.model_updated = True ### Control content #######################################################
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """Update window with a new model. """ self.model = model model_view_class = self._model_class_to_view[model.__class__] self.model_view = model_view_class(model=model) self.model_updated = True
[docs] def set_annotations(self, annotations_container): """Update window with a new set of annotations.""" self.annotations_view = AnnotationsView( annotations_container = annotations_container, nclasses = self.model.nclasses, application = self.application, model = HasTraits() ) self.annotations_stats_view = AnnotationsStatisticsView( annotations = self.annotations, nclasses = self.nclasses ) self.annotations_are_defined = True self.annotations_updated = True
[docs] def set_from_database_record(self, record): """Set main window model and annotations from a database record.""" self.set_model(record.model) self.set_annotations(record.anno_container) ### Actions ############################################################## #### Model creation actions # create a new model
new_model = Button(label='Create...') # show informations about the selected model get_info_on_model = Button(label='Info...') #### Annotation creation actions # create new annotations new_annotations = Button(label='Create...') #### Model <-> data computations # execute Maximum Likelihood estimation of parameters ml_estimate = Button(label='ML estimate...', desc=('Maximum Likelihood estimate of model ' 'parameters')) # execute MAP estimation of parameters map_estimate = Button(label='MAP estimate...') # draw samples from the posterior over accuracy sample_posterior_over_accuracy = Button(label='Sample parameters...') # compute posterior over label classes estimate_labels = Button(label='Estimate labels...') #### Database actions # open database window open_database = Button(label="Open database") # add current results to database add_to_database = Button(label="Add to database") def _new_model_fired(self): """Create new model.""" # delegate creation to associated model_view model_name = self.model_name model_class = self._model_name_to_class[model_name] responsible_view = self._model_class_to_view[model_class] # model == None if the user cancelled the action model = responsible_view.create_model_dialog( if model is not None: self.set_model(model) def _new_annotations_fired(self): """Create an empty annotations set.""" annotations = CreateNewAnnotationsDialog.create_annotations_dialog() if annotations is not None: name = self.application.database.get_available_id() anno_cont = AnnotationsContainer.from_array(annotations, name=name) self.set_annotations(anno_cont) def _open_database_fired(self): """Open database window.""" if self.application is not None: self.application.open_database_window() def _get_info_on_model_fired(self): """Open dialog with model description.""" model_class = self._model_name_to_class[self.model_name] message(message = model_class.__doc__, title='Model info') def _add_to_database_fired(self): """Add current results to database.""" if self.application is not None: self.application.add_current_state_to_database() def _action_finally(self): """Operations that need to be executed both in case of a success and a failure of the long-running action. """ self.model_update_suspended = False def _action_success(self, result): self._action_finally() self._fire_model_updated() def _action_failure(self, err): self._action_finally() if isinstance(err, PyannoValueError): errmsg = err.args[0] if 'Annotations' in errmsg: # raised when annotations are incompatible with the model error('Error: ' + errmsg) else: # re-raise exception if it has not been handled raise err def _action_on_model(self, message, method, args=None, kwargs=None, on_success=None, on_failure=None): """Call long running method on model. While the call is running, a window with a pulse progress bar is displayed. An error message is displayed if the call raises a PyannoValueError (raised when annotations are incompatible with the current model). """ if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if on_success is None: on_success = self._action_success if on_failure is None: on_failure = self._action_failure self.model_update_suspended = True call = LongRunningCall( parent = None, title = 'Calculating...', message = message, callable = method, args = args, kw = kwargs, on_success = on_success, on_failure = on_failure, ) call() def _ml_estimate_fired(self): """Run ML estimation of parameters.""" message = 'Computing maximum likelihood estimate' self._action_on_model(message, self.model.mle, args=[self.annotations]) def _map_estimate_fired(self): """Run ML estimation of parameters.""" message = 'Computing maximum a posteriori estimate' self._action_on_model(message,, args=[self.annotations]) def _sample_posterior_success(self, samples): if (samples is not None and hasattr(self.model_view, 'plot_theta_samples')): self.model_view.plot_theta_samples(samples) self._action_finally() def _sample_posterior_over_accuracy_fired(self): """Sample the posterior of the parameters `theta`.""" message = 'Sampling from the posterior over accuracy' # open dialog asking for number of samples params = _SamplingParamsDialog() dialog_ui = params.edit_traits(kind='modal') if not dialog_ui.result: # user pressed "Cancel" return nsamples = params.nsamples self._action_on_model( message, self.model.sample_posterior_over_accuracy, args = [self.annotations, nsamples], kwargs = {'burn_in_samples': params.burn_in_samples, 'thin_samples' : params.thin_samples}, on_success=self._sample_posterior_success ) def _estimate_labels_success(self, posterior): if posterior is not None: post_plot = PosteriorPlot(posterior=posterior, title='Posterior over classes') post_view = PosteriorView(posterior_plot=post_plot, annotations=self.annotations) post_view.edit_traits() self._action_finally() def _estimate_labels_fired(self): """Compute the posterior over annotations and show it in a new window""" message = 'Computing the posterior over classes' self._action_on_model( message, self.model.infer_labels, args=[self.annotations], on_success=self._estimate_labels_success ) ### Views ################################################################
[docs] def traits_view(self): ## Model view # adjust sizes to display size if is_display_small(): # full view size w_view, h_view = 1024, 768 w_data_create_group = 350 w_data_info_group = 500 h_annotations_stats = 270 else: w_view, h_view = 1300, 850 w_data_create_group = 400 w_data_info_group = 700 h_annotations_stats = 330 model_create_group = ( VGroup( HGroup( UItem(name='model_name',width=200), UItem(name='new_model', width=100), UItem(name='get_info_on_model', width=100, height=25), ), label = 'Create new model' ) ) model_group = ( VGroup ( model_create_group, VGroup( Item( 'model_view', style='custom', show_label=False, width=400 ), label = 'Model view', ), ), ) ## Data view data_create_group = VGroup( #Label('Open annotation file:', width=800), HGroup( Item('annotations_file', style='simple', label='Open file:', width=w_data_create_group, height=25), UItem('new_annotations', height=25) ), label = 'Load/create annotations', show_border = False, ) data_info_group = VGroup( Item('annotations_view', style='custom', show_label=False, visible_when='annotations_are_defined', width=w_data_info_group, ), Item('annotations_stats_view', style='custom', show_label=False, visible_when='annotations_are_defined', height=h_annotations_stats), label = 'Data view', ) data_group = ( VGroup ( data_create_group, data_info_group, ), ) ## (Model,Data) view model_data_group = ( VGroup( #Item('info_string', show_label=False, style='readonly'), Item('log_likelihood', label='Log likelihood', style='readonly'), HGroup( Item('ml_estimate', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined'), Item('map_estimate', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined'), Item('sample_posterior_over_accuracy', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined'), Item('estimate_labels', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined'), Spring(), Item('add_to_database', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined'), Item('open_database'), show_labels=False, ), label = 'Model-data view', ) ) ## Full view full_view = View( VGroup( HGroup( model_group, data_group ), model_data_group, ), title='PyAnno - Models of data annotations by multiple curators', width = w_view, height = h_view, resizable = False ) return full_view
class _SamplingParamsDialog(HasTraits): nsamples = Int(200) burn_in_samples = Int(100) thin_samples = Int(1) traits_view = View( VGroup( Item('nsamples', label = 'Number of samples', editor = RangeEditor(mode='spinner', low=100, high=50000, is_float=False), width = 100 ), Item('burn_in_samples', label = 'Number of samples in burn-in phase', editor = RangeEditor(mode='spinner', low=1, high=50000, is_float=False), width = 100 ), Item('thin_samples', label = 'Thinning (keep 1 samples every N)', editor = RangeEditor(mode='spinner', low=1, high=50000, is_float=False), width = 100 ), ), buttons = OKCancelButtons ) #### Testing and debugging ####################################################
[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for standalone testing/debugging. """ from pyanno.ui.model_data_view import ModelDataView model = ModelBtLoopDesign.create_initial_state(5) model_data_view = ModelDataView() model_data_view.set_model(model) # open model_data_view model_data_view.configure_traits(view='traits_view') return model, model_data_view
if __name__ == '__main__': m, mdv = main()

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