Source code for pyanno.ui.annotations_view

# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Author: Pietro Berkes <>
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)

from traits.has_traits import HasTraits, on_trait_change
from traits.trait_numeric import Array
from traits.trait_types import (Instance, Int, ListFloat, Button, Event, File,
from traits.traits import Property
from traitsui.api import  View, VGroup
from traitsui.editors.file_editor import FileEditor
from traitsui.editors.range_editor import RangeEditor
from traitsui.editors.tabular_editor import TabularEditor
from import HGroup, VGrid, Group
from traitsui.handler import ModelView
from traitsui.item import Item, Spring, Label
from import OKCancelButtons
from pyanno.annotations import AnnotationsContainer
from pyanno.ui.appbase.wx_utils import is_display_small
from pyanno.ui.arrayview import Array2DAdapter
from pyanno.plots.hinton_plot import HintonDiagramPlot
from pyanno.util import labels_frequency, MISSING_VALUE, PyannoValueError
import numpy as np

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAX_WIDTH = 1000
W_MARGIN = 150

[docs]class DataView(HasTraits): data = Array(dtype=object)
[docs] def traits_view(self): ncolumns = len([0]) w_table = min(WIDTH_CELL * ncolumns, MAX_WIDTH) w_view = min(w_table + W_MARGIN, MAX_WIDTH) return View( Group( Item('data', editor=TabularEditor ( adapter=Array2DAdapter(ncolumns=ncolumns, format='%s', show_index=True)), show_label=False, width=w_table, padding=10), ), title='Annotations', width=w_view, height=800, resizable=True, buttons=OKCancelButtons )
[docs]class AnnotationsView(ModelView): """ Traits UI Model/View for annotations.""" # reference to main application application = Any ### Model-related traits ### # container for annotations and their metadata annotations_container = Instance(AnnotationsContainer) # this can be set by the current model (could be different from the # number of classes in the annotations themselves) nclasses = Int(1) frequency = ListFloat @on_trait_change('annotations_container,annotations_updated,nclasses') def _update_frequency(self): nclasses = max(self.nclasses, self.annotations_container.nclasses) try: frequency = labels_frequency( self.annotations_container.annotations, nclasses).tolist() except PyannoValueError as e: frequency = np.zeros((nclasses,)).tolist() self.frequency = frequency self.frequency_plot = HintonDiagramPlot( data=self.frequency, title='Observed label frequencies') ### Traits UI definitions ### # event raised when annotations are updated annotations_updated = Event ## frequency plot definition frequency_plot = Instance(HintonDiagramPlot) ## edit data button opens annotations editor edit_data = Button(label='Edit annotations...') # save current annotations save_data = Button(label='Save annotations...') def _edit_data_fired(self): data_view = DataView(data=self.annotations_container.raw_annotations) data_view.edit_traits(kind='livemodal', self.annotations_container = AnnotationsContainer.from_array(, name = ) if self.application is not None: self.application.main_window.set_annotations( self.annotations_container) def _save_data_fired(self): save_filename = if save_filename is not None: self.annotations_container.save_to(save_filename, set_name=True) if self.application is not None: self.application.main_window.set_annotations( self.annotations_container) ### View definition ### _name = Property def _get__name(self): return _nitems = Property def _get__nitems(self): return self.annotations_container.nitems _nclasses = Property def _get__nclasses(self): return self.annotations_container.nclasses _labels = Property def _get__labels(self): return str(self.annotations_container.labels) _nannotators = Property def _get__nannotators(self): return str(self.annotations_container.nannotators)
[docs] def traits_view(self): if is_display_small(): w_view = 350 else: w_view = 450 info_group = VGroup( Item('_name', label='Annotations name:', style='readonly', padding=0), VGrid( Item('_nclasses', label='Number of classes:', style='readonly', width=10), Item('_labels', label='Labels:', style='readonly'), Item('_nannotators', label='Number of annotators:', style='readonly', width=10), Item('_nitems', label='Number of items:', style='readonly'), padding=0 ), padding=0 ) body = VGroup( info_group, Item('_'), HGroup( VGroup( Spring(), Item('frequency_plot', style='custom', resizable=False, show_label=False, width=w_view ), Spring() ), Spring(), VGroup( Spring(), Item('edit_data', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined', show_label=False), Item('save_data', enabled_when='annotations_are_defined', show_label=False), Spring() ) ), Spring(), Item('_'), ) traits_view = View(body) return traits_view
[docs]class SaveAnnotationsDialog(HasTraits): filename = File def _filename_default(self): import os home = os.getenv('HOME') or os.getenv('HOMEPATH') return os.path.join(home, 'annotations.txt') @staticmethod
[docs] def open(): dialog = SaveAnnotationsDialog() dialog_ui = dialog.edit_traits(kind='modal') if dialog_ui.result: # user presser 'OK' return dialog.filename else: return None
traits_view = View( Item('filename', label='Save to:', editor=FileEditor(allow_dir=False, dialog_style='save', entries=0), style='simple' ), width = 400, resizable = True, buttons = ['OK', 'Cancel'] )
[docs]class CreateNewAnnotationsDialog(HasTraits): nannotators = Int(8) nitems = Int(100) @staticmethod
[docs] def create_annotations_dialog(): dialog = CreateNewAnnotationsDialog() dialog_ui = dialog.edit_traits(kind='modal') if dialog_ui.result: # user pressed 'Ok' annotations = np.empty((dialog.nitems, dialog.nannotators), dtype=int) annotations.fill(MISSING_VALUE) return annotations else: return None
[docs] def traits_view(self): view = View( VGroup( Item( 'nannotators', editor=RangeEditor(mode='spinner', low=3, high=1000), label='Number of annotators:' ), Item( 'nitems', editor=RangeEditor(mode='spinner', low=2, high=1000000), label='Number of items' ), ), buttons = ['OK', 'Cancel'] ) return view #### Testing and debugging ####################################################
[docs]def main(): """ Entry point for standalone testing/debugging. """ from pyanno.modelBt_loopdesign import ModelBtLoopDesign model = ModelBtLoopDesign.create_initial_state(5) annotations = model.generate_annotations(2) anno = AnnotationsContainer.from_array(annotations, name='blah') model_view = AnnotationsView(annotations_container=anno, model=HasTraits()) model_view.configure_traits() return model, annotations, model_view
if __name__ == '__main__': m, a, mv = main()

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