Source code for traitsui.null.rgb_color_trait

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Trait definitions for an RGB-based color, which is a tuple of the form
    (*red*, *green*, *blue*), where *red*, *green* and *blue* are floats in the
    range from 0.0 to 1.0.

from traits.api import Trait, TraitError

from traits.trait_base import SequenceTypes

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Convert a number into an RGB tuple:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def range_check(value): """Checks that *value* can be converted to a value in the range 0.0 to 1.0. If so, it returns the floating point value; otherwise, it raises a TraitError. """ value = float(value) if 0.0 <= value <= 1.0: return value raise TraitError
[docs]def convert_to_color(object, name, value): """Converts a tuple or an integer to an RGB color value, or raises a TraitError if that is not possible. """ if (type(value) in SequenceTypes) and (len(value) == 3): return ( range_check(value[0]), range_check(value[1]), range_check(value[2]), ) if isinstance(value, int): num = int(value) return ( (num / 0x10000) / 255.0, ((num // 0x100) & 0xFF) / 255.0, (num & 0xFF) / 255.0, ) raise TraitError = ( "a tuple of the form (r,g,b), where r, g, and b " "are floats in the range from 0.0 to 1.0, or an integer which in hex is of " "the form 0xRRGGBB, where RR is red, GG is green, and BB is blue" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard colors: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RGB versions of standard colors rgb_standard_colors = { "aquamarine": (0.439216, 0.858824, 0.576471), "black": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "blue": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "blue violet": (0.623529, 0.372549, 0.623529), "brown": (0.647059, 0.164706, 0.164706), "cadet blue": (0.372549, 0.623529, 0.623529), "coral": (1.0, 0.498039, 0.0), "cornflower blue": (0.258824, 0.258824, 0.435294), "cyan": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), "dark grey": (0.184314, 0.184314, 0.184314), "dark green": (0.184314, 0.309804, 0.184314), "dark olive green": (0.309804, 0.309804, 0.184314), "dark orchid": (0.6, 0.196078, 0.8), "dark slate blue": (0.419608, 0.137255, 0.556863), "dark slate grey": (0.184314, 0.309804, 0.309804), "dark turquoise": (0.439216, 0.576471, 0.858824), "dim grey": (0.329412, 0.329412, 0.329412), "firebrick": (0.556863, 0.137255, 0.137255), "forest green": (0.137255, 0.556863, 0.137255), "gold": (0.8, 0.498039, 0.196078), "goldenrod": (0.858824, 0.858824, 0.439216), "grey": (0.501961, 0.501961, 0.501961), "green": (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), "green yellow": (0.576471, 0.858824, 0.439216), "indian red": (0.309804, 0.184314, 0.184314), "khaki": (0.623529, 0.623529, 0.372549), "light blue": (0.74902, 0.847059, 0.847059), "light grey": (0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941), "light steel": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "blue": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "lime green": (0.196078, 0.8, 0.196078), "magenta": (1.0, 0.0, 1.0), "maroon": (0.556863, 0.137255, 0.419608), "medium aquamarine": (0.196078, 0.8, 0.6), "medium blue": (0.196078, 0.196078, 0.8), "medium forest green": (0.419608, 0.556863, 0.137255), "medium goldenrod": (0.917647, 0.917647, 0.678431), "medium orchid": (0.576471, 0.439216, 0.858824), "medium sea green": (0.258824, 0.435294, 0.258824), "medium slate blue": (0.498039, 0.0, 1.0), "medium spring green": (0.498039, 1.0, 0.0), "medium turquoise": (0.439216, 0.858824, 0.858824), "medium violet red": (0.858824, 0.439216, 0.576471), "midnight blue": (0.184314, 0.184314, 0.309804), "navy": (0.137255, 0.137255, 0.556863), "orange": (0.8, 0.196078, 0.196078), "orange red": (1.0, 0.0, 0.498039), "orchid": (0.858824, 0.439216, 0.858824), "pale green": (0.560784, 0.737255, 0.560784), "pink": (0.737255, 0.560784, 0.917647), "plum": (0.917647, 0.678431, 0.917647), "purple": (0.690196, 0.0, 1.0), "red": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "salmon": (0.435294, 0.258824, 0.258824), "sea green": (0.137255, 0.556863, 0.419608), "sienna": (0.556863, 0.419608, 0.137255), "sky blue": (0.196078, 0.6, 0.8), "slate blue": (0.0, 0.498039, 1.0), "spring green": (0.0, 1.0, 0.498039), "steel blue": (0.137255, 0.419608, 0.556863), "tan": (0.858824, 0.576471, 0.439216), "thistle": (0.847059, 0.74902, 0.847059), "turquoise": (0.678431, 0.917647, 0.917647), "violet": (0.309804, 0.184314, 0.309804), "violet red": (0.8, 0.196078, 0.6), "wheat": (0.847059, 0.847059, 0.74902), "white": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), "yellow": (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), "yellow green": (0.6, 0.8, 0.196078), } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define 'null' specific color trait: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Note: Declare the editor to be a function which returns the RGBColorEditor # class from traits ui to avoid circular import issues. For backwards # compatibility with previous Traits versions, the 'editors' folder in Traits # project declares 'from api import *' in its The 'api' in turn # can contain classes that have a RGBColor trait which lead to this file getting # imported. This will lead to a circular import when declaring a RGBColor # trait.
[docs]def get_rgb_color_editor(*args, **traits): from ..editors.rgb_color_editor import ( ToolkitEditorFactory as RGBColorEditor, ) return RGBColorEditor(*args, **traits)
# Trait whose value must be an RGB color RGBColor = Trait( "white", convert_to_color, rgb_standard_colors, editor=get_rgb_color_editor )