Source code for traitsui.null.font_trait

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Trait definition for a null-based (i.e., no UI) font.

from traits.api import Trait, TraitHandler, TraitError

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Convert a string into a valid 'wxFont' object (if possible):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Mapping of strings to valid wxFont families
font_families = ["default", "decorative", "roman", "script", "swiss", "modern"]

# Mapping of strings to wxFont styles
font_styles = ["slant", "italic"]

# Mapping of strings wxFont weights
font_weights = ["light", "bold"]

# Strings to ignore in text representations of fonts
font_noise = ["pt", "point", "family"]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  'TraitFont' class'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class TraitFont(TraitHandler): """Ensures that values assigned to a trait attribute are valid font descriptor strings; the value actually assigned is the corresponding canonical font descriptor string. """
[docs] def validate(self, object, name, value): """Validates that the value is a valid font descriptor string.""" try: point_size = family = style = weight = underline = "" facename = [""] for word in value.split(): lword = word.lower() if lword in font_families: family = " " + lword elif lword in font_styles: style = " " + lword elif lword in font_weights: weight = " " + lword elif lword == "underline": underline = " " + lword elif lword not in font_noise: try: int(lword) point_size = lword + " pt" except: facename.append(word) fontstr = ( "%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( point_size, family, style, weight, underline, " ".join(facename), ) ).strip() return fontstr except Exception: pass raise TraitError(object, name, "a font descriptor string", repr(value))
[docs] def info(self): return ( "a string describing a font (e.g. '12 pt bold italic " "swiss family Arial' or 'default 12')" )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define a 'null' specific font trait: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Note: Declare the editor to be a function which returns the FontEditor # class from traits ui to avoid circular import issues. For backwards # compatibility with previous Traits versions, the 'editors' folder in Traits # project declares 'from api import *' in its The 'api' in turn # can contain classes that have a Font trait which lead to this file getting # imported. This leads to a circular import when declaring a Font trait.
[docs]def get_font_editor(*args, **traits): from ..api import FontEditor return FontEditor(*args, **traits)
fh = TraitFont() NullFont = Trait( fh.validate(None, None, "Arial 10"), fh, editor=get_font_editor )