Source code for traitsui.editors.tuple_editor

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Defines the tuple editor factory for all traits user interface toolkits.

from traits.api import (
from traits.trait_base import SequenceTypes

from traitsui.editor import Editor
from traitsui.editor_factory import EditorFactory
from import Group
from traitsui.item import Item
from traitsui.view import View

[docs]class TupleEditor(EditorFactory): """Editor factory for tuple editors.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Trait definitions for each tuple field types = Any() #: Labels for each of the tuple fields labels = List(Str) #: Editors for each of the tuple fields: editors = List(EditorFactory) #: Number of tuple fields or rows cols = Int(1) #: Is user input set on every keystroke? This is applied to every field #: of the tuple, provided the field does not already have an 'auto_set' #: metadata or an editor defined. auto_set = Bool(True) #: Is user input set when the Enter key is pressed? This is applied to #: every field of the tuple, provided the field does not already have an #: 'enter_set' metadata or an editor defined. enter_set = Bool(False)
[docs]class SimpleEditor(Editor): """Simple style of editor for tuples. The editor displays an editor for each of the fields in the tuple, based on the type of each field. """
[docs] def init(self, parent): """Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit widget. """ self._ts = ts = TupleStructure(self) self._ui = ui = ts.view.ui(ts, parent, kind="subpanel").trait_set( parent=self.ui ) self.control = ui.control self.set_tooltip()
[docs] def update_editor(self): """Updates the editor when the object trait changes external to the editor. """ ts = self._ts for i, value in enumerate(self.value): setattr(ts, "f%d" % i, value)
[docs] def get_error_control(self): """Returns the editor's control for indicating error status.""" return self._ui.get_error_controls()
[docs]class TupleStructure(HasTraits): """Creates a view containing items for each field in a tuple.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Editor this structure is linked to editor = Any() #: The constructed View for the tuple view = Any() #: Number of tuple fields fields = Int() def __init__(self, editor): """Initializes the object.""" super().__init__(editor=editor) factory = editor.factory types = factory.types labels = factory.labels editors = factory.editors cols = factory.cols # Get the tuple we are mirroring: object = editor.value # For each tuple field, add a trait with the appropriate trait # definition and default value: content = [] self.fields = len(object) len_labels = len(labels) len_editors = len(editors) if types is None: type = editor.value_trait.handler if isinstance(type, BaseTuple): types = type.types if not isinstance(types, SequenceTypes): types = [types] len_types = len(types) if len_types == 0: types = [Any] len_types = 1 for i, value in enumerate(object): type = types[i % len_types] auto_set = enter_set = None if isinstance(type, TraitType): auto_set = type.auto_set enter_set = type.enter_set if auto_set is None: auto_set = editor.factory.auto_set if enter_set is None: enter_set = editor.factory.enter_set label = "" if i < len_labels: label = labels[i] field_editor = None if i < len_editors: field_editor = editors[i] name = "f%d" % i self.add_trait( name, type( value, event="field", auto_set=auto_set, enter_set=enter_set, ), ) item = Item(name=name, label=label, editor=field_editor) if cols <= 1: content.append(item) else: if (i % cols) == 0: group = Group(orientation="horizontal") content.append(group) group.content.append(item) self.view = View(Group(show_labels=(len_labels != 0), *content)) def _field_changed(self, name, old, new): """Updates the underlying tuple when any field changes value.""" index = int(name[1:]) value = self.editor.value if new != value[index]: self.editor.value = tuple( [getattr(self, "f%d" % i) for i in range(self.fields)] )
# This alias is deprecated and will be removed in TraitsUI 8. ToolkitEditorFactory = TupleEditor