pyface.fields.i_toggle_field module

The toggle field interface.

class pyface.fields.i_toggle_field.IToggleField(adaptee, default=<class 'traits.adaptation.adaptation_error.AdaptationError'>)[source]

Bases: IEditableField

The toggle field interface.

This is for a toggle between two states, represented by a boolean value.

value = Bool()

The current value of the toggle.

text = Str()

The text to display in the toggle.

icon = Image()

The icon to display with the toggle.

class pyface.fields.i_toggle_field.MToggleField[source]

Bases: HasTraits

The toggle field mixin class.

This is for a toggle between two states, represented by a boolean value.

value = Bool()

The current value of the toggle.

text = Str()

The text to display in the toggle.

icon = Image()

The icon to display with the toggle.