.. _example_plotting_many_lines: Plotting many lines example -------------------------------------------------------------------- This examples shows how many lines can be grouped together in a single object, for convenience and efficiency. We want to plot a large number of lines. We could use mlab.plot3d for this, but it will create an object for each line, this will be inefficient. This example shows how to create one object comprised of many lines. The underlying idea is the same as that used to plot graphes (see for instance :ref:`example_flight_graph`): create a set of points, and specify explicitely the connectivity between them. First we create the set of unconnected point (the underlying data structure is a :ref:`poly_data`) using `mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter`. To add the connections, we need to keep track of which point is connected to which. As we only have lines, this is fairly easy: in a line, each point is connected to the following one. .. image:: ../generated_images/example_plotting_many_lines.jpg :align: center **Python source code:** :download:`plotting_many_lines.py` .. literalinclude:: plotting_many_lines.py :lines: 20-