.. _example_atomic_orbital: Atomic orbital example -------------------------------------------------------------------- An example showing the norm and phase of an atomic orbital: isosurfaces of the norm, with colors displaying the phase. This example shows how you can apply a filter on one data set, and dislay a second data set on the output of the filter. Here we use the contour filter to extract isosurfaces of the norm of a complex field, and we display the phase of the field with the colormap. The field we choose to plot is a simplified version of the 3P_y atomic orbital for hydrogen-like atoms. The first step is to create a data source with two scalar datasets. The second step is to apply filters and modules, using the 'set_active_attribute' filter to select on which data these apply. Creating a data source with two scalar datasets is actually slighlty tricky, as it requires some understanding of the layout of the datasets in TVTK. The reader is referred to :ref:`data-structures-used-by-mayavi` for more details. .. image:: ../generated_images/example_atomic_orbital.jpg :align: center **Python source code:** :download:`atomic_orbital.py` .. literalinclude:: atomic_orbital.py :lines: 22-