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class enaml.widgets.main_window.MainWindow(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: enaml.widgets.window.Window

A top level main window widget.

MainWindow widgets are top level widgets which provide additional functionality beyond frame decoration. A MainWindow may optionally contain a MenuBar, any number of ToolBars, a StatusBar, and any number of DockPanes. Like Window, a MainWindow can have at most one central Container widget, which will be expanded to fit into the available space.

menu_bar = None

A read only property which returns the window’s MenuBar.

tool_bars = None

A read only property which returns the window’s ToolBars.

dock_panes = None

A read only property which returns the window’s DockPanes.


alias of __NoInterface__



Inheritance diagram of enaml.qt.qt_main_window.QtMainWindow

class enaml.qt.qt_main_window.QtMainWindow(object_id, parent, session)[source]

Bases: enaml.qt.qt_window.QtWindow

A Qt implementation of an Enaml MainWindow.

create_widget(parent, tree)[source]

Create the underlying widget QMainWindow widget.


Initialize the layout for the underlying widget.


Get a dictionary of the main window components.

Returns:result (dict) – A dicionary of main window components categorized by their function.

Handle the child removed event for a QtMainWindow.


Handle the child added event for a QtMainWindow.


Set the visibility of the underlying control.

This is an overridden parent class method which keeps track of the visible flag set by the Enaml widget.


Inheritance diagram of enaml.wx.wx_main_window.WxMainWindow

class enaml.wx.wx_main_window.WxMainWindow(object_id, parent, session)[source]

Bases: enaml.wx.wx_window.WxWindow

A Wx implementation of an Enaml MainWindow.

create_widget(parent, tree)[source]

Create the underlying wx.Frame widget and dock manager.


Perform the layout initialization for the main window.


Get a dictionary of the main window components.

Returns:result (dict) – A dicionary of main window components categorized by their function.

Handle the child removed event for a WxMainWindow.


Handle the child added event for a WxMainWindow.