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class enaml.widgets.check_box.CheckBox(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: enaml.widgets.abstract_button.AbstractButton

An checkable button represented by a standard check box widget.

Use a check box when it’s necessary to toggle a boolean value independent of any other widgets in a group.

When its necessary to allow the toggling of only one value in a group of values, use a group of RadioButtons or the RadioGroup control from the Enaml standard library.

The interface for AbstractButton fully defines the interface for a CheckBox.

checkable = None

Check boxes are checkable by default.


alias of __NoInterface__



Inheritance diagram of enaml.qt.qt_check_box.QtCheckBox

class enaml.qt.qt_check_box.QtCheckBox(object_id, parent, session)[source]

Bases: enaml.qt.qt_abstract_button.QtAbstractButton

A Qt implementation of an Enaml CheckBox.

create_widget(parent, tree)[source]

Create the underlying check box widget.


Inheritance diagram of enaml.wx.wx_check_box.WxCheckBox

class enaml.wx.wx_check_box.WxCheckBox(object_id, parent, session)[source]

Bases: enaml.wx.wx_abstract_button.WxAbstractButton

A Wx implementation of an Enaml CheckBox.

create_widget(parent, tree)[source]

Creates the underlying wxProperCheckBox.


Create and initialize the check box control.


Sets whether or not the widget is checkable.


Returns the checked state of the widget.


Sets the widget’s checked state with the provided value.