Writing .enaml Files ==================== .. warning:: This documentation is currently under development and may be missing information. Enaml files contain a domain-specific language for specifying a user-interface and dynamically binding and computing values based on user interaction. A simple example of an Enaml file might look something like this: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/widgets/form.enaml :language: python On the Python side, the Enaml code can be imported using a ``with`` statement to add the Enaml import hooks. The ``enamldef`` blocks are then available as module-level functions that can be called normally from Python code. Building the UI is then a matter of calling an Enaml ``enamldef`` to build the view, and creating that view from a ``Session`` instance. The parameters passed in to the Enaml ``enamldef`` block from the Python side can be any Python or Enaml objects that would make sense to use within the Enaml code. For example, if you use an attribute of an object in the Enaml code, then passing an object without that attribute will raise an ``AttributeError`` just as if you did the same thing in a Python function. Enaml Widgets and Layout ------------------------ Enaml widgets come in two basic types: Containers and Controls. Controls are conceptually single UI elements with no other Enaml widgets inside them, such as labels, fields, and buttons. Containers are widgets which contain other widgets, usually including information about how to layout the widgets that they contain. Examples of containers include top-level windows, scroll areas and forms. Enaml uses constraints-based layout implemented by the Cassowary layout system. Constraints are specified as a system of linear inequalities together with an error function which is minimized according to a modified version of the Simplex method. The error function is specified via assigning weights to the various inequalities. The default weights exposed in Enaml are ``'weak'``, ``'medium'``, ``'strong'``, ``'required'``, and ``'ignored'``, but other values are possible within the system, if needed. While a developer writing Enaml code could specify all constraints directly, in practice they will use a set of helper classes, functions and attributes to help specify the set of constraints in a more understandable way. Every widget knows its preferred size, usually by querying the underlying toolkit, and can express how closely it adheres to the preferred size via its ``hug_width``, ``hug_height``, ``resist_width`` and ``resist_height`` attribute which take one of the previously mentioned weights. These are set to reasonable defaults for most widgets, but they can be overriden. The ``hug`` attributes specify how strongly the widget resists expansion by adding a constraint of the appropriate weight that specifies that the dimension be equal to the preferred value, while the ``resist_clip`` attributes specify how strongly the widget resists compression by adding a constraint that specifies that the dimension be greater than or equal to the preferred value. .. todo:: Example here Containers can specify additional constraints that relate their child widgets. By default a container simply lays out its children as a vertical list and tries to expand them to use the full width and height that the container has available. Layout containers, like Form, specify different default constraints that give automatic layout of their children, and may provide additional hooks for other widgets to use to align with their significant features. Additional constraints are specified via the ``constraints`` attribute on the container. The simplest way to specify a constraint is with a simple equality or inequality. Inequalities can be specified in terms of symbols provided by the components, which at least default to the symbols for a basic box model: ``top``, ``bottom``, ``left``, ``right``, ``v_center``, ``h_center``, ``width`` and ``height``. Other components may expose other symbols: for example the ``Form`` widget exposes ``midline`` for aligning the fields of multiple forms along the same line, and a ``Container`` exposes various ``contents`` symbols to accound for padding around the boundaries of its children. .. todo:: Example here However, this can get tedious, and so there are some helpers that are available to simplify specifying layout. These are: ``spacer`` A singleton spacer that represents a flexible space in a layout with a minimum value of the default space. Additional restrictions on the space can be specified using ``==``, ``<=`` and ``>=`` with an integer value. ``spacer.flex()`` A flexible spacer that has a hard minimum but also a weaker preference to be no larger than that minimum. ``horizontal(*items)`` or ``hbox(*items)`` ``vertical(*items)`` or ``vbox(*items)`` These four functions take a list of symbols, widgets and spacers and create a series of constraints that specify a sequential horizontal or vertical layout where the sides of each object in sequence abut against each other. ``align(variable, *items)`` Align the given string variable name on each of the specified items. ``grid(*rows, **config)`` A function which takes a variable number of iterable rows and arranges the items in a grid according to the configuration parameters. By using appropriate combinations of these objects you can specify complex layouts quickly and clearly. .. todo:: Example here Binding Operators ----------------- `=` *Assignment*. RHS can be any expression. The assignment will be the default value, but the value can be changed later through Python code or other expression execution. `:=` *Delegation*. RHS must be a simple lvalue, like ``foo.bar`` or ``spam[idx]``. Non-lvalue expressions here are a syntax error. The value of the view property and value of the attribute are synced, but the type checking of the view property is enforced. `<<` *Subscription*. RHS can be any expression. The expression will be parsed for dependencies, and any dependency which is a trait attribute on a HasTraits class will have a listener attached. When the listener fires, the expression will be re-evaluated and the value of the view property will be updated. `>>` *Update*. RHS must be a simple lvalue. The attribute will receive the view property's value any time it changes. `::` *Notification*. RHS can be any statement. Additionally, an indented block of code can also be used. The statement/block will be evaluated any time the view property changes. Scoping Rules ------------- - Imports are global and accessible to everything in the file. - Each top-level item defines its own local namespace. This namespace includes all elements that have a declared identifier. - Each expression has its local namespace that is the union of the block locals and the attribute namespace of the object to which the expression is bound. In otherwords `self` is implicit. However, a `self` exists in this local namespace in order to break naming conflicts between block locals and attribute names. To any C++ or Java developers, this will seem natural. - Each expression has a dynamic scope which exists between its local scope and the global scope. This scope is the chained union of all attribute namespaces of the ancestor tree of the object to which the expression is bound.