.. _hello-world: "Hello World" tutorial =============================================================================== Our goal in this tutorial is to show a minimal example of an |Enaml| user interface and introduce a few basic concepts. It sets up a minimal GUI to display a simple message. Let's get started with a minimalist "hello world" example. |Enaml| interfaces are described in a file with the ".enaml" extension. While the code has some similarities to Python, |Enaml| is a separate language. Here is our minimalist .enaml file describing a message-displaying GUI (:download:`download here <../../../examples/tutorial/hello_world/hello_world_view.enaml>`): .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/tutorial/hello_world/hello_world_view.enaml :language: python Use the ``enaml-run`` utility to run it from the command line with :: $ enaml-run hello_world_view.enaml The resulting GUI looks like this (on Mac OSX): .. image:: images/hello_world.png Let's take a closer look at the |Enaml| file. Enaml Definitions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An |Enaml| view is made up of a series of component *definitions* that look a lot like Python classes. In the first line of code, we are defining a new component, ``Main``, which derives from ``Window``, a builtin widget in the |Enaml| library. :: enamldef Main(Window): With this line of code, we have defined the start of a *definition block*. In general, we could call this almost anything we want, as long as it is a Python-valid name. In this case, however, by giving it the special name ``Main`` we get to run it from the command line with the ``enaml-run`` tool. ``enaml-run`` looks for a component named ``Main`` or a function named ``main`` in an ``.enaml`` file and runs it as a standalone application. Definition Structure +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Inside a definition block, the view is defined in a hierarchical tree of widgets. `As in Python `_ , indentation is used to specify code block structure. That is, statements beginning at a certain indentation level refer to the header line at the next lower indentation level. So in our simple example, the ``Container`` belongs to ``Main`` and the ``Label`` belongs to the ``Container``:: enamldef Main(Window): attr message = "Hello, world!" Container: Label: text = message The view is made up of a ``Window`` containing a ``Container`` which in turn contains a ``Label``, whose ``text`` attribute is set equal to the ``message`` attribute of ``Main``, which has a default value of ``"Hello, world!"``. This default value can be changed by the code which creates an instance of ``Main``. (We'll discuss this in more detail in the :ref:`next tutorial `.) Just like regular Python objects, the widgets used in an Enaml UI must be defined and/or imported before they can be used. The widgets used in this tutorial are imported from ``enaml.widgets.api``. Using the |Enaml| view in Python +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now we'll take a look at how to use the view in Python code. First, we import |Enaml|:: import enaml Then we use ``enaml.imports()`` as a `context manager `_ for importing the |Enaml| view. :: with enaml.imports(): from hello_world_view import Main Enaml is an inherently asynchronous toolkit, with a server running an application which offers UI sessions that a client may view. For this simple example, we'll be working with the client and server both running locally and in the same process. Enaml has some utility functions to help with these common situations. The only thing we need to do is to pass the view to the ``show_simple_view`` function, which can be imported from the Enaml standard library:: from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view main_view = Main() show_simple_view(main_view) This function will take care of creating the server side session factory and application, spawning a client side session, and starting the applications main event loop. In the next example we will see how we can get to the lower level and directly control the session and how we interact with the application. .. image:: images/hello_world_python.png