Source code for enaml.wx.wx_menu

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import wx
import wx.lib.newevent

from .wx_action import WxAction, EVT_ACTION_CHANGED
from .wx_action_group import WxActionGroup
from .wx_widget import WxWidget

#: An event emitted when the menu state changes.
wxMenuChangedEvent, EVT_MENU_CHANGED = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

class wxMenu(wx.Menu):
    """ A wx.Menu subclass which provides a more convenient api for
    working with wxMenu and wxAction children.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a wxMenu.

        *args, **kwargs
            The positional and keyword arguments needed to initialize
            a wx.Menu.

        super(wxMenu, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._title = u''
        self._all_items = []
        self._menus_map = {}
        self._actions_map = {}
        self._enabled = True
        self._bar_enabled = True
        self._visible = True
        self._batch = False
        self._id = wx.NewId()

    # Private API
    def _EmitChanged(self):
        """ Emits the menu changed event if not in batch mode.

        if not self._batch:
            event = wxMenuChangedEvent()
            wx.PostEvent(self, event)

    def _SetBarEnabled(self, enabled):
        """ A private method called by an owner menu bar.

        enabled : bool
            Whether or not the owner menu bar is enabled.

        if self._bar_enabled != enabled:
            old = self.IsEnabled()
            self._bar_enabled = enabled
            new = self.IsEnabled()
            if old != new:

    def _InsertMenuItem(self, index, menu):
        """ Insert a new item into the menu for the given menu.

        menu : wxMenu
            The wxMenu instance to use as the submenu.

        result : wx.MenuItem
            The menu item to use for the given menu.

        text = menu.GetTitle()
        menu_id = menu.GetId()
        text = text or 'menu_%d' % menu_id # null text == exception
        res = wx.MenuItem(self, menu_id, text, '', subMenu=menu)
        self.InsertItem(index, res)
        return res

    def _InsertActionItem(self, index, action):
        """ Insert a new item into the menu for the given action.

        action : wxAction
            The wx action for which to create a wx.MenuItem.

        result : wx.MenuItem
            The menu item for the given action.

        text = action.GetText()
        help = action.GetStatusTip()
        if action.IsSeparator():
            res = wx.MenuItem(self, wx.ID_SEPARATOR, text, help)
            self.InsertItem(index, res)
            action_id = action.GetId()
            text = text or 'action_%d' % action_id # null text == exception
            if action.IsCheckable():
                # The wx.ITEM_RADIO kind doesn't behave nicely, so we
                # just use the check kind and rely on the action group
                # to handle the exclusive radio behavior. Changing the
                # bitmap to something that looks like a radio button
                # breaks the Windows theme.
                kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK
                res = wx.MenuItem(self, action_id, text, help, kind)
                # Must instert the item before checking it, or c++
                # assertion errors are thrown
                self.InsertItem(index, res)
                kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL
                res = wx.MenuItem(self, action_id, text, help, kind)
                self.InsertItem(index, res)
        return res

    def OnActionChanged(self, event):
        """ The event handler for the EVT_ACTION_CHANGED event.

        This handler will be called when a child action changes. It
        ensures that the new state of the child action is in sync with
        the associated menu item.

        action = event.GetEventObject()
        item = self._actions_map.get(action)

        # Fist, check for a visibility change. This requires adding or
        # removing the menu item from the menu and the actions map.
        visible = action.IsVisible()
        if visible != bool(item):
            if visible:
                index = self._all_items.index(action)
                n_visible = len(self._actions_map) + len(self._menus_map)
                index = min(index, n_visible)
                new_item = self._InsertActionItem(index, action)
                self._actions_map[action] = new_item
                del self._actions_map[action]

        # If the item is invisible, there is nothing to update.
        if not item:

        # If the item is a separator, and the separator state has
        # changed, we need to build an entirely new menu item, and
        # replace the existing item with the new one.
        item_sep = item.IsSeparator()
        action_sep = action.IsSeparator()
        if item_sep or action_sep:
            if item_sep != action_sep:
                index = self._all_items.index(action)
                n_visible = len(self._actions_map) + len(self._menus_map)
                index = min(index, n_visible)
                new_item = self._InsertActionItem(index, action)
                self._actions_map[action] = new_item

        # For all other state, the menu item can be updated in-place.
        if action.IsCheckable():
            if item.IsCheckable():

    def OnMenuChanged(self, event):
        """ The event hanlder for the EVT_MENU_CHANGED event.

        This handler will be called when a child menu changes. It
        ensure that the new state of the child menu is in sync with
        the associated menu item.

        menu = event.GetEventObject()
        item = self._menus_map.get(menu)

        # Fist, check for a visibility change. This requires adding or
        # removing the menu item from the menu and the menus map.
        visible = menu.IsVisible()
        if visible != bool(item):
            if visible:
                index = self._all_items.index(menu)
                n_visible = len(self._actions_map) + len(self._menus_map)
                index = min(index, n_visible)
                new_item = self._InsertMenuItem(index, menu)
                self._menus_map[menu] = new_item
                # Need to first remove the submenu or wx will destroy it.
                del self._menus_map[menu]

        # If the item is invisible, there is nothing to update.
        if not item:

        # For all other state, the menu item can be updated in-place.

    # Public API
    def BeginBatch(self):
        """ Enter batch update mode for the menu.

        self._batch = True

    def EndBatch(self, emit=True):
        """ Exit batch update mode for the menu.

        emit : bool, optional
            If True, emit a changed event after leaving batch mode. The
            default is True.

        self._batch = False
        if emit:

    def GetId(self):
        """ Get the unique wx id for this menu.

        result : int
            The wx id number for this menu.

        return self._id

    def GetTitle(self):
        """ Get the title for the menu.

        result : unicode
            The unicode title for the menu.

        return self._title

    def SetTitle(self, title):
        """ Set the title for the menu.

        title : unicode
            The unicode string to use as the menu title.

        if self._title != title:
            self._title = title

    def IsEnabled(self):
        """ Get whether or not the menu is enabled.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the menu is enabled.

        if self._bar_enabled:
            return self._enabled
        return False

    def SetEnabled(self, enabled):
        """ Set whether or not the menu is enabled.

        enabled : bool
            Whether or not the menu is enabled.

        if self._enabled != enabled:
            self._enabled = enabled
            if self._bar_enabled:

    def IsVisible(self):
        """ Get whether or not the menu is visible.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the menu is visible.

        return self._visible

    def SetVisible(self, visible):
        """ Set whether or not the menu is visible.

        visible : bool
            Whether or not the menu is visible.

        if self._visible != visible:
            self._visible = visible

    def AddMenu(self, menu):
        """ Add a wx menu to the Menu.

        If the menu already exists in this menu, it will be moved to
        the end.

        menu : wxMenu
            The wxMenu instance to add to this menu.

        self.InsertMenu(None, menu)

    def InsertMenu(self, before, menu):
        """ Insert a wx menu into the Menu.

        If the menu already exists in this menu, if will be moved to
        the proper location.

        before : wxAction, wxMenu, or None
            The item in the menu which should come directly after the
            new sub-menu.

        menu : wxMenu
            The wxMenu instance to insert into this menu.

        all_items = self._all_items
        if menu not in all_items:
            if before in all_items:
                index = all_items.index(before)
                index = len(all_items)
            all_items.insert(index, menu)
            if menu.IsVisible():
                max_index = len(self._actions_map) + len(self._menus_map)
                index = min(index, max_index)
                menu_item = self._InsertMenuItem(index, menu)
                self._menus_map[menu] = menu_item
            menu.Bind(EVT_MENU_CHANGED, self.OnMenuChanged)
            # XXX this is a potentially slow way to do things if the
            # number of menus being moved around is large. But, the
            # Wx apis don't appear to offer a better way, so this is
            # what we get (as usual...).
            self.InsertMenu(before, menu)

    def RemoveMenu(self, menu):
        """ Remove a wx menu from the Menu.

        If the menu does not exist in the menu, this is a no-op.

        menu : wxMenu
            The wxMenu instance to remove from this menu.

        all_items = self._all_items
        if menu in all_items:
            menu.Unbind(EVT_MENU_CHANGED, handler=self.OnMenuChanged)
            menu_item = self._menus_map.pop(menu, None)
            if menu_item is not None:
                # Set the SubMenu to None or wx will destroy it.

    def AddAction(self, action):
        """ Add a wx action to the Menu.

        If the action already exists in the menu, it will be moved to
        the end.

        action : wxAction
            The wxAction instance to add to this menu.

        self.InsertAction(None, action)

    def AddActions(self, actions):
        """ Add multiple wx actions to the Menu.

        If an action already exists in the menu, it will be moved to
        the end.

        actions : iterable
            An iterable of wxAction instances to add to the menu.

        insert = self.InsertAction
        for action in actions:
            insert(None, action)

    def InsertAction(self, before, action):
        """ Insert a wx action into the Menu.

        If the action already exists in the menu, it will be moved to
        the proper location.

        before : wxAction, wxMenu, or None
            The item in the menu which should come directly after the
            new action.

        action : wxAction
            The wxAction instance to insert into this menu.

        all_items = self._all_items
        if action not in all_items:
            if before in all_items:
                index = all_items.index(before)
                index = len(all_items)
            all_items.insert(index, action)
            if action.IsVisible():
                max_index = len(self._actions_map) + len(self._menus_map)
                index = min(index, max_index)
                menu_item = self._InsertActionItem(index, action)
                self._actions_map[action] = menu_item
            action.Bind(EVT_ACTION_CHANGED, self.OnActionChanged)
            # XXX this is a potentially slow way to do things if the
            # number of actions being moved around is large. But, the
            # Wx apis don't appear to offer a better way, so this is
            # what we get (as usual...).
            self.InsertAction(before, action)

    def InsertActions(self, before, actions):
        """ Insert multiple wx actions into the Menu.

        If an action already exists in this menu, it will be moved to
        the proper location.

        before : wxAction, wxMenu, or None
            The item in the menu which should come directly after the
            new actions.

        actions : iterable
            An iterable of wxAction instances to add to the menu.

        insert = self.InsertAction
        for action in actions:
            insert(before, action)

    def RemoveAction(self, action):
        """ Remove a wx action from the Menu.

        If the action does not exist in the menu, this is a no-op.

        action : wxAction
            The wxAction instance to remove from this menu.

        all_items = self._all_items
        if action in all_items:
            action.Unbind(EVT_ACTION_CHANGED, handler=self.OnActionChanged)
            menu_item = self._actions_map.pop(action, None)
            if menu_item is not None:

    def RemoveActions(self, actions):
        """ Remove multiple actions from the Menu.

        If an action does not exist in the menu, it will be ignored.

        actions : iterable
            An iterable of wxAction instances to remove from the menu.

        remove = self.RemoveAction
        for action in actions:

[docs]class WxMenu(WxWidget): """ A Wx implementation of an Enaml Menu. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying wx menu widget. """ widget = wxMenu() widget.BeginBatch() return widget
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the underlying control. """ super(WxMenu, self).create(tree) self.set_title(tree['title']) self.widget().EndBatch(emit=False)
[docs] def init_layout(self): """ Initialize the layout for the underlying control. """ super(WxMenu, self).init_layout() widget = self.widget() for child in self.children(): if isinstance(child, WxMenu): widget.AddMenu(child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxAction): widget.AddAction(child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxActionGroup): widget.AddActions(child.actions()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Child Events #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def child_removed(self, child): """ Handle the child removed event for a WxMenu. """ if isinstance(child, WxMenu): self.widget().RemoveMenu(child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxAction): self.widget().RemoveAction(child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxActionGroup): self.widget().RemoveActions(child.actions())
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """ Handle the child added event for a WxMenu. """ before = self.find_next_action(child) if isinstance(child, WxMenu): self.widget().InsertMenu(before, child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxAction): self.widget().InsertAction(before, child.widget()) elif isinstance(child, WxActionGroup): self.widget().InsertActions(before, child.actions()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def find_next_action(self, child): """ Get the wxAction or wxMenu instance which comes immediately after the actions of the given child. Parameters ---------- child : WxMenu, WxActionGroup, or WxAction The child of interest. Returns ------- result : wxAction, wxMenu, or None The wxAction or wxMenu which comes immediately after the actions of the given child, or None if no actions follow the child. """ index = self.index_of(child) if index != -1: for child in self.children()[index + 1:]: target = None if isinstance(child, (WxMenu, WxAction)): target = child.widget() elif isinstance(child, WxActionGroup): acts = child.actions() target = acts[0] if acts else None if target is not None: return target #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_title(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_title' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_title(content['title']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """ Set the title of the underlyling control. """ self.widget().SetTitle(title)
[docs] def set_enabled(self, enabled): """ Overridden parent class method. This properly sets the enabled state on a menu using the custom wxMenu api. """ self.widget().SetEnabled(enabled)
[docs] def set_visible(self, visible): """ Overrdden parent class method. This properly sets the visible state on a menu using the custom wxMenu api. """ self.widget().SetVisible(visible)
[docs] def set_minimum_size(self, min_size): """ Overridden parent class method. Menus do not have a minimum size, so this method is a no-op. """ pass
[docs] def set_maximum_size(self, max_size): """ Overridden parent class method. Menus do not have a maximum size, so this method is a no-op. """ pass