Source code for enaml.wx.wx_label

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import wx

from .wx_control import WxControl

    'left': wx.ALIGN_LEFT,
    'right': wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
    'center': wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
    'justify': wx.ALIGN_LEFT, # wx doesn't support justification


[docs]class WxLabel(WxControl): """ A Wx implementation of an Enaml Label. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying wx.StaticText widget. """ return wx.StaticText(parent)
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the label control. """ super(WxLabel, self).create(tree) self.set_text(tree['text']) self.set_align(tree['align']) self.set_vertical_align(tree['vertical_align']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_text(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_text' action from the Enaml widget. """ widget = self.widget() old_hint = widget.GetBestSize() self.set_text(content['text']) new_hint = widget.GetBestSize() if old_hint != new_hint: self.size_hint_updated()
[docs] def on_action_set_align(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_align' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_align(content['align']) self.widget().Refresh()
[docs] def on_action_set_vertical_align(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_vertical_align' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_vertical_align(content['vertical_align']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_text(self, text): """ Set the text in the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetLabel(text)
[docs] def set_align(self, align): """ Set the alignment of the text in the underlying widget. """ widget = self.widget() style = widget.GetWindowStyle() style &= ~ALIGN_MASK style |= ALIGN_MAP[align] widget.SetWindowStyle(style)
[docs] def set_vertical_align(self, align): """ Set the vertical alignment of the text in the underlying widget. """ # Wx does not support vertical alignment. pass