Source code for enaml.wx.wx_dock_pane

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import wx
import wx.lib.newevent

from .wx_container import WxContainer
from .wx_single_widget_sizer import wxSingleWidgetSizer
from .wx_upstream import aui
from .wx_widget import WxWidget

#: A mapping from Enaml dock areas to wx aui dock area enums
    'top': aui.AUI_DOCK_TOP,
    'right': aui.AUI_DOCK_RIGHT,
    'bottom': aui.AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM,
    'left': aui.AUI_DOCK_LEFT,

#: A mapping from wx aui dock area enums to Enaml dock areas.
    aui.AUI_DOCK_TOP: 'top',
    aui.AUI_DOCK_RIGHT: 'right',
    aui.AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM: 'bottom',
    aui.AUI_DOCK_LEFT: 'left',

#: A mapping from Enaml allowed dock areas to wx direction enums.
    'top': wx.TOP,
    'right': wx.RIGHT,
    'bottom': wx.BOTTOM,
    'left': wx.LEFT,
    'all': wx.ALL,

#: A mappint from Enaml orientations to wx orientations.
    'horizontal': wx.HORIZONTAL,
    'vertical': wx.VERTICAL,

#: An event emitted when the dock pane is floated.
wxDockPaneFloatedEvent, EVT_DOCK_PANE_FLOATED = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

#: An event emitted when the dock is docked.
wxDockPaneDockedEvent, EVT_DOCK_PANE_DOCKED = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

#: An event emitted when the dock pane is closed.
wxDockPaneClosedEvent, EVT_DOCK_PANE_CLOSED = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

class wxDockPane(wx.Panel):
    """ A wxPanel subclass which adds DockPane features.

    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a wxDockPane.

        *args, **kwargs
            The positional and keyword arguments needed to initialize
            a wxPanel.

        super(wxDockPane, self).__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
        self._is_open = True
        self._title = u''
        self._title_bar_visible = True
        self._title_bar_orientation = wx.HORIZONTAL
        self._closable = True
        self._movable = True
        self._floatable = True
        self._floating = False
        self._dock_area = aui.AUI_DOCK_LEFT
        self._allowed_dock_areas = wx.ALL
        self._dock_widget = None

    # Private API
    def _FindPaneManager(self):
        """ Find the pane manager for this dock pane.

        result : AuiManager or None
            The AuiManager for this dock pane, or None if not found.

        event = aui.AuiManagerEvent(aui.wxEVT_AUI_FIND_MANAGER)
        return event.GetManager()

    def _PaneInfoOperation(self, closure):
        """ A private method which will run the given closure if there
        is a valid pane info object for this dock pane.

        manager = self._FindPaneManager()
        if manager is not None:
            pane = manager.GetPane(self)
            if pane.IsOk():

    # Event Handlers
    def OnClose(self, event):
        """ Handles the parent EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE event.

        This event handler is called directly by the parent wxMainWindow
        from its pane close event handler. This handler simply emits the
        EVT_DOCK_PANE_CLOSED event.

        self._is_open = False
        wx.PostEvent(self, wxDockPaneClosedEvent())

    def OnFloated(self, event):
        """ Handles the parent EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED event.

        This event handler is called directly by the parent wxMainWindow
        from its pane floated event handler. This handler simply emits
        the EVT_DOCK_PANE_FLOATED event.

        self._floating = True
        wx.PostEvent(self, wxDockPaneFloatedEvent())

    def OnDocked(self, event):
        """ Handles the parent EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED event.

        This event handler is called directly by the parent wxMainWindow
        from its pane docked event handler. This handler simply emits
        the EVT_DOCK_PANE_DOCKED event.

        self._floating = False
        self._dock_area = event.GetPane().dock_direction
        wx.PostEvent(self, wxDockPaneDockedEvent())

    # Public API
    def MakePaneInfo(self):
        """ Create a new AuiPaneInfo object for this dock pane.

        This is called by the wxMainWindow when it adds this dock pane
        to its internal layout for the first time.

        result : AuiPaneInfo
            An initialized AuiPaneInfo object for this pane.

        info = aui.AuiPaneInfo()

        # Don't allow docking panes as a notebook since that causes
        # issues with finding the proper parent manager on updates
        # and it makes resizing of dock panes abysmally slow.


        left = self.GetTitleBarOrientation() == wx.VERTICAL
        info.CaptionVisible(self.GetTitleBarVisible(), left)

        areas = self.GetAllowedDockAreas()
        info.TopDockable(bool(areas & wx.TOP))
        info.RightDockable(bool(areas & wx.RIGHT))
        info.LeftDockable(bool(areas & wx.LEFT))
        info.BottomDockable(bool(areas & wx.BOTTOM))

        if self.GetFloating():

        return info

    def GetDockWidget(self):
        """ Get the dock widget being managed by this pane.

        result : wxWindow or None
            The wx widget being managed by this dock pane, or None
            if no widget is being managed.

        return self._dock_widget

    def SetDockWidget(self, widget):
        """ Set the dock widget to be managed by the pane.

        Any old dock widget will be removed, but not destroyed.

        widget : wxWindow
            The wx widget to use as the dock widget for this pane.

        old_widget = self._dock_widget
        if old_widget:
        self._dock_widget = widget

    def UpdateSizing(self):
        """ Trigger a sizing update of the pane manager.

        def closure(pane):

    def IsOpen(self):
        """ Get whether or not the dock pane is open.

        result : bool
            True if the pane is open, False otherwise.

        return self._is_open

    def Open(self):
        """ Open the dock pane in the main window.

        If the pane is already open, this method is a no-op.

        self._is_open = True
        def closure(pane):
            if not pane.IsShown():

    def Close(self):
        """ Close the dock pane in the main window.

        If the pane is already closed, this method is no-op.

        self._is_open = False
        def closure(pane):
            if pane.IsShown():

    def GetTitle(self):
        """ Get the title for the dock pane.

        result : unicode
            The title of the dock pane.

        return self._title

    def SetTitle(self, title):
        """ Set the title for the dock pane.

        title : unicode
            The title to use for the dock pane.

        if self._title != title:
            self._title = title
            def closure(pane):

    def GetTitleBarVisible(self):
        """ Get the title bar visibility state for the dock pane.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the title bar is visible.

        return self._title_bar_visible

    def SetTitleBarVisible(self, visible):
        """ Set the title bar visibility state for the dock pane.

        visible : bool
            Whether or not the title bar should be visible.

        if self._title_bar_visible != visible:
            self._title_bar_visible = visible
            def closure(pane):
                left = self._title_bar_orientation == wx.VERTICAL
                pane.CaptionVisible(visible, left)

    def GetTitleBarOrientation(self):
        """ Get the title bar orientation for the dock pane.

        result : int
            The orientation of the title bar. Either wx.HORIZONTAL
            or wx.VERTICAL

        return self._title_bar_orientation

    def SetTitleBarOrientation(self, orientation):
        """ Set the title bar orientation for the dock pane.

        result : int
            The orientation of the title bar. Either wx.HORIZONTAL
            or wx.VERTICAL

        if self._title_bar_orientation != orientation:
            self._title_bar_orientation = orientation
            def closure(pane):
                visible = self._title_bar_visible
                left = orientation == wx.VERTICAL
                pane.CaptionVisible(visible, left)

    def GetClosable(self):
        """ Get the closable state of the pane.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the pane is closable.

        return self._closable

    def SetClosable(self, closable):
        """ Set the closable state of the pane.

        closable : bool
            Whether or not the pane is closable.

        if self._closable != closable:
            self._closable = closable
            def closure(pane):

    def GetMovable(self):
        """ Get the movable state of the pane.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the pane is movable.

        return self._movable

    def SetMovable(self, movable):
        """ Set the movable state of the pane.

        movable : bool
            Whether or not the pane is movable.

        if self._movable != movable:
            self._movable = movable
            def closure(pane):

    def GetFloatable(self):
        """ Get the floatable state of the pane.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the pane is floatable.

        return self._floatable

    def SetFloatable(self, floatable):
        """ Set the floatable state of the pane.

        floatable : bool
            Whether or not the pane is floatable.

        if self._floatable != floatable:
            self._floatable = floatable
            def closure(pane):

    def GetFloating(self):
        """ Get the floating state of the pane.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the pane is floating.

        return self._floating

    def SetFloating(self, floating):
        """ Set the floating state of the pane.

        floating : bool
            Whether or not the pane should be floating.

        if self._floating != floating:
            self._floating = floating
            def closure(pane):
                if floating:

    def GetDockArea(self):
        """ Get the current dock area of the pane.

        result : int
            The current dock area of the pane. One of the wx enums
            LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, or BOTTOM.

        return self._dock_area

    def SetDockArea(self, dock_area):
        """ Set the dock area for the pane.

        dock_area : int
            The dock area for the pane. One of the wx enums LEFT,
            RIGHT, TOP, or BOTTOM.

        if self._dock_area != dock_area:
            self._dock_area = dock_area
            def closure(pane):

    def GetAllowedDockAreas(self):
        """ Get the allowed dock areas for the pane.

        result : int
            The allowed dock areas for the pane. One of the wx enums
            LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, or ALL.

        return self._allowed_dock_areas

    def SetAllowedDockAreas(self, dock_areas):
        """ Set the allowed dock areas for the pane.

        dock_areas : int
            The allowed dock areas for the pane. One of the wx enums
            LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, or ALL.

        if self._allowed_dock_areas != dock_areas:
            self._allowed_dock_areas = dock_areas
            def closure(pane):
                pane.TopDockable(bool(dock_areas & wx.TOP))
                pane.RightDockable(bool(dock_areas & wx.RIGHT))
                pane.LeftDockable(bool(dock_areas & wx.LEFT))
                pane.BottomDockable(bool(dock_areas & wx.BOTTOM))

[docs]class WxDockPane(WxWidget): """ A Wx implementation of an Enaml DockPane. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying wxDockPane widget. """ return wxDockPane(parent)
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the dock pane control. """ super(WxDockPane, self).create(tree) self.set_title(tree['title']) self.set_title_bar_visible(tree['title_bar_visible']) self.set_title_bar_orientation(tree['title_bar_orientation']) self.set_closable(tree['closable']) self.set_movable(tree['movable']) self.set_floatable(tree['floatable']) self.set_floating(tree['floating']) self.set_dock_area(tree['dock_area']) self.set_allowed_dock_areas(tree['allowed_dock_areas']) widget = self.widget() widget.Bind(EVT_DOCK_PANE_FLOATED, self.on_dock_pane_floated) widget.Bind(EVT_DOCK_PANE_DOCKED, self.on_dock_pane_docked) widget.Bind(EVT_DOCK_PANE_CLOSED, self.on_dock_pane_closed)
[docs] def init_layout(self): """ Handle the layout initialization for the dock pane. """ super(WxDockPane, self).init_layout() self.widget().SetDockWidget(self.dock_widget()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dock_widget(self): """ Find and return the dock widget child for this widget. Returns ------- result : wxWindow or None The dock widget defined for this widget, or None if one is not defined. """ widget = None for child in self.children(): if isinstance(child, WxContainer): widget = child.widget() return widget #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Child Events #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def child_removed(self, child): """ Handle the child removed event for a WxDockPane. """ if isinstance(child, WxContainer): self.widget().SetDockWidget(self.dock_widget())
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """ Handle the child added event for a WxDockPane. """ if isinstance(child, WxContainer): self.widget().SetDockWidget(self.dock_widget()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Event Handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_dock_pane_closed(self, event): """ The event handler for the EVT_DOCK_PANE_CLOSED event. """ self.send_action('closed', {})
[docs] def on_dock_pane_floated(self, event): """ The event handler for the EVT_DOCK_PANE_FLOATED event. """ self.send_action('floated', {})
[docs] def on_dock_pane_docked(self, event): """ The event handler for the EVT_DOCK_PANE_AREA event. """ area = self.widget().GetDockArea() content = {'dock_area': _DOCK_AREA_INV_MAP[area]} self.send_action('docked', content) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_title(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_title' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_title(content['title'])
[docs] def on_action_set_title_bar_visible(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_title_bar_visible' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_title_bar_visible(content['title_bar_visible'])
[docs] def on_action_set_title_bar_orientation(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_title_bar_orientation' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_title_bar_orientation(content['title_bar_orientation'])
[docs] def on_action_set_closable(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_closable' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_closable(content['closable'])
[docs] def on_action_set_movable(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_movable' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_movable(content['movable'])
[docs] def on_action_set_floatable(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_floatable' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_floatable(content['floatable'])
[docs] def on_action_set_floating(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_floating' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_floating(content['floating'])
[docs] def on_action_set_dock_area(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_dock_area' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_dock_area(content['dock_area'])
[docs] def on_action_set_allowed_dock_areas(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_allowed_dock_areas' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_allowed_dock_areas(content['allowed_dock_areas'])
[docs] def on_action_open(self, content): """ Handle the 'open' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.widget().Open()
[docs] def on_action_close(self, content): """ Handle the 'close' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.widget().Close() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_visible(self, visible): """ An overridden visibility setter which to opens|closes the dock pane. """ widget = self.widget() if visible: widget.Open() else: widget.Close()
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """ Set the title on the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetTitle(title)
[docs] def set_title_bar_visible(self, visible): """ Set the title bar visibility of the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetTitleBarVisible(visible)
[docs] def set_title_bar_orientation(self, orientation): """ Set the title bar orientation of the underyling widget. """ self.widget().SetTitleBarOrientation(_ORIENTATION_MAP[orientation])
[docs] def set_closable(self, closable): """ Set the closable state on the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetClosable(closable)
[docs] def set_movable(self, movable): """ Set the movable state on the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetMovable(movable)
[docs] def set_floatable(self, floatable): """ Set the floatable state on the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetFloatable(floatable)
[docs] def set_floating(self, floating): """ Set the floating staet on the underlying widget. """ self.widget().SetFloating(floating)
[docs] def set_dock_area(self, dock_area): """ Set the dock area on the underyling widget. """ self.widget().SetDockArea(_DOCK_AREA_MAP[dock_area])
[docs] def set_allowed_dock_areas(self, dock_areas): """ Set the allowed dock areas on the underlying widget. """ wx_areas = 0 for area in dock_areas: wx_areas |= _ALLOWED_AREAS_MAP[area] self.widget().SetAllowedDockAreas(wx_areas)