Source code for enaml.widgets.progress_bar

#  Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from traits.api import Int, Property, TraitError, on_trait_change

from enaml.core.trait_types import Bounded

from .control import Control

[docs]class ProgressBar(Control): """ A control which displays a value as a ticking progress bar. """ #: The minimum value that the progress bar can take. Extra checks #: take place to make sure that the user does not programmatically #: set :attr:`minimum` > :attr:`maximum`. minimum = Property(Int, depends_on='_minimum') #: The internal minimum storage. _minimum = Int(0) #: The maximum value that the progress bar can take. Extra checks #: take place to make sure that the user does not programmatically #: set :attr:`minimum` > :attr:`maximum`. maximum = Property(Int, depends_on='_maximum') #: The internal maximum storage. _maximum = Int(100) #: The current value. Default is the minimum value. The value is #: bounded between :attr:`minimum` and :attr:`maximum`. Changing #: the boundary attributes might result in an update of :attr:`value` #: to fit in the new range. Attempts to assign a value outside of #: these bounds will result in a TraitError. value = Bounded(0, low='minimum', high='maximum') #: The percentage completed, rounded to an integer. This is a #: readonly property for convenient use by other Components. percentage = Property(Int, depends_on=['_minimum', '_maximum', 'value']) #: How strongly a component hugs it's content. ProgressBars expand #: to fill the available horizontal space by default. hug_width = 'ignore' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Returns the dict of creation attributes for the control. """ snap = super(ProgressBar, self).snapshot() snap['maximum'] = self.maximum snap['minimum'] = self.minimum snap['value'] = self.value return snap
[docs] def bind(self): """ A method called after initialization which allows the widget to bind any event handlers necessary. """ super(ProgressBar, self).bind() self.publish_attributes('maximum', 'minimum', 'value') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Property Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_minimum(self): """ The property getter for the ProgressBar minimum. """ return self._minimum def _set_minimum(self, value): """ The property setter for :attr:`minimum`. Addtional checks are applied to make sure that :attr:`minimum` < :attr:`maximum` """ if value > self.maximum: msg = ('The minimum value of ProgressBar should be smaller than ' 'the current maximum value({0}), but a value of {1} was ' 'given') msg = msg.format(self.maximum, value) raise TraitError(msg) self._minimum = value def _get_maximum(self): """ The property getter for the ProgressBar maximum. """ return self._maximum def _set_maximum(self, value): """ The property setter for :attr:`maximum`. Addtional checks are applied to make sure that :attr:`minimum` < :attr:`maximum` """ if value < self.minimum: msg = ('The maximum value of ProgressBar should be larger than ' 'the current minimum value({0}), but a value of {1} was ' 'given') msg = msg.format(self.minimum, value) raise TraitError(msg) self._maximum = value def _get_percentage(self): """ The property getter for the ProgressBar percentage. """ minimum = self.minimum maximum = self.maximum value = self.value dy = maximum - minimum if dy == 0: res = 0 elif value == maximum: res = 100 else: dx = float(value - minimum) res = int(round(100.0 * dx / dy)) # We already excluded the case where the value was exactly # the maximum, so we can't really be at 100%, so round this # down to 99% if necessary. res = min(res, 99) return res #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @on_trait_change('minimum, maximum') def _adapt_value(self): """ Adapt the value to the boundaries """ if self.initialized: self.value = min(max(self.value, self.minimum), self.maximum)