Source code for enaml.qt.qt_notebook

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import sys
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from .qt.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, Signal
from .qt.QtGui import QTabWidget, QTabBar, QResizeEvent, QApplication
from .qt_constraints_widget import QtConstraintsWidget
from .qt_page import QtPage

    'top': QTabWidget.North,
    'bottom': QTabWidget.South,
    'left': QTabWidget.West,
    'right': QTabWidget.East,

    'document': True,
    'preferences': False,

class QNotebook(QTabWidget):
    """ A custom QTabWidget which handles children of type QPage.

    #: A signal emitted when a LayoutRequest event is posted to the
    #: notebook widget. This will typically occur when the size hint
    #: of the notebook is no longer valid.
    layoutRequested = Signal()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a QNotebook.

        *args, **kwargs
            The positional and keyword arguments needed to create
            a QTabWidget.

        super(QNotebook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._hidden_pages = WeakKeyDictionary()

    # Private API
    def _refreshTabBar(self):
        """ Trigger an immediate relayout and refresh of the tab bar.

        # The public QTabBar api does not provide a way to trigger the
        # 'layoutTabs' method of QTabBarPrivate and there are certain
        # operations (such as modifying a tab close button) which need
        # to have that happen. This method provides a workaround by
        # sending a dummy resize event to the tab bar, followed by one
        # to the tab widget.
        app = QApplication.instance()
        if app is not None:
            bar = self.tabBar()
            size = bar.size()
            event = QResizeEvent(size, size)
            app.sendEvent(bar, event)
            size = self.size()
            event = QResizeEvent(size, size)
            app.sendEvent(self, event)

    # Signal Handlers
    def onTabCloseRequested(self, index):
        """ The handler for the 'tabCloseRequested' signal.


    # Public API
    def event(self, event):
        """ A custom event handler which handles LayoutRequest events.

        When a LayoutRequest event is posted to this widget, it will
        emit the `layoutRequested` signal. This allows an external
        consumer of this widget to update their external layout.

        res = super(QNotebook, self).event(event)
        if event.type() == QEvent.LayoutRequest:
        return res

    def showPage(self, page):
        """ Show a hidden QPage instance in the notebook.

        If the page is not owned by the notebook, this is a no-op.

        page : QPage
            The hidden QPage instance to show in the notebook.

        index = self.indexOf(page)
        if index == -1:
            index = self._hidden_pages.pop(page, -1)
            if index != -1:
                self.insertPage(index, page)

    def hidePage(self, page):
        """ Hide the given QPage instance in the notebook.

        If the page is not owned by the notebook, this is a no-op.

        page : QPage
            The QPage instance to hide in the notebook.

        index = self.indexOf(page)
        if index != -1:
            self._hidden_pages[page] = index

    def addPage(self, page):
        """ Add a QPage instance to the notebook.

        This method should be used in favor of the 'addTab' method.

        page : QPage
            The QPage instance to add to the notebook.

        if page.isOpen():
            self.addTab(page, page.title())
            index = self.indexOf(page)
            self.setTabEnabled(index, page.isTabEnabled())
            self.setTabCloseButtonVisible(index, page.isClosable())
            self._hidden_pages[page] = self.count()

    def insertPage(self, index, page):
        """ Insert a QPage instance into the notebook.

        This should be used in favor of the 'insertTab' method.

        index : int
            The index at which to insert the page.

        page : QPage
            The QPage instance to add to the notebook.

        if page.isOpen():
            index = min(index, self.count())
            self.insertTab(index, page, page.title())
            self.setTabEnabled(index, page.isTabEnabled())
            self.setTabCloseButtonVisible(index, page.isClosable())
            self._hidden_pages[page] = index

    def removePage(self, page):
        """ Remove a QPage instance from the notebook.

        If the page does not exist in the notebook, this is a no-op.

        page : QPage
            The QPage instance to remove from the notebook.

        index = self.indexOf(page)
        if index != -1:

    def setTabCloseButtonVisible(self, index, visible, refresh=True):
        """ Set whether the close button for the given tab is visible.

        The 'tabsClosable' property must be set to True for this to
        have effect.

        index : int
            The index of the target page.

        visible : bool
            Whether or not the close button for the tab should be

        refresh : bool, optional
            Whether or not to refresh the tab bar at the end of the
            operation. The default is True.

        # When changing the visibility of a button, we also change its
        # size so that the tab can layout properly.
        if index >= 0 and index < self.count():
            tabBar = self.tabBar()
            btn1 = tabBar.tabButton(index, QTabBar.LeftSide)
            btn2 = tabBar.tabButton(index, QTabBar.RightSide)
            if btn1 is not None:
                if not visible:
                    btn1.resize(0, 0)
            if btn2 is not None:
                if not visible:
                    btn2.resize(0, 0)
            if refresh:

    def setTabsClosable(self, closable):
        """ Set the tab closable state for the widget.

        This is an overridden parent class method which extends the
        logic to account for the closable state on the individual

        closable : bool
            Whether or not the tabs should be closable.

        super(QNotebook, self).setTabsClosable(closable)
        # When setting tabs closable to False, the default logic of
        # QTabBar is to delete the close button on the tab. When the
        # closable flag is set to True a new close button is created
        # for every tab, unless one has already been provided. This
        # means we need to make an extra pass over each tab to sync
        # the state of the buttons when the flag is set to True.
        if closable:
            setVisible = self.setTabCloseButtonVisible
            for index in xrange(self.count()):
                page = self.widget(index)
                setVisible(index, page.isClosable(), refresh=False)

[docs]class QtNotebook(QtConstraintsWidget): """ A Qt implementation of an Enaml Notebook. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying notebook widget. """ widget = QNotebook(parent) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # On OSX, the widget item layout rect is too small. # Setting this attribute forces the widget item to # use the widget rect for layout. widget.setAttribute(Qt.WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, True) return widget
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the underyling widget. """ super(QtNotebook, self).create(tree) self.set_tab_style(tree['tab_style']) self.set_tab_position(tree['tab_position']) self.set_tabs_closable(tree['tabs_closable']) self.set_tabs_movable(tree['tabs_movable'])
[docs] def init_layout(self): """ Handle the layout initialization for the notebook. """ super(QtNotebook, self).init_layout() widget = self.widget() for child in self.children(): if isinstance(child, QtPage): widget.addPage(child.widget()) widget.layoutRequested.connect(self.on_layout_requested) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Child Events #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def child_removed(self, child): """ Handle the child removed event for a QtNotebook. """ if isinstance(child, QtPage): self.widget().removePage(child.widget())
[docs] def child_added(self, child): """ Handle the child added event for a QtNotebook. """ if isinstance(child, QtPage): index = self.index_of(child) if index != -1: self.widget().insertPage(index, child.widget()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Signal Handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_layout_requested(self): """ Handle the `layoutRequested` signal from the QNotebook. """ self.size_hint_updated() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_tab_style(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_tab_style' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_tab_style(content['tab_style'])
[docs] def on_action_set_tab_position(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_tab_position' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_tab_position(content['tab_position'])
[docs] def on_action_set_tabs_closable(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_tabs_closable' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_tabs_closable(content['tabs_closable'])
[docs] def on_action_set_tabs_movable(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_tabs_movable' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_tabs_movable(content['tabs_movable']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_tab_style(self, style): """ Set the tab style for the tab bar in the widget. """ self.widget().setDocumentMode(DOCUMENT_MODES[style])
[docs] def set_tab_position(self, position): """ Set the position of the tab bar in the widget. """ self.widget().setTabPosition(TAB_POSITIONS[position])
[docs] def set_tabs_closable(self, closable): """ Set whether or not the tabs are closable. """ self.widget().setTabsClosable(closable)
[docs] def set_tabs_movable(self, movable): """ Set whether or not the tabs are movable. """ self.widget().setMovable(movable)