Source code for enaml.qt.qt_image_view

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
import logging

from .qt.QtGui import QFrame, QPainter, QImage, QPixmap
from .qt_constraints_widget import size_hint_guard
from .qt_control import QtControl

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class QImageView(QFrame):
    """ A custom QFrame that will paint a QPixmap as an image. The
    api is similar to QLabel, but with a few more options to control
    how the image scales.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        """ Initialize a QImageView.

        parent : QWidget or None, optional
            The parent widget of this image viewer.

        super(QImageView, self).__init__(parent)
        self._pixmap = None
        self._scaled_contents = False
        self._allow_upscaling = False
        self._preserve_aspect_ratio = False

    # Private API
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        """ A custom paint event handler which draws the image according
        to the current size constraints.

        pixmap = self._pixmap
        if pixmap is None:

        pm_size = pixmap.size()
        pm_width = pm_size.width()
        pm_height = pm_size.height()
        if pm_width == 0 or pm_height == 0:

        evt_rect = event.rect()
        evt_x = evt_rect.x()
        evt_y = evt_rect.y()
        evt_width = evt_rect.width()
        evt_height = evt_rect.height()

        if not self._scaled_contents:
            # If the image isn't scaled, it is centered if possible.
            # Otherwise, it's painted at the origin and clipped.
            paint_x = max(0, int((evt_width / 2. - pm_width / 2.) + evt_x))
            paint_y = max(0, int((evt_height / 2. - pm_height / 2.) + evt_y))
            paint_width = pm_width
            paint_height = pm_height
            # If the image *is* scaled, it's scaled size depends on the
            # size of the paint area as well as the other scaling flags.
            if self._preserve_aspect_ratio:
                pm_ratio = float(pm_width) / pm_height
                evt_ratio = float(evt_width) / evt_height
                if evt_ratio >= pm_ratio:
                    if self._allow_upscaling:
                        paint_height = evt_height
                        paint_height = min(pm_height, evt_height)
                    paint_width = int(paint_height * pm_ratio)
                    if self._allow_upscaling:
                        paint_width = evt_width
                        paint_width = min(pm_width, evt_width)
                    paint_height = int(paint_width / pm_ratio)
                if self._allow_upscaling:
                    paint_height = evt_height
                    paint_width = evt_width
                    paint_height = min(pm_height, evt_height)
                    paint_width = min(pm_width, evt_width)
            # In all cases of scaling, we know that the scaled image is
            # no larger than the paint area, and can thus be centered.
            paint_x = int((evt_width / 2. - paint_width / 2.) + evt_x)
            paint_y = int((evt_height / 2. - paint_height / 2.) + evt_y)

        # Finally, draw the pixmap into the calculated rect.
        painter = QPainter(self)
        painter.drawPixmap(paint_x, paint_y, paint_width, paint_height, pixmap)

    # Public API
    def sizeHint(self):
        """ Returns a appropriate size hint for the image based on the
        underlying QPixmap.

        pixmap = self._pixmap
        if pixmap is not None:
            return pixmap.size()
        return super(QImageView, self).sizeHint()

    def pixmap(self):
        """ Returns the underlying pixmap for the image view.

        return self._pixmap

    def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
        """ Set the pixmap to use as the image in the widget.

        pixamp : QPixmap
            The QPixmap to use as the image in the widget.

        self._pixmap  = pixmap

    def scaledContents(self):
        """ Returns whether or not the contents scale with the widget

        return self._scaled_contents

    def setScaledContents(self, scaled):
        """ Set whether the contents scale with the widget size.

        scaled : bool
            If True, the image will be scaled to fit the widget size,
            subject to the other sizing constraints in place. If False,
            the image will not scale and will be clipped as required.

        self._scaled_contents = scaled

    def allowUpscaling(self):
        """ Returns whether or not the image can be scaled greater than
        its natural size.

        return self._allow_upscaling

    def setAllowUpscaling(self, allow):
        """ Set whether or not to allow the image to be scaled beyond
        its natural size.

        allow : bool
            If True, then the image may be scaled larger than its
            natural if it is scaled to fit. If False, the image will
            never be scaled larger than its natural size. In either
            case, the image may be scaled smaller.

        self._allow_upscaling = allow

    def preserveAspectRatio(self):
        """ Returns whether or not the aspect ratio of the image is
        maintained during a resize.

        return self._preserve_aspect_ratio

    def setPreserveAspectRatio(self, preserve):
        """ Set whether or not to preserve the image aspect ratio.

        preserve : bool
            If True then the aspect ratio of the image will be preserved
            if it is scaled to fit. Otherwise, the aspect ratio will be

        self._preserve_aspect_ratio = preserve

[docs]class QtImageView(QtControl): """ A Qt implementation of an Enaml ImageView widget. """ #: Temporary internal storage for the image source url. _image_source = '' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying QImageView control. """ return QImageView(parent)
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the underlying control. """ super(QtImageView, self).create(tree) self._image_source = tree['source'] self.set_scale_to_fit(tree['scale_to_fit']) self.set_allow_upscaling(tree['allow_upscaling']) self.set_preserve_aspect_ratio(tree['preserve_aspect_ratio'])
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activate the image view. This method will request the initial image source for the widget. """ self.set_source(self._image_source) super(QtImageView, self).activate() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handlers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_source(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_source' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_source(content['source'])
[docs] def on_action_set_scale_to_fit(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_scale_to_fit' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_scale_to_fit(content['scale_to_fit'])
[docs] def on_action_set_allow_upscaling(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_allow_upscaling' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_allow_upscaling(content['allow_upscaling'])
[docs] def on_action_set_preserve_aspect_ratio(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_preserve_aspect_ratio' action from the Enaml widget """ self.set_preserve_aspect_ratio(content['preserve_aspect_ratio']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_scale_to_fit(self, scale_to_fit): """ Sets whether or not the image scales with the underlying control. """ self.widget().setScaledContents(scale_to_fit)
[docs] def set_allow_upscaling(self, allow): """ Sets whether or not the image will scale beyond its natural size. """ self.widget().setAllowUpscaling(allow)
[docs] def set_preserve_aspect_ratio(self, preserve): """ Sets whether or not to preserve the aspect ratio of the image when scaling. """ self.widget().setPreserveAspectRatio(preserve)
[docs] def set_source(self, source): """ Set the image source for the underlying widget. This will trigger a deferred load of the image pointed to by the given source url. """ if source: loader = self._session.load_resource(source) loader.on_load(self._on_image_load) else: self._on_image_load(QImage()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _on_image_load(self, image): """ A private resource loader callback. This method is invoked when the requested image is successfully loaded. It will update the image in the image view widget and issue a size hint updated event to the layout system if needed. Parameters ---------- image : QImage The QImage that was loaded by the resource request. """ if not isinstance(image, QImage): msg = 'got incorrect type for image: `%s`' logger.error(msg % type(image).__name__) image = QImage() with size_hint_guard(self): self.widget().setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image))