Source code for enaml.qt.qt_datetime_selector

#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from .qt.QtGui import QDateTimeEdit
from .qt_bounded_datetime import QtBoundedDatetime

[docs]class QtDatetimeSelector(QtBoundedDatetime): """ A Qt implementation of an Enaml DatetimeSelector. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_widget(self, parent, tree): """ Create the underlying datetime widget. """ return QDateTimeEdit(parent)
[docs] def create(self, tree): """ Create and initialize the underlying widget. """ super(QtDatetimeSelector, self).create(tree) self.set_datetime_format(tree['datetime_format']) self.set_calendar_popup(tree['calendar_popup']) self.widget().dateTimeChanged.connect(self.on_datetime_changed) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Handling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_action_set_datetime_format(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_datetime_format' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_datetime_format(content['datetime_format'])
[docs] def on_action_set_calendar_popup(self, content): """ Handle the 'set_calendar_popup' action from the Enaml widget. """ self.set_calendar_popup(content['calendar_popup']) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Update Methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_datetime(self): """ Return the current datetime in the control. Returns ------- result : QDateTime The current control datetime as a QDateTime object. """ return self.widget().dateTime()
[docs] def set_datetime(self, datetime): """ Set the widget's current datetime. Parameters ---------- datetime : QDateTime The QDateTime object to use for setting the datetime. """ with self.loopback_guard('datetime'): self.widget().setDateTime(datetime)
[docs] def set_max_datetime(self, datetime): """ Set the widget's maximum datetime. Parameters ---------- datetime : QDateTime The QDateTime object to use for setting the maximum datetime. """ self.widget().setMaximumDateTime(datetime)
[docs] def set_min_datetime(self, datetime): """ Set the widget's minimum datetime. Parameters ---------- datetime : QDateTime The QDateTime object to use for setting the minimum datetime. """ self.widget().setMinimumDateTime(datetime)
[docs] def set_datetime_format(self, datetime_format): """ Set the widget's datetime format. Parameters ---------- datetime_format : str A Python time formatting string. """ # XXX make sure Python's and Qt's format strings are the # same, or convert between the two. self.widget().setDisplayFormat(datetime_format)
[docs] def set_calendar_popup(self, popup): """ Set whether a calendar popup is available on the widget. Parameters ---------- popup : bool Whether the calendar popup is enabled. """ self.widget().setCalendarPopup(popup)