Enable Tools

Enable Tools are Interator subclasses that do not have to have any visual representation, and which can be dynamically added and removed from components by adding or removing them from the component’s tools list. This permits developers to quickly build up complex behaviours from simple, reproducible parts without having complex inheritance hierarchies.

Basic Tools

Enable provides a number of basic tools for common interactions.


The ButtonTool provides basic push-button or checkbox interactions, depending on how it is configured. The primary interface it provides is a clicked event which is fired when the user clicks in the region of the underlying component, or when the click() method is called. The clicked event is fired on mouse up.

To get checkbox-style behaviour, set togglable to True and then every click will invert the checked trait. The toggle state can also be changed via the toggle() method, which does not fire the clicked event when called. For buttons with multi-state toggles, subclasses can override the toggle() method to perform more complex state changes.

By default, the tool responds to clicks that are within the associated component, but subclasses can override this behaviour by replacing the is_clickable() method with something else.

It will commonly be the case that components or ButtonTool subclasses which draw may wish to respond to user interactions by drawing themselves in a highlighted or selected mode when the mouse is down inside the button region. The down trait provides this information conveniently, so that users of the tool can change their drawing state and request redraws when it changes.


The DragTool is an abstract base class that provides basic interaction support for draging within Enable. Many other tools within Enable and Chaco use it.


The HoverTool is a simple tool that calls a callback when the mouse has been held steadily over the component for a period of time.


A DragTool subclass that allows a user to move a component around its container by dragging.


A DragTool subclass that allows a user to resize a component by dragging from the edges of the component.


A DragTool subclass that allows a drag operation to set an arbitrary value.

Undo/Redo Support

The enable.tools.pyface package has a number of modules that provide classes for working with Pyface’s Undo/Redo stack. This permits Enable tools to add Commands to the Undo/Redo stack, and provides variants of the MoveTool and ResizeTool that are undoable.

In addition, a tool is provided which binds keystrokes to send undo and redo requests to the Pyface UndoManager.

High-Level Tools

There are three tools that provide convenient facilities and reference implementations of interacting with the undo/redo stack.


The UndoTool binds keystrokes to undo and redo operations. The undo_keys and redo_keys attributes each take a list of KeySpec objects which should trigger the relevant operations. The default values bind undo to ‘Ctrl+Z’ and redo to ‘Ctrl+Shift+Z’.

The UndoTool must be provided with an IUndoManager that will actually perform the undo and redo operations.

For example, to bind undo to ‘Ctrl+Left arrow’, and redo to ‘Ctrl+Right arrow’:

undo_tool = UndoTool(
    undo_keys=[KeySpec('Left', 'control')],
    redo_keys=[KeySpec('Right', 'control')]


The MoveCommandTool is a subclass of MoveTool that by default issues a MoveCommand at the end of every successful drag move. A MoveCommand stores the new and previous position of the component so that it can undo and redo the move. The MoveCommandTool needs to be provided with an ICommandStack instance that it will push commands to, but is otherwise identical to the usual MoveTool.

The command tool has a mergeable attribute which indicates whether subsequent move operations with the same component immediately following this one can be merged into one single move operation.

Typical usage would be something like this:

move_tool = MoveCommandTool(my_component, command_stack=my_command_stack)

Users of the tool can provide a different factory to create appropriate Command instances by setting the command trait to a callable that should expect keyword arguments component, data (the new position), previous_position, and mergeable.


The ResizeCommandTool is a subclass of ResizeTool that issues ResizeCommand s at the end of every successful drag move. A ResizeCommand stores the new and previous position and bounds of the component so that it can undo and redo the resize. The ResizeCommandTool needs to be provided with an ICommandStack instance that it will push commands to, but is otherwise identical to the usual ResizeTool.

The command tool has a mergeable attribute which indicates whether subsequent resize operations with the same component immediately following this one can be merged into one single resize operation.

Typical usage would be something like this:

move_tool = ResizeTool(my_component, command_stack=my_command_stack)

Users of the tool can provide a different factory to create appropriate Command instances by setting the command trait to a callable that should expect keyword arguments component, data (the new rectangle as a tuple (x, y, width, height)), previous_rectangle, and mergeable.

Command Classes

The library provides some useful Command subclasses that users may want to create specialized instances or subclass to customize the behaviour of their applications. They may also be of use to CommandAction subclasses outside of the Enable framework (such as menu items or toolbar buttons) which want to interact with Enable components.


This command handles changing the size of a component. The constructor expects arguments component, new_rectangle and (optionally) previous_rectangle, plus optional additional traits. If previous_rectangle is not provided, then the component’s current rectangle is used.

Instances hold references to the Component being resized in the component attribute, the new and previous rectangles of the component as tuples (x, y, width, height) in the data and previous_rectangle attributes, and whether or not subsequent resize operations on the same component should be merged together.

The tool handles the logic of changing the position and bounds of the component appropriately, as well as invalidating layout and requesting redraws.

It also provides a default name attribute of Resize `` plus the ``component_name (which in turn defaults to a more human-readable variant of the component’s class). Instances can improve this by either supplying a full replacement for the name attribute, or for the component_name.

Finally, there is a move_command class method that creates a ResizeCommand that just performs a move and is suitable as the command factory of a MoveCommandTool, which allows easy merging between resize and move operations, if required for the application.


This command handles changing the position of a component. The constructor expects arguments component, previous_position and (optionally) new_position, plus optional additional traits. If new_position is not provided, then the component’s current position is used.

Instances hold references to the Component being moved in the component attribute, the new and previous positions of the component as tuples (x, y) in the data and previous_position attributes, and whether or not subsequent move operations on the same component should be merged together.

The tool handles the logic of changing the position of the component appropriately, as well as invalidating layout and requesting redraws.

It also provides a default name attribute of Move `` plus the ``component_name (which in turn defaults to a more human-readable variant of the component’s class). Instances can improve this by either supplying a full replacement for the name attribute, or for the component_name.

Base Classes

There are two simple base classes of tools that are potentially of use to authors of new tools.


Tools which need to be able to trigger undo and redo actions, or otherwise interact with an undo manager (for example, to set the current command stack or clear the command history) can inherit from this class.

It has an undo_manager attribute which holds a reference to an IUndoManager and provides convenience methods for undo and redo using the undo manager.


Tools which need to perform undoable actions may want to inherit from this class. It provides a standard command_stack attribute which holds a reference to an ICommandStack. It also has a command callable trait that can be overriden by subclasses to create an appropriate command when demanded by the UI.

In addition to these simple base tools, authors of Tools or Actions that perform undoable operations on Enable or Chaco components may want to make use of the following Command subclass:


This class is an abstract base class for commands which act on Enable Components. It provides a component attribute which holds a reference to the component that the command should be performed on, and a component_name attribute that can be used to help build the name of the Command to be used in textual representations of the command (eg. in menu item labels).

The default component_name is just a more human-friendly version of the component’s class name, with camel-case converted to words. Users are encouraged to override with something even more user-friendly.