kiva.affine module

Functions for affine matrices.


Space Telescope Science Institute


BSD Style


Eric Jones, Enthought, Inc.,

These affine operations are based coordinate system transformations, not translations of pts, etc. To translate a point, you multiply it by the affine transform matrix:

             a    b    0
[x, y, 1] *  c    d    0 = [x', y', 1]
             tx   ty   1

This is the opposite order of multiplication from what many are accustomed to.

Here is a useful link:


I’m not using a class because of possible speed implications. Currently the affine transform is a 3x3 array. Other tools use a 6-tuple of (a, b, c, d, tx, ty) to represent the transform because the other 3 array entries are constant. Other code should call methods from this module instead of manipulating the array, in case the implementation is changed at some future date.


Returns an affine transform rotated by angle in radians.

kiva.affine.affine_from_scale(sx, sy)[source]

Returns an affine transform providing the given scaling.

kiva.affine.affine_from_translation(x, y)[source]

Returns an affine transform with the given translation.

kiva.affine.affine_from_values(a, b, c, d, tx, ty)[source]

Return the affine matrix corresponding to the values

The result is the array::

[ a b 0 ] [ c d 0 ] [ tx ty 1 ]


Returns a new identity affine_transform object.


Returns the a, b, c, d, tx, ty values of an affine transform.

kiva.affine.concat(transform, other)[source]

Returns the concatenation of transform with other. This is simply transform pre-multiplied by other.


Returns the inverse of the transform, m.


Tests whether an affine transform is the identity transform.

kiva.affine.rotate(transform, angle)[source]

Rotates transform by angle in radians.

Rotation is done using the following formula:

 cos(x)  sin(x)  0       a  b   0
-sin(x)  cos(x)  0   *   c  d   0 =
   0       0     1      tx ty   1
 cos(x)*a+sin(x)*b   cos(x)*b+sin(x)*d    0
-sin(x)*a+cos(x)*c  -sin(x)*b+cos(x)*d    0
         tx                  ty           1

where x = angle.

kiva.affine.scale(transform, sx, sy)[source]

Returns a scaled version of the transform by the given values.

Scaling is done using the following formula:

sx  0  0     a  b  0      sx*a sx*b  0
0  sy  0  *  c  d  0  =   sy*c sy*d  0
0   0  1    tx ty  1       0    0    1
kiva.affine.transform_point(ctm, pt)[source]

Returns pt transformed by the affine transform, ctm.

kiva.affine.transform_points(ctm, pts)[source]

Transforms an array of points using the affine transform, ctm.

kiva.affine.translate(transform, x, y)[source]

Returns transform translated by (x, y).


1  0  0      a   b   0         a          b        0
0  1  0   *  c   d   0  =      c          d        0
x  y  1     tx  ty   1     x*a+y*c+y  x*b+y*d+ty   1

Factors a matrix as if it is the product of translate/rotate/scale matrices applied (i.e., concatenated) in that order. It returns:


where tx and ty are the translations, sx and sy are the scaling values and angle is the rotational angle in radians.

If the input matrix was created in a way other than concatenating t/r/s matrices, the results could be wrong. For example, if there is any skew in the matrix, the returned results are wrong.

Needs Test!


Factors a matrix as if it is the product of translate/scale/rotate matrices applied (i.e., concatenated) in that order. It returns:

tx, ty, sx, sy, angle

where tx and ty are the translations, sx and sy are the scaling values and angle is the rotational angle in radians.

If the input matrix was created in a way other than concatenating t/s/r matrices, the results could be wrong. For example, if there is any skew in the matrix, the returned results are wrong.

Needs Test!