Source code for kiva.line_state

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""" LineState Class

The LineState class is used by the GraphicsState for Kiva backends which need
to have their state tracked by Python, rather than by an internal graphics
state (eg. Wx, SVG and PDF backends, but not Agg or QPainter).

from numpy import alltrue, array, asarray, shape, sometrue

from .constants import NO_DASH

[docs]def exactly_equal(arr1, arr2): return shape(arr1) == shape(arr2) and alltrue(arr1 == arr2)
[docs]def is_dashed(dash): # if all the values in the dash settings are 0, then it is a solid line. result = 0 if dash is not None and sometrue(asarray(dash[1]) != 0): result = 1 return result
[docs]def line_state_equal(line1, line2): """ Compares two `LineState` objects to see if they are equivalent. This is generally called by device-specific drawing routines before they stroke a path. It determines whether previously set line settings are equivalent to desired line settings for this drawing command. If true, the routine can bypass all the work needed to set all the line settings of the graphics device. With the current Python implementation, this may not provide any time savings over just setting all the graphics state values. However, in C this could be a very fast memcmp if the C structure is set up correctly. While this could be the __cmp__ method for `LineState`, I have left it as a function because I think it will move to C and be used to compare structures. """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # line_dash is a little persnickety. It is a 2-tuple # with the second entry being an array. If the arrays are different, # just comparing the tuple will yield true because of how rich # the result from the array comparison is a non-empty array which # tests true. Thus, the tuple comparison will test true even if the # arrays are different. Its almost like we need a "deep compare" # method or something like that. # # Note: I think should be easy, but is breaking because of a bug in # Numeric. Waiting for confirmation. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- dash_equal = line1.line_dash[0] == line2.line_dash[0] and exactly_equal( line1.line_dash[1], line2.line_dash[1] ) result = ( dash_equal and exactly_equal(line1.line_color, line2.line_color) and line1.line_width == line2.line_width and line1.line_cap == line2.line_cap and line1.line_join == line2.line_join ) return result
[docs]class LineState(object): """ Stores information about the current line drawing settings. This is split off from `GraphicsState` to make it easier to track line state changes. All the methods for setting these variables are left in the GraphicsStateBase class. """ def __init__(self, color, width, cap, join, dash): """ Creates a new `LineState` object. All input arguments that are containers are copied by the constructor. This prevents two `LineState` objects from ever sharing and modifying the other's data. """ self.line_color = array(color, copy=1) self.line_width = width self.line_cap = cap self.line_join = join if not dash: # always set line_dash to be a tuple self.line_dash = NO_DASH else: self.line_dash = (dash[0], array(dash[1], copy=1))
[docs] def copy(self): """ Makes a copy of the current line state """ # Could just use deepcopy... return LineState( self.line_color, self.line_width, self.line_cap, self.line_join, self.line_dash, )
[docs] def is_dashed(self): # if line_dash only has one entry, it is a solid line. return is_dashed(self.line_dash)