Source code for enable.viewport

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Defines a Viewport which renders sub-areas of components """

# Standard library imports
from numpy import array, dot

# Enthought library traits
from enable.simple_layout import simple_container_get_preferred_size
from import ViewportZoomTool
from kiva import affine
from traits.api import (
    Any, Bool, Delegate, Enum, Float, Instance, observe,

# Local relative imports
from .enable_traits import bounds_trait, coordinate_trait
from .base import empty_rectangle, intersect_bounds
from .component import Component
from .container import Container
from .canvas import Canvas

[docs]class Viewport(Component): """ A "window" or "view" into a sub-region of another component. """ # The component we are viewing component = Instance(Component) # The position of our viewport into our component (in the component's # coordinate space) view_position = coordinate_trait # The bounds of our viewport in the space of our component view_bounds = bounds_trait # Whether or not this viewport should stay constrained to the bounds # of the viewed component stay_inside = Bool(False) # Where to anchor vertically on resizes vertical_anchor = Enum("bottom", "top", "center") # Where to anchor vertically on resizes horizontal_anchor = Enum("left", "right", "center") # Enable Zoom interaction enable_zoom = Bool(False) # The zoom tool zoom_tool = Instance(ViewportZoomTool) # Zoom scaling factor for this viewport - Ratio of old bounds to new bounds # Zoom less than 1.0 means we are zoomed out, and more than 1.0 means # we are zoomed in. Zoom should always be positive and nonzero. zoom = Float(1.0) # Whether to initiate layout on the viewed component. This is necessary # if the component is only viewed through viewports, in which case one # of the viewports must lay it out or bounds must be set explicitly # on the component. initiate_layout = Bool(False) min_zoom = Delegate("zoom_tool", modify=True) max_zoom = Delegate("zoom_tool", modify=True) _component_preferred_size = Any(None) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, **traits): # ensure view_position and view_bounds are set after anchor traits view_position = traits.pop("view_position", None) view_bounds = traits.pop("view_bounds", None) Component.__init__(self, **traits) # can't use a default because need bounds to be set first if self.component is not None: self._initialize_position() if view_bounds is not None: self.view_bounds = view_bounds if view_position is not None: self.view_position = view_position if "zoom_tool" not in traits: self.zoom_tool = ViewportZoomTool(self) if self.enable_zoom: self._enable_zoom_changed(False, True)
[docs] def components_at(self, x, y, add_containers=False): """ Returns the list of components inside the viewport at the given (x,y) in the viewport's native coordinate space (not in the space of the component it is viewing). Although Viewports are not containers, they support this method. """ if self.is_in(x, y): if self.component is not None: # Transform (scale + translate) the incoming X and Y # coordinates from our coordinate system into the coordinate # system of the component we are viewing. x_trans, y_trans = self.viewport_to_component(x, y) if isinstance(self.component, Container): return self.component.components_at(x_trans, y_trans) elif self.component.is_in(x_trans, y_trans): return [self.component] else: return [] else: return []
[docs] def invalidate_draw(self, damaged_regions=None, self_relative=False, view_relative=False): if view_relative and damaged_regions: damaged_regions = [ [ region[0] - self.view_position[0], region[1] - self.view_position[1], region[2], region[3], ] for region in damaged_regions ] super().invalidate_draw( damaged_regions=damaged_regions, self_relative=self_relative )
[docs] def cleanup(self, window): """When a window viewing or containing a component is destroyed, cleanup is called on the component to give it the opportunity to delete any transient state it may have (such as backbuffers).""" if self.component: self.component.cleanup(window)
[docs] def get_preferred_size(self): """If we're initiating layout, act like an OverlayPlotContainer, otherwise do the normal component action""" if self.initiate_layout: self._component_preferred_size = ( simple_container_get_preferred_size( self, components=[self.container] ) ) return self._component_preferred_size else: return super().get_preferred_size()
[docs] def viewport_to_component(self, x, y): """ Given a coordinate X and Y in the viewport's coordinate system, returns and X and Y in the coordinate system of the viewed component. """ transform = self.get_event_transform() return dot(array([x, y, 1]), transform)[:2]
[docs] def component_to_viewport(self, x, y): """ Given a coordinate X and Y in the viewed component's coordinate system, returns a coordinate in the coordinate system of the Viewport. """ vx, vy = self.view_position ox, oy = self.outer_position newx = (x - vx) * self.zoom + ox newy = (y - vx) * self.zoom + oy return (newx, newy)
[docs] def get_event_transform(self, event=None, suffix=""): transform = affine.affine_identity() if isinstance(self.component, Component): # If we have zoom enabled, scale events. Since affine transforms # multiply from the left, we build up the transform from the # inside of the viewport outwards. if self.enable_zoom and self.zoom != 1.0: transform = affine.translate(transform, *self.view_position) transform = affine.scale( transform, 1 / self.zoom, 1 / self.zoom ) transform = affine.translate( transform, -self.outer_position[0], -self.outer_position[1] ) else: x_offset = self.view_position[0] - self.outer_position[0] y_offset = self.view_position[1] - self.outer_position[1] transform = affine.translate(transform, x_offset, y_offset) return transform
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Component interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _draw_mainlayer(self, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"): # For now, ViewPort ignores the view_bounds that are passed in... # Long term, it should be intersected with the view_position to # compute a new view_bounds to pass in to our component. if self.component is not None: x, y = self.position view_x, view_y = self.view_position with gc: # Clip in the viewport's space (screen space). This ensures # that the half-pixel offsets we us are actually screen pixels, # and it's easier/more accurate than transforming the clip # rectangle down into the component's space (especially if zoom # is involved). gc.clip_to_rect( x - 0.5, y - 0.5, self.width + 1, self.height + 1 ) # There is a two-step transformation from the viewport's # "outer" coordinates into the coordinates space of the viewed # component: scaling, followed by a translation. if self.enable_zoom: if self.zoom != 0: gc.scale_ctm(self.zoom, self.zoom) gc.translate_ctm( x / self.zoom - view_x, y / self.zoom - view_y ) else: raise RuntimeError("Viewport zoomed out too far.") else: gc.translate_ctm(x - view_x, y - view_y) # Now transform the passed-in view_bounds; this is not the same # thing as self.view_bounds! if view_bounds: # Find the intersection rectangle of the viewport with the # view_bounds, and transform this into the component's # space. clipped_view = intersect_bounds( self.position + self.bounds, view_bounds ) if clipped_view != empty_rectangle: # clipped_view and self.position are in the space of # our parent container. we know that # self.position -> view_x,view_y in the coordinate # space of our component. So, find the vector from # self.position to clipped_view, then add this to # view_x and view_y to generate the transformed # coordinates of clipped_view in our component's space. offset = array(clipped_view[:2]) - array(self.position) new_bounds = ( (offset[0] / self.zoom + view_x), (offset[1] / self.zoom + view_y), clipped_view[2] / self.zoom, clipped_view[3] / self.zoom, ) self.component.draw(gc, new_bounds, mode=mode) def _do_layout(self): if self.initiate_layout: self.component.bounds = list(self.component.get_preferred_size()) self.component.do_layout() else: super()._do_layout() def _dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix): if isinstance(self.component, Component): transform = self.get_event_transform(event, suffix) event.push_transform(transform, caller=self) try: self.component.dispatch(event, suffix) finally: event.pop(caller=self) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Event handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _enable_zoom_changed(self, old, new): """ Add or remove the zoom tool overlay depending whether or not zoom is enabled. """ if self.zoom_tool is None: return if self.enable_zoom: if self.zoom_tool not in else: if self.zoom_tool in def _update_component_view_bounds(self): """ Updates the optional .view_bounds trait on our component; mostly used for Canvas objects. """ if isinstance(self.component, Canvas): llx, lly = self.view_position self.component.view_bounds = ( llx, lly, llx + self.view_bounds[0] - 1, lly + self.view_bounds[1] - 1, ) def _component_changed(self, old, new): if (old is not None) and (self in old.viewports): old.viewports.remove(self) if (new is not None) and (self not in new.viewports): new.viewports.append(self) self._update_component_view_bounds() @observe("component:bounds") def _updated_component_bounds(self, event): new = old = event.old delta_x = new[0] - old[0] delta_y = new[1] - old[1] self._adjust_view_from_component_resize(delta_x, delta_y) @observe("component:bounds:items") def _updated_component_bounds_items(self, event): delta_x = 0 delta_y = 0 if event.index == 1: delta_y = event.added[0] - event.removed[0] else: delta_x = event.added[0] - event.removed[0] if len(event.removed) == 2: delta_y = event.added[1] - event.removed[1] self._adjust_view_from_component_resize(delta_x, delta_y) def _bounds_changed(self, old, new): Component._bounds_changed(self, old, new) new_w = new[0] / self.zoom new_h = new[1] / self.zoom w, h = self.view_bounds delta_x = new_w - w delta_y = new_h - h self._adjust_view_from_viewport_resize(delta_x, delta_y) def _bounds_items_changed(self, event): return self._bounds_changed(None, self.bounds) @observe("view_bounds,view_position") def _handle_view_box_changed(self, event=None): self._update_component_view_bounds() def _get_position(self): return self.view_position def _get_bounds(self): return self.view_bounds def _initial_position(self): x = 0 y = 0 if self.vertical_anchor == "top": y = self.component.height - self.view_bounds[1] elif self.vertical_anchor == "center": y = (self.component.height - self.view_bounds[1]) / 2.0 if self.horizontal_anchor == "right": x = self.component.width - self.view_bounds[0] elif self.horizontal_anchor == "center": x = (self.component.width - self.view_bounds[0]) / 2.0 return [x, y] def _initialize_position(self): self.trait_set(view_position=self._initial_position()) def _adjust_view_from_viewport_resize(self, delta_x, delta_y): """ The viewport has been resized, so need to adjust view parameters This computes the new view bounds, shifts the view position depending on the horizontal and vertical anchoring, and if we are trying to stay inside the viewed component, adjusts for that as well. Parameters ---------- delta_x : float The change in width of the view_bounds in viewed component coordinates. delta_y : float The change in height of the view_bounds in viewed component coordinates. """ # resize the view w, h = self.view_bounds new_w = w + delta_x new_h = h + delta_y x, y = self._shift_view_position(delta_x, delta_y) if self.stay_inside and self.component is not None: extra_width = self.component.width - new_w extra_height = self.component.height - new_h x, y = self._adjust_stay_inside(x, y, extra_width, extra_height) self.trait_set(view_bounds=[new_w, new_h], view_position=[x, y]) def _adjust_view_from_component_resize(self, delta_x, delta_y): """ The viewport has been resized, so need to adjust view parameters This shifts the view position depending on the horizontal and vertical anchoring, and if we are trying to stay inside the viewed component, adjusts for that as well. The view bounds should not change from a component resize. Parameters ---------- delta_x : float The change in width of the viewed component. delta_y : float The change in height of the viewed component. """ x, y = self._shift_view_position(-delta_x, -delta_y) if self.stay_inside and self.component is not None: w, h = self.view_bounds extra_width = self.component.width - w extra_height = self.component.height - h x, y = self._adjust_stay_inside(x, y, extra_width, extra_height) self.trait_set(view_position=[x, y]) def _shift_view_position(self, delta_x, delta_y): """ Compute new view position, accounting for anchoring Parameters ---------- delta_x : float The change in width that needs to be accounted for. delta_y : float The change in height that needs to be accounted for. Returns ------- position : tuple of float, float The new x, y coordinates for the view position. """ x, y = self.view_position if self.vertical_anchor == "top": y -= delta_y elif self.vertical_anchor == "center": y -= delta_y / 2 if self.horizontal_anchor == "right": x -= delta_x elif self.horizontal_anchor == "center": x -= delta_x / 2 return x, y def _adjust_stay_inside(self, x, y, extra_width, extra_height): """ Compute new view position, resisting views outside component The algorithm followed is: * if the view is smaller than the component, position should be between 0 and the amount of extra space * otherwise, expand view outside of component based on anchor point Parameters ---------- x : float The proposed x coordinate of the new view position. y : float The proposed y coordinate of the new view position. extra_width : float The difference in width between the viewed component and the view bounds (may be negative) extra_height : float The difference in height between the viewed component and the view bounds (may be negative) Returns ------- position : tuple of float, float The new x, y coordinates for the view position. """ if extra_height >= 0: y = min(max(0, y), extra_height) elif self.vertical_anchor == "top": y = extra_height elif self.vertical_anchor == "center": y = extra_height / 2 else: y = 0 if extra_width >= 0: x = min(max(0, x), extra_width) elif self.horizontal_anchor == "right": x = extra_width elif self.horizontal_anchor == "center": x = extra_width / 2 else: x = 0 return x, y