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# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Defines the ToolHistoryMixin class.
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Int, List
from enable.base_tool import KeySpec

[docs]class ToolHistoryMixin(HasTraits): """ A mix-in class for tools to maintain a tool state history and to move backwards and forwards through that history stack. This mix-in listens for keypressed events; to handle keypresses in a subclass, call self._history_handle_key(event) to have this mix-in properly process the event. """ # Key to go to the original or start state in the history. reset_state_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("Esc",)) # Key to go to the previous state in the history. prev_state_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("Left", "control")) # Key to go to the next state in the history. next_state_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("Right", "control")) # The state stack. _history = List # The current index into _history _history_index = Int # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Abstract methods that subclasses must implement to handle keypresses # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _next_state_pressed(self): """ Called when the tool needs to advance to the next state in the stack. The **_history_index** will have already been set to the index corresponding to the next state. """ pass def _prev_state_pressed(self): """ Called when the tool needs to advance to the previous state in the stack. The **_history_index** will have already been set to the index corresponding to the previous state. """ pass def _reset_state_pressed(self): """ Called when the tool needs to reset its history. The history index will have already been set to 0. """ pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protected methods for subclasses to use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _current_state(self): """ Returns the current history state. """ return self._history[self._history_index] def _reset_state(self, state): """ Clears the history stack and sets the first or original state in the history to *state*. """ self._history = [state] self._history_index = 0 return def _append_state(self, state, set_index=True): """ Clears the history after the current **_history_index**, and appends the given state to the history. If *set_index* is True, the method sets the **_history_index** to match the new, truncated history. If it is False, the history index is unchanged. """ new_history = self._history[: self._history_index + 1] + [state] self._history = new_history if set_index: self._history_index = len(self._history) - 1 return def _pop_state(self): """ Pops the most last state off the history stack. If the history index points to the end of the stack, then it is adjusted; otherwise, the index is unaffected. If the stack is empty, the method raises an IndexError. Returns the popped state. """ if len(self._history) == 0: raise IndexError("Unable to pop empty history stack.") if self._history_index == len(self._history) - 1: self._history_index -= 1 return self._history.pop() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods / event handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def normal_key_pressed(self, event): """ Handles a key being pressed, and takes appropriate action if it is one of the history keys defined for this class. """ self._history_handle_key(event) return
def _history_handle_key(self, event): if self.reset_state_key.match(event): self._history_index = 0 self._reset_state_pressed() event.handled = True elif self.prev_state_key.match(event): if self._history_index > 0: self._history_index -= 1 self._prev_state_pressed() event.handled = True elif self.next_state_key.match(event): if self._history_index <= len(self._history) - 2: self._history_index += 1 self._next_state_pressed() event.handled = True else: return