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# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
Tool to detect when the user hovers over a specific part of an underlying

# Enthought library imports
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool
from traits.api import Any, Callable, Enum, Float, Int
from pyface.toolkit import toolkit
from pyface.timer.api import DoLaterTimer

# Define a toolkit-specific function for determining the global mouse position
# XXX this probably belongs in Pyface's SystemMetrics or something similar.
if toolkit.toolkit == "wx":
    import wx

    def GetGlobalMousePosition():
        pos = wx.GetMousePosition()
        if isinstance(pos, tuple):
            return pos
        elif hasattr(pos, "x") and hasattr(pos, "y"):
            return (pos.x, pos.y)
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine mouse position")

elif toolkit.toolkit.startswith("qt"):
    from pyface.qt import QtGui

    def GetGlobalMousePosition():
        pos = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
        return (pos.x(), pos.y())


[docs] def GetGlobalMousePosition(): raise NotImplementedError( "GetGlobalMousePosition is not defined for" "toolkit '%s'." % toolkit.toolkit )
[docs]class HoverTool(BaseTool): """ Tool to detect when the user hovers over a certain area on a component. The type of area to detect can be configured by the 'area_type' and 'bounds' traits. Users of the class should either set the 'callback' attribute, or subclass and override on_hover(). """ # Defines the part of the component that the hover tool will listen area_type = Enum( "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "borders", # borders "UL", "UR", "LL", "LR", "corners", # corners ) # The width/height of the border or corner area. (Corners are assumed to # be square.) area = Float(35.0) # The number of milliseconds that the user has to keep the mouse within # the hover threshold before a hover is triggered. hover_delay = Int(500) # Controls the mouse sensitivity; if the mouse moves less than the # threshold amount in X or Y, then the hover timer is not reset. hover_threshold = Int(5) # The action to perform when the hover activates. This can be used # instead of subclassing and overriding on_hover(). # If cb_param is not None, then the callback gets passed it as # its single parameter. callback = Callable # An optional parameter that gets passed to the callback. cb_param = Any # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private traits # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # A tuple (x,y) of the mouse position (in global coordinate) when we set # the timer _start_xy = Any # The timer _timer = Any # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def on_hover(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This gets called when all the conditions of the hover action have been met, and the tool determines that the mouse is, in fact, hovering over a target region on the component. By default, this method call self.callback (if one is configured). """ if self.callback is not None: if self.cb_param is not None: self.callback(self.cb_param) else: self.callback()
[docs] def normal_mouse_move(self, event): if self._is_in(event.x, event.y): # update xy and restart the timer self._start_xy = GetGlobalMousePosition() self.restart_hover_timer(event)
[docs] def restart_hover_timer(self, event): if self._timer is None: self._create_timer(event) self._timer.start()
[docs] def on_timer(self, *args, **kwargs): position = GetGlobalMousePosition() diffx = abs(position[0] - self._start_xy[0]) diffy = abs(position[1] - self._start_xy[1]) if (diffx < self.hover_threshold) and (diffy < self.hover_threshold): self.on_hover()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _is_in(self, x, y): """ Returns True if local coordinates (x,y) is inside our hover region """ area_type = self.area_type.lower() c = self.component t = c.y2 - y <= self.area b = y - c.y <= self.area r = c.x2 - x <= self.area l = x - c.x <= self.area corner_mapping = {"ul": t & l, "ur": t & r, "ll": b & l, "lr": b & r} if area_type in ("top", "bottom", "left", "right"): return locals()[area_type[0]] elif area_type in ("ul", "ur", "ll", "lr"): return corner_mapping[area_type] elif area_type == "corners": return (t | b) & (l | r) elif area_type == "borders": return any((t, b, r, l)) def _create_timer(self, event): self._timer = DoLaterTimer(self.hover_delay, self.on_timer, (), {})