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# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" Defines the base DragTool class.
import warnings

# Enthought library imports
from enable.base_tool import BaseTool, KeySpec
from traits.api import Bool, Enum, List, Property, Str, Tuple, cached_property

[docs]class DragTool(BaseTool): """ Base class for tools that are activated by a drag operation. This tool insulates the drag operation from double clicks and the like, and gracefully manages the transition into and out of drag mode. """ # The mouse button used for this drag operation. drag_button = Enum("left", "right") # Deprecated; on_drag_leave is the new, more flexible / intuitive means for # providing this functionality # Cancel the drag operation if the mouse leaves the associated component? # NOTE: This behavior depends on "mouse_leave" events, which in general # are not fired when `capture_mouse` is True (default). end_drag_on_leave = Bool(False) # Do nothing, cancel or end the drag operation if the mouse leaves the # associated component? # NOTE: This behavior depends on "mouse_leave" events, which in general # are not fired when `capture_mouse` is True (default). on_drag_leave = Enum(None, 'cancel', 'end') # These keys, if pressed during drag, cause the drag operation to reset. cancel_keys = List(Str, ["Esc"]) # The position of the initial mouse click that started the drag. # Typically, tools that move things around use this # position to do hit-testing to determine what object to "pick up". mouse_down_position = Tuple(0.0, 0.0) # The modifier key that must be used to activate the tool. modifier_key = Enum("none", "shift", "alt", "control") # Whether or not to capture the mouse during the drag operation. In effect, # this routes mouse events back to this tool for dispatching, rather than # allowing the event to be handled by the window. This may have effects # surrounding "mouse_leave" events: see note on `on_drag_leave` flag. capture_mouse = Bool(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private traits used by DragTool # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The possible states of this tool. _drag_state = Enum("nondrag", "dragging") # Records whether a mouse_down event has been received while in # "nondrag" state. This is a safety check to prevent the tool from # suddenly getting mouse focus while the mouse button is down (either from # window_enter or programmatically) and erroneously # initiating a drag. _mouse_down_received = Bool(False) # private property to hold the current list of KeySpec instances of the # cancel keys _cancel_keys = Property(List(KeySpec), observe="cancel_keys") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Interface for subclasses # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_draggable(self, x, y): """ Returns whether the (x,y) position is in a region that is OK to drag. Used by the tool to determine when to start a drag. """ return True
[docs] def drag_start(self, event): """ Called when the drag operation starts. The *event* parameter is the mouse event that established the drag operation; its **x** and **y** attributes correspond to the current location of the mouse, and not to the position of the mouse when the initial left_down or right_down event happened. """ pass
[docs] def dragging(self, event): """ This method is called for every mouse_move event that the tool receives while the user is dragging the mouse. It is recommended that subclasses do most of their work in this method. """ pass
[docs] def drag_cancel(self, event): """ Called when the drag is cancelled. A drag is usually cancelled by receiving a mouse_leave event when end_drag_on_leave is True, or on_drag_leave is 'cancel', or by the user pressing any of the **cancel_keys**. """ pass
[docs] def drag_end(self, event): """ Called when a mouse event causes the drag operation to end. A drag is ended when a user releases the mouse, or by receiving a mouse_leave event when on_drag_leave is 'end'. """ pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods for handling drag # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix): # We intercept a lot of the basic events and re-map them if # necessary. "consume" indicates whether or not we should pass # the event to the subclass's handlers. consume = False if suffix == self.drag_button + "_down": consume = self._drag_button_down(event) elif suffix == self.drag_button + "_up": consume = self._drag_button_up(event) elif suffix == "mouse_move": consume = self._drag_mouse_move(event) elif suffix == "mouse_leave": consume = self._drag_mouse_leave(event) elif suffix == "mouse_enter": consume = self._drag_mouse_enter(event) elif suffix == "key_pressed": consume = self._drag_cancel_keypressed(event) if not consume: BaseTool._dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix) else: event.handled = True def _cancel_drag(self, event): self._drag_state = "nondrag" outcome = self.drag_cancel(event) self._mouse_down_received = False if event.window.mouse_owner is self: event.window.set_mouse_owner(None) return outcome def _end_drag(self, event): self._drag_state = "nondrag" outcome = self.drag_end(event) self._mouse_down_received = False if event.window.mouse_owner is self: event.window.set_mouse_owner(None) return outcome def _drag_cancel_keypressed(self, event): if (self._drag_state != "nondrag" and any(map(lambda x: x.match(event), self._cancel_keys))): return self._cancel_drag(event) else: return False def _drag_mouse_move(self, event): state = self._drag_state button_down = getattr(event, self.drag_button + "_down") if state == "nondrag": if (button_down and self._mouse_down_received and self.is_draggable(*self.mouse_down_position)): self._drag_state = "dragging" if self.capture_mouse: event.window.set_mouse_owner( self, transform=event.net_transform(), history=event.dispatch_history, ) self.drag_start(event) return self._drag_mouse_move(event) return False elif state == "dragging": if button_down: return self.dragging(event) else: return self._drag_button_up(event) # If we don't invoke the subclass drag handler, then don't consume the # event. return False def _drag_button_down(self, event): if self._drag_state == "nondrag": self.mouse_down_position = (event.x, event.y) self._mouse_down_received = True return False def _drag_button_up(self, event): self._mouse_down_received = False state = self._drag_state if event.window.mouse_owner == self: event.window.set_mouse_owner(None) if state == "dragging": self._drag_state = "nondrag" return self.drag_end(event) # If we don't invoke the subclass drag handler, then don't consume the # event. return False def _drag_mouse_leave(self, event): if self.end_drag_on_leave: # raise deprecation warning msg = ("end_drag_on_leave is now deprecated as its name was " "misleading. It triggers a drag_cancel not drag_end on " "leave. Use new on_drag_end Enum trait instead.") warnings.warn( msg, category=DeprecationWarning, ) if self._drag_state == "dragging": return self._cancel_drag(event) return False if self.on_drag_leave == "cancel" and self._drag_state == "dragging": return self._cancel_drag(event) elif self.on_drag_leave == "end" and self._drag_state == "dragging": return self._end_drag(event) return False def _drag_mouse_enter(self, event): state = self._drag_state if state == "nondrag": pass elif state == "dragging": pass return False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods for trait getter/setters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @cached_property def _get__cancel_keys(self): return [KeySpec(key) for key in self.cancel_keys]