Source code for enable.stacked_layout

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""" Routines for stacked layout of components in a container

[docs]def stacked_preferred_size(container, components=None): """ Returns the size (width,height) that is preferred for this component. Overrides Component. """ if container.fixed_preferred_size is not None: container._cached_preferred_size = container.fixed_preferred_size return container.fixed_preferred_size if container.resizable == "": container._cached_preferred_size = container.outer_bounds[:] return container.outer_bounds if components is None: components = container.components ndx = container.stack_index other_ndx = 1 - ndx no_visible_components = True total_size = 0 max_other_size = 0 for component in components: if not container._should_layout(component): continue no_visible_components = False pref_size = component.get_preferred_size() total_size += pref_size[ndx] + container.spacing if pref_size[other_ndx] > max_other_size: max_other_size = pref_size[other_ndx] if total_size >= container.spacing: total_size -= container.spacing if (container.stack_dimension not in container.resizable and container.stack_dimension not in container.fit_components): total_size = container.bounds[ndx] elif no_visible_components or (total_size == 0): total_size = container.default_size[ndx] if (container.other_dimension not in container.resizable and container.other_dimension not in container.fit_components): max_other_size = container.bounds[other_ndx] elif no_visible_components or (max_other_size == 0): max_other_size = container.default_size[other_ndx] if ndx == 0: container._cached_preferred_size = ( total_size + container.hpadding, max_other_size + container.vpadding, ) else: container._cached_preferred_size = ( max_other_size + container.hpadding, total_size + container.vpadding, ) return container._cached_preferred_size
[docs]def stack_layout(container, components, align): """ Helper method that does the actual work of layout. """ size = list(container.bounds) if container.fit_components != "": container.get_preferred_size() if "h" in container.fit_components: size[0] = container._cached_preferred_size[0] - container.hpadding if "v" in container.fit_components: size[1] = container._cached_preferred_size[1] - container.vpadding ndx = container.stack_index other_ndx = 1 - ndx other_dim = container.other_dimension # Assign sizes of non-resizable components, and compute the total size # used by them (along the stack dimension). total_fixed_size = 0 resizable_components = [] size_prefs = {} total_resizable_size = 0 for component in components: if not container._should_layout(component): continue if container.stack_dimension not in component.resizable: total_fixed_size += component.outer_bounds[ndx] else: preferred_size = component.get_preferred_size() size_prefs[component] = preferred_size total_resizable_size += preferred_size[ndx] resizable_components.append(component) new_bounds_dict = {} # Assign sizes of all the resizable components along the stack dimension if resizable_components: space = container.spacing * (len(container.components) - 1) avail_size = size[ndx] - total_fixed_size - space if total_resizable_size > 0: scale = avail_size / float(total_resizable_size) for component in resizable_components: tmp = list(component.outer_bounds) tmp[ndx] = int(size_prefs[component][ndx] * scale) new_bounds_dict[component] = tmp else: each_size = int(avail_size / len(resizable_components)) for component in resizable_components: tmp = list(component.outer_bounds) tmp[ndx] = each_size new_bounds_dict[component] = tmp # Loop over all the components, assigning position and computing the # size in the other dimension and its position. cur_pos = 0 for component in components: if not container._should_layout(component): continue position = list(component.outer_position) position[ndx] = cur_pos bounds = new_bounds_dict.get(component, list(component.outer_bounds)) cur_pos += bounds[ndx] + container.spacing if (bounds[other_ndx] > size[other_ndx] or other_dim in component.resizable): # If the component is resizable in the other dimension or it # exceeds the container bounds, set it to the maximum size of the # container position[other_ndx] = 0 bounds[other_ndx] = size[other_ndx] else: position[other_ndx] = 0 if align == "min": pass elif align == "max": position[other_ndx] = size[other_ndx] - bounds[other_ndx] elif align == "center": position[other_ndx] = ( size[other_ndx] - bounds[other_ndx] ) / 2.0 component.outer_position = position component.outer_bounds = bounds component.do_layout()