Source code for enable.stacked_container

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""" Containers which lay out their components horizontally or vertically


from traits.api import Enum, Float

from .container import Container
from .stacked_layout import stacked_preferred_size, stack_layout

[docs]class StackedContainer(Container): """ Base class for stacked containers """ # The dimension along which to stack components that are added to # this container. stack_dimension = Enum("h", "v", transient=True) # The "other" dimension, i.e., the dual of the stack dimension. other_dimension = Enum("v", "h", transient=True) # The index into obj.position and obj.bounds that corresponds to # **stack_dimension**. This is a class-level and not an instance-level # attribute. It must be 0 or 1. stack_index = 0 # The amount of space to put between components. spacing = Float(0.0)
[docs] def get_preferred_size(self, components=None): return stacked_preferred_size(self, components)
### Persistence ########################################################### def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() if "stack_index" in state: del state["stack_index"] return state
[docs]class HStackedContainer(StackedContainer): """ A container that stacks components horizontally. """ # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. stack_dimension = "h" # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. other_dimension = "v" # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. stack_index = 0 # HPlotContainer attributes # The vertical alignment of objects that don't span the full height. valign = Enum("bottom", "top", "center") # The order in which components in the plot container are laid out. stack_order = Enum("left_to_right", "right_to_left") def _do_layout(self): """ Actually performs a layout (called by do_layout()). """ if self.stack_order == "left_to_right": components = self.components else: components = self.components[::-1] if self.valign == "bottom": align = "min" elif self.valign == "center": align = "center" else: align = "max" return stack_layout(self, components, align)
[docs]class VStackedContainer(StackedContainer): """ A container that stacks components vertically. """ # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. stack_dimension = "v" # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. other_dimension = "h" # Overrides StackedPlotContainer. stack_index = 1 # VPlotContainer attributes # The horizontal alignment of objects that don't span the full width. halign = Enum("left", "right", "center") # The order in which components in the plot container are laid out. stack_order = Enum("bottom_to_top", "top_to_bottom") def _do_layout(self): """ Actually performs a layout (called by do_layout()). """ if self.stack_order == "bottom_to_top": components = self.components else: components = self.components[::-1] if self.halign == "left": align = "min" elif self.halign == "center": align = "center" else: align = "max" return stack_layout(self, components, align)